
20 years ago, I graduated from the military academy and reported to the army, and I knew a good aunt who took care of everything, but I was disappointed later

author:Jin Shengshui rises

Twenty years ago, when I graduated from the military academy and stepped into the door of the army, I met a person I will never forget - my aunt. She's the kind of person who takes care of everything, is so kind and cares so much about everyone. I remember her smile, always so warm and made people feel welcome.

I think back to that time as if it were yesterday. In the army, in the busy training life, the aunt always silently supported us behind the scenes, prepared delicious meals for us, and washed us from exhaustion. She was always so kind, so considerate, as if she were a motherly being.

However, I failed her kindness. When I was young and vigorous, I didn't cherish this friendship, and even sometimes I was suspicious and indifferent to her concern. I often think that as a soldier, I should be more resilient and decisive, and this dependence on my aunt seems a little weak.

20 years ago, I graduated from the military academy and reported to the army, and I knew a good aunt who took care of everything, but I was disappointed later

However, getting along again and again, communicating again and again, gradually changed me. I found out that in this harsh barracks, the presence of my aunt was so precious. She is not only our foodie, but also a comfort to our souls. With her by our side, we feel like we have a sense of home, and we can feel warm and relieved even when we are in danger.

Slowly, I began to learn to be grateful and to cherish. I began to take the initiative to care for my aunt and help her do what I could. I found that she is not selfless, she also needs to be cared for and taken care of. Whenever I see her smiling face, my heart is filled with happiness and satisfaction.

Time passed in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye, I had become an experienced military man. However, I will never forget my aunt's kindness to me and her support for me. She taught me to care for others and to cherish the people around me. Her kindness and tolerance will forever be etched in my heart.

20 years ago, I graduated from the military academy and reported to the army, and I knew a good aunt who took care of everything, but I was disappointed later

Today, when I look back on that time, my heart is filled with gratitude. I know that without my aunt's care and support, I might not have been able to get to where I am today. Therefore, I decided to pass on this love so that more people can feel warmth and care.

As my aunt once said to me: "Love is the most beautiful language, let us pass it on with our hearts and interpret it with our actions." I would like to take this sentence to heart, pass on love to everyone in need, and fill the world with warmth and love.

This story teaches us how important it is to care for each other. Even a small piece of love can sow seeds of hope in the hearts of others and make the world a better place. Therefore, let us move forward hand in hand, warm the world with love and kindness, so that everyone can feel sincere care and warmth.

20 years ago, I graduated from the military academy and reported to the army, and I knew a good aunt who took care of everything, but I was disappointed later