
From the bride price of 500 yuan to the retirement of the deputy commander, my legendary life!

author:Smoke Moon wrote

It was a sunny day, and I remember it clearly, when my mother called me out of the house and said, "Son, today is your big day, you have to behave well." "I was stunned, only to know that my family gave me a bride price of 500 yuan to marry Ah Hua from the neighboring village. Unexpectedly, this day's wedding became the starting point of my legendary life.

The wedding was a lively and lively event, and family and friends came to congratulate them. Suddenly, a group of soldiers barged in and tried to take me away without saying a word. It turned out that it was the mainland conscription who came, and I was a young man of school-age who was naturally selected. Ah Hua was so anxious that she burst into tears, but I felt that this was a great opportunity to turn over my poor boy.

When I arrived in the army, I studied hard, trained hard, and went from a small soldier to a deputy commander step by step. I can't count how many ups and downs I have experienced and how many life and death tests I have experienced in the process. I only remember that every time I encounter difficulties, I will think of Ah Hua's tears, which are the motivation for me to move forward.

On the day I retired, I returned to my hometown with a lot of honors. Ah Hua has become the mother of several children, and she is still so excited and relieved to see me. I told her that I wanted to start a business in my hometown and make our lives better.

But who knows, when I returned to the place, I encountered many difficulties. The village cadres sneered at me, saying that I was a "waste army commander" who could do nothing but fight. I was trembling with anger, but I had nowhere to vent. During that time, I drank almost every day to kill my sorrows.

One day, I was so drunk that I collapsed on the bridge at the entrance of the village. When I woke up, I found an old man in ragged clothes looking at me. He claimed to be the old party secretary of the village, and he was also a soldier when he was young. He told me that if I wanted to change my fate, I had to do something practical for the village.

So, I cheered up and led the villagers to build roads, build bridges, and develop industries. Over the years, the village has changed dramatically. Those who had laughed at me also gave me a thumbs up.

At this moment, a sudden flood plunged our village into crisis. I did not hesitate to lead the villagers in the flood relief and did not close my eyes for several days and nights. Finally, we were able to overcome the flood and save our homes.

That day, the old branch secretary said to me with tears in his eyes: "You are a great deputy commander and a great villager. I smiled, remembered the 500 bride price that year, remembered Ah Hua's tears, and felt a lot of emotion in my heart.

Today, I'm gray-haired, but my saga continues. Every time the night comes, I think of those passionate years, and the relatives and comrades-in-arms who accompanied me through. I know that as long as there is love in my heart, there are infinite possibilities in life.


As the years go by, my life has become more and more colorful in the continuous struggle. That day, I was in the field helping the villagers harvest their crops, and Ah Hua came over with a smile on her face but worry in her eyes.

"Old man, there has been some unrest in the village lately, have you heard?" She asked softly.

I stopped what I was doing and frowned: "What's wrong, what's wrong?" ”

"There are a few young people who are always making trouble and not working well, and the villagers have a headache." Ah Hua sighed.

I was silent for a while, then said, "I'll go talk to them." ”

In the evening, I found the young men. They sat in front of the commissary at the entrance of the village, drinking and chatting, seemingly idle.

"Don't you feel sorry for yourself for being like this?" I asked solemnly.

They were stunned, and then one of the young men stood up and said unconvinced: "We don't have to worry about our own business. ”

I smiled and decided to communicate with them in a different way. I began to talk about my experiences in the military, those life-and-death moments, those days when I overcame difficulties. I said, "Life is like a battle, and if you give up on yourself like this, you give up the fight." ”

They were silent, and I could see that my words touched them. From that day on, I became their mentor, teaching them how to farm and how to build the village. Slowly, they began to change, and they were no longer the young people who only drank and made trouble.

One day, several investors came to the village, and they took a fancy to our natural resources and wanted to invest in development. The villagers are both excited and worried, fearing that such a development will destroy our land.

Once again, I stepped forward and negotiated with investors to secure projects that would both grow the economy and protect the environment. Those young people also actively participated and became the main force of the project.

As the project progressed, the village became more prosperous. That day, I met the old branch secretary at the entrance of the village, and he patted me on the shoulder and said, "You have done a great thing for the village, and your life legend has added another strong stroke." ”

I smiled, but my heart was full of emotion. I remembered the 500 bride price, Ah Hua's tears, and those hard years. It is these memories that keep me moving forward on the road of life.

Now, I'm in my twilight years, but I still have passion in my heart. In the dead of night, I would look up at the stars and think back to the days that accompanied me. I know that as long as life ends, my legendary life will continue to be written.


