
The Gulf War, the world's first information-based war, fired the first shot of modern warfare

author:A small chestnut

In the long course of history, some wars have not only shocked people, but also profoundly affected the perception and evolution of wars. Among them, the Gulf War was a splendid battle that integrated the concept of modern warfare, the means of informationized warfare, and the joint action of many countries. The causes and process of this war, as well as its far-reaching impact, are worthy of our in-depth understanding and consideration.

On 2 August 1990, Iraq suddenly launched a large-scale invasion of neighbouring Kuwait, a sudden action that shocked the world. Kuwait was caught off guard, and the Iraqi army quickly annexed the small country, setting the stage for the Gulf War that followed. The raid not only sparked strong international indignation, but also triggered a joint global action against Iraq's aggression.

The Gulf War can be seen as a model of an information-based war. In this war, the traditional concept of war has been subverted, and military strength is no longer the only decisive factor, but the degree of informationization of the combat system, the advanced nature of weapons and equipment, and the comprehensive grasp of the battlefield situation have become particularly important. Joint operations, precision strikes, and real-time intelligence became the main themes of the Gulf War.

The Gulf War, the world's first information-based war, fired the first shot of modern warfare

The entire Gulf War was mainly divided into three phases: Operation Desert Shield, Operation Desert Storm, and Operation Interception at Sea. Operation Desert Shield was the first resolute response to Iraq's aggression and laid the foundation for subsequent fighting. At this stage, the U.S.-led coalition organized massive forces and quickly deployed to Saudi Arabia and other places to prepare for an Iraqi offensive. Subsequently, Operation Desert Storm unfolded, witnessing the strong strength of the coalition forces in the air and on the ground, as well as the total control of the battlefield situation. Finally, the maritime interdiction operation was an effective deterrent to Iraq's maritime operations and ensured victory in the war.

What is impressive is that in the Gulf War, the Iraqi army, which claims to be the third most powerful military force in the world, announced its unconditional surrender after 43 days of fierce fighting. This announcement not only shocked the world, but also became a great irony in the history of the Gulf War. From aerial bombardment to ground engagements, the coalition forces quickly crushed Iraq's resistance with their powerful strength and superb tactics, completely changing the perception of previous wars.

However, the success of the Gulf War was not only due to the superiority of troops, but also to the superb performance of the coalition forces in information-based warfare. The precision strikes of aerial bombardment and the rapid advance of ground troops have demonstrated the power of informationized warfare. The victory in this war not only demonstrated the strength of the US military, but also showed the world a new style of informationized warfare and stimulated the military of various countries to attach importance to and pursue informationization construction.

The Gulf War, the world's first information-based war, fired the first shot of modern warfare

In the long history of the Gulf War, countless heroic feats and touching deeds were left behind. From the unified command of the coalition forces to the heroic battles of the armies of various countries, every detail has forged the glory of this war. However, more importantly, the Gulf War has brought us profound enlightenment: In the information age, war is no longer a simple confrontation of forces, but it is necessary to make full use of technical means and intelligent equipment to achieve the greatest victory at the lowest cost.

Therefore, let us bear in mind the lessons brought to us by this war, constantly strengthen our own informationization capabilities, and constantly enhance the advanced nature of our weapons and equipment, so as to meet the challenges of future wars. Only in this way can our country stand more confidently on the international stage and contribute more to world peace and stability.

The Gulf War, the world's first information-based war, fired the first shot of modern warfare

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