
In 1980, when I was married to a soldier, I was often found fault with my mother-in-law, and I easily solved it with this trick

author:Smoke Moon wrote

In 1980, I married Zhang Zhigang, a handsome soldier. Life after marriage is not as good as I imagined, especially my mother-in-law, who is always looking for fault with me. She always felt that I was not worthy of her son, after all, I came from an ordinary family.

That day, my mother-in-law started to find fault again, saying that the food I made was too salty, and that the clothes I washed were not clean enough. I held back my anger and tried not to get angry. At dinner, I served a bowl of stewed pork ribs, and my mother-in-law said critically: "This pork ribs are not stewed enough, Zhigang can't eat them." ”

I couldn't help it, but I didn't want to clash with my mother-in-law head-on, so I thought of a solution. I smiled and said, "Mom, your stewed pork ribs are the best, I'll ask you for advice tomorrow, what do you think?" ”

When the mother-in-law heard this, her face suddenly improved a lot, and she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll teach you to stew pork ribs tomorrow." ”

From that day on, I often asked my mother-in-law for advice on various household chores, and she was happy to teach me as well. Gradually, our relationship improved, and she stopped deliberately looking for fault with me.

However, the days of calm did not last long, and new conflicts returned. On that day, Zhigang's unit was going to hold a theatrical evening, and he asked me to go with him. I happily agreed, and dressed up carefully. However, when I appeared in front of my mother-in-law in the newly bought dress, she frowned: "Dress like this, what does it look like, go and change it out." ”

I froze, tears rolling in my eyes. At this time, Zhigang walked over, he looked at my skirt, smiled and said, "Mom, I think it's good, don't be too picky." ”

Unexpectedly, Zhigang's words made her mother-in-law change her mind. She glared at Zhigang and said, "Okay, let your daughter-in-law dress like this today." ”

After the party, I looked at Zhigang gratefully and said, "Thank you, for helping me out today." ”

Zhigang smiled and hugged my shoulders: "We are husband and wife, we should support each other." ”

In the days that followed, I learned how to deal with my mother-in-law's faults. Whenever she picks on me, I will follow her first, and then find a suitable time to ask her for advice, so that she can feel my sincerity.

In the blink of an eye, decades have passed, and Zhigang and I are full of children and grandchildren. And the relationship between me and my mother-in-law has become better and better, and she has even begun to rely on me and will consult me about anything.

Sometimes, I think back to the days when I was younger, and I am full of emotion. Marrying a soldier means putting on more pressure, but as long as we work hard, we will always find a way to live in harmony. Now, I am no longer the new daughter-in-law who was found fault with my mother-in-law, but a veteran who can easily deal with family conflicts. All of this stems from my responsibility and love for my family.

Time flies. Over the years, I have gradually understood my mother-in-law's intentions. She is actually a knife-mouthed tofu heart, but the expression is more direct. And Zhigang and I have also learned to support each other and face all kinds of difficulties in life together in the tempering of this marriage.

That day, my mother-in-law suddenly fell ill, and the doctor said that she needed to stay in bed for a period of time. Seeing my mother-in-law, who was usually strong, suddenly become fragile, my heart was sour. I resolutely took on the responsibility of taking care of my mother-in-law, and stewed soup and decoction for her every day.

One day, my mother-in-law called me to the bed, and she took my hand and said, "Daughter-in-law, my mother used to be wrong, and she always found fault with you." Actually, I was so picky because I was worried that you and Zhang Zhigang would not have a good time. Now that I see you so loving, I am relieved. ”

When I heard my mother-in-law's words, I couldn't help but burst into tears. I took her hand and whispered, "Mom, don't say that, the previous things are in the past." The most important thing now is that you get well quickly, we are still waiting for you to bring your grandchildren. ”

In the days of taking care of my mother-in-law, I learned to cherish the people around me more. And Zhigang also worked harder, in order to give us a better life. We are all guarding this home in our own way.

Soon after, the mother-in-law's body gradually recovered. The family returned to its old laughter. And Zhigang and I were also in this turmoil, which strengthened our feelings for each other.

That day, Zhigang came back from work and told me excitedly: "Daughter-in-law, I have good news for you. The unit will send me to further study, and I may have a better development when I come back. ”

I'm happy for him, but at the same time I'm a little worried: "Then we're going to be apart for a while." ”

Zhigang hugged me and comforted, "Don't worry, I'll be back as soon as possible." Moreover, communication is so convenient now that we can keep in touch often. ”

On the day I sent Zhigang to study, I took my mother-in-law and children to see him off. Looking at the back of Zhigang gradually drifting away, I had mixed feelings in my heart. But I know that this separation is for a better reunion.

During my time as a member of Zhigang, I took care of my family and learned new knowledge at the same time. I signed up for a home economics training class and learned more about cooking skills and homeschooling. And my mother-in-law has also become a big fan of mine, and she always says to her neighbors: "My daughter-in-law is now a master of housekeeping, and I can't do without her for family affairs." ”

Whenever I hear my mother-in-law praise me like this, I feel extremely gratified. I know that I am no longer the new daughter-in-law who is helpless in the face of family conflicts, but a housewife who can support the whole family. And all of this stems from my love for my family, my commitment to Zhigang, and my respect and understanding for my mother-in-law.

