
Can you drink milk if you have a bad stomach? Traditional Chinese Medicine: It's best not to drink it

author:Great cure

A few days ago, a patient asked me that Chinese medicine didn't say that drinking milk is not good? Can a person with a bad stomach drink milk? Let me give you a brief answer to this question.

Can you drink milk if you have a bad stomach? Traditional Chinese Medicine: It's best not to drink it

First of all, Chinese medicine believes that milk is cold and easy to damage the function of the spleen and stomach, so it is not recommended to drink milk, let alone people with a bad stomach. However, there are exceptions, such as making ginger and milk, which uses the warmth of ginger to balance the coldness of milk, which can not only be drunk, but also has some special effects. It's completely okay for people with a bad stomach to drink this.

Some people say, isn't milk cold? Some people have a hot stomach, anyway, Chinese medicine is to use cold medicine to clear the heat, and they have no problem drinking milk.

Can you drink milk if you have a bad stomach? Traditional Chinese Medicine: It's best not to drink it

This problem, traditional Chinese medicine is conducive to the partial treatment of medicinal materials, especially for the viscera, pay attention to maintaining the function of the viscera itself in the process of correcting deviations, so even when it is necessary to use cold medicine, it will not only use cold medicine, but will use some warm medicine to balance the medicinal properties, because the viscera and the viscera themselves are independent of each other, such as the spleen and stomach, maybe when the stomach is hot, the spleen is cold.

Why do you say that, Chinese medicine says that the intestines are organs with the function of storing and receiving, and the organs are responsible for transporting and storing essence, cold things enter the stomach, and the stomach just stores them as a warehouse, and it is the spleen that really transports these things, and the cold nature of food directly acts on the spleen, so even if the stomach is hot, drinking milk will not make his stomach heat better, but will harm the spleen function.

Can you drink milk if you have a bad stomach? Traditional Chinese Medicine: It's best not to drink it

Therefore, if you want to drink milk, try to balance its sex before drinking it, so as to achieve the purpose of raising people without hurting others.

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