As time went by, the village grew better and better, and my life gradually became full and peaceful. However, life is always full of surprises. That day, I was sorting out old things with Ah Hua at home, and suddenly I received a phone call, which was from my old comrades-in-arms in the army back then.

"Dude, there's something I need your help with." His voice sounded a little serious.

I immediately became nervous: "What's wrong?" What's wrong? ”

"Remember that little mountain village when we were on a mission at the border? Now there is a landslide and the situation is critical. His words made my heart tighten.

I didn't say a word, and immediately agreed: "I will immediately organize people to prepare relief materials." ”

As soon as I hung up the phone, I summoned the young men and told them that the situation was urgent and that they needed help. After hearing this, they agreed without hesitation, their eyes flashing with determination and responsibility.

Ah Hua looked at me worriedly from the side: "You are old, this kind of dangerous thing, let the young people do it." ”

I took her hand and said gently, "I am their leader, how can I back down at a critical moment?" Don't worry, I'll be safe. ”

The next day, we drove to the border mountain village with relief supplies. On the way, I told the young people about my experience in the army, those days when I fought side by side with my comrades, and they understood their responsibilities and responsibilities.

Upon arrival at the scene, we quickly plunged into the rescue effort. The landslide caused the collapse of some houses and left the villagers trapped in the rubble. In the process of rescue, I felt as if I had returned to the battlefield of my youth, and every digging and carrying was full of power.

Just as we managed to rescue the last trapped villager, there was a sudden slippage. A boulder rolled down the hill and headed straight for us. I yelled, "Get out of the way!" "The young men reacted quickly and pushed me and the other villagers aside.

The boulder smashed a large crater into the place where they had just stood. I got up, covered in dirt, but my heart was deeply grateful and happy. With their bravery, they avoided a tragedy.

After the rescue, we returned to the village. Those young people have grown a lot in this rescue operation, and they have become more mature and responsible. The villagers gave them a grand welcome and they became the heroes of the village.

The old branch secretary patted me on the shoulder: "You not only saved that village, but also saved these young people." ”

I smiled, but there was an indescribable taste in my heart. I knew that this was not just a rescue, but a profound experience in the legend of my life.

Today, Ah Hua and I are still staying in this village where we are working together, watching it get better day by day. Every night, I reflect under the stars that although my life is full of challenges, it is these challenges that make my life so exciting.


As time went by, the village grew better and better, and my life gradually became full and peaceful. However, life is always full of surprises. That day, I was sorting out old things with Ah Hua at home, and suddenly I received a phone call, which was from my old comrades-in-arms in the army back then.

"Dude, there's something I need your help with." His voice sounded a little serious.

I immediately became nervous: "What's wrong?" What's wrong? ”

"Remember that little mountain village when we were on a mission at the border? Now there is a landslide and the situation is critical. His words made my heart tighten.

I didn't say a word, and immediately agreed: "I will immediately organize people to prepare relief materials." ”

As soon as I hung up the phone, I summoned the young men and told them that the situation was urgent and that they needed help. After hearing this, they agreed without hesitation, their eyes flashing with determination and responsibility.

Ah Hua looked at me worriedly from the side: "You are old, this kind of dangerous thing, let the young people do it." ”

I took her hand and said gently, "I am their leader, how can I back down at a critical moment?" Don't worry, I'll be safe. ”

The next day, we drove to the border mountain village with relief supplies. On the way, I told the young people about my experience in the army, those days when I fought side by side with my comrades, and they understood their responsibilities and responsibilities.

Upon arrival at the scene, we quickly plunged into the rescue effort. The landslide caused the collapse of some houses and left the villagers trapped in the rubble. In the process of rescue, I felt as if I had returned to the battlefield of my youth, and every digging and carrying was full of power.

Just as we managed to rescue the last trapped villager, there was a sudden slippage. A boulder rolled down the hill and headed straight for us. I yelled, "Get out of the way!" "The young men reacted quickly and pushed me and the other villagers aside.

The boulder smashed a large crater into the place where they had just stood. I got up, covered in dirt, but my heart was deeply grateful and happy. With their bravery, they avoided a tragedy.

After the rescue, we returned to the village. Those young people have grown a lot in this rescue operation, and they have become more mature and responsible. The villagers gave them a grand welcome and they became the heroes of the village.

The old branch secretary patted me on the shoulder: "You not only saved that village, but also saved these young people." ”

I smiled, but there was an indescribable taste in my heart. I knew that this was not just a rescue, but a profound experience in the legend of my life.

Today, Ah Hua and I are still staying in this village where we are working together, watching it get better day by day. Every night, I reflect under the stars that although my life is full of challenges, it is these challenges that make my life so exciting.