The days went by like this, and the children were slowly growing up. Zhigang came back from the end of his training, and sure enough, there were new job opportunities, and our lives were getting better and better. His work is busier, but whenever he has free time, he will always accompany us and make up for the regrets of separation.

One weekend afternoon, I was preparing dinner in the kitchen when my mother-in-law sat on the sofa in the living room, flipping through a photo album. I heard her whispering something, so I went over and sat down next to her and asked, "Mom, what are you looking at?" ”

The mother-in-law raised her head with a hint of nostalgia in her eyes: "This is a photo of you when you got married, how young you were at that time." Now in a blink of an eye, the grandsons are so old. ”

I took the album and looked at the old photos, and a warm current welled up in my heart. I smiled and said, "yes, time flies so fast." However, we still have many more years to go through together. ”

The mother-in-law nodded and smiled: "If you want to be so affectionate all the time, I will be relieved." ”

Just then, the children ran in from outside, excitedly shouting, "Daddy is back!" Daddy is back! I quickly put down the album and went out with my mother-in-law.

Zhigang was holding a large bag of things in his hand with a smile on his face. While distributing the gifts to the children, he said to me, "Daughter-in-law, I have been promoted, and I will go to work in other places for a while starting tomorrow." ”

I was stunned for a moment, then smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "That's a good thing, congratulations." With me at home, you can go with confidence. ”

That night, we sat around the dining table as a family, enjoying the warmth of reunion. After dinner, Zhigang and I cleaned up the table together, and he suddenly said to me, "Daughter-in-law, you have worked hard all these years. I know it's not easy for you to support this family alone, and when I come back this time, I will definitely work harder to give you and your children a better life. ”

I hugged him gently, tears flashing in my eyes: "We are a family, what do you say is hard or not." As long as our hearts are together, we are not afraid of any difficulties. ”

On the day Zhigang left, I went with my children to see him off. Looking at his departing back, I knew that the burden on his shoulders was heavier, but I also believed that he could bear it.

When I got home, my mother-in-law held my hand and said earnestly, "Daughter-in-law, Zhigang is not at home, and this family depends on you." I know you can do it, you are the pillar of our family. ”

I smiled and nodded, "Mom, don't worry, I will." ”

In the days since, I have worked harder to take care of my family and educate my children, while also actively participating in various activities in the community and making more friends. My mother-in-law's body has always been very strong, and she has become my right-hand man, and we have kept the house in good order.

Although there are always ups and downs in life, the mutual understanding and support between me, Zhigang and my mother-in-law have always filled this home with warmth and strength. We are all working hard for a better life, and this perseverance and love is the belief of our family.

As time went on, the children grew up, got into college, and left home. My mother-in-law and I were the only ones left at home. Zhigang still needs to travel frequently because of his work. Despite this, our relationship is not alienated by distance, but deepened.

My mother-in-law is getting older, and her body has begun to have some minor problems. I am more concerned about her health and often accompany her to the hospital for check-ups. One day, the doctor told us that my mother-in-law needed a minor operation. I decided to take care of her without hesitation, and I was by her side throughout the whole process, from pre-operative preparation to post-operative rehabilitation.

The operation went well and my mother-in-law recovered well. I stew soup and make nutritious meals for her every day, and I also chat and walk with her to keep her happy. During this time, the relationship between us became deeper, and she often said to me with emotion: "Daughter-in-law, you are really a blessing that I cultivated in my previous life, and I have such a good daughter-in-law as you." ”

Hearing her say this, my heart warmed. I know that over the years, although there have been ups and downs in life, we have all walked hand in hand. This deep relationship has long gone beyond the ordinary relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and has become more precious.

One day, Zhigang suddenly returned home early, and he told me that he had applied for a transfer back to work in the local area so that he could be by our side often in the future. My mother-in-law and I were overjoyed to hear the news. Our family can finally be reunited, and we no longer have to endure the pain of separation.

We were very happy on the day of reunion. Every day when Zhigang comes home from work, he will chat and walk with his mother-in-law. I am in charge of the chores of the house, keeping the house warm and comfortable. We will also go out on a trip together to see the great rivers and mountains of our motherland. During this time, our family bond became closer, as if we had returned to the good old days of our youth.

However, life is always full of uncertainties. One day, I suddenly felt unwell and after going to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor told me that I needed a minor surgery. This news made me a little worried, but when I thought of the company of Zhigang and my mother-in-law, my heart was full of confidence.

The day before the operation, my mother-in-law held my hand and whispered, "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, you will be fine with your mother." Zhigang also hugged me tightly and comforted: "We are facing it together as a family, there is nothing to be afraid of." ”

The surgery went well and I recovered well. Under the careful care of Zhigang and my mother-in-law, I recovered quickly. During this time, our family relationship has deepened, and we know that as long as our hearts are together, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

Today, we are entering our old age and our children are starting families. Our family is still living happily together, facing the bits and pieces of life together. I know that this happiness is not easy to come by, and we will cherish every day in front of us and walk through more years together.