
Why is it that after a sword is inserted into a person's body, the person is already powerless to fight back before he dies?

author:Lily of the valley tells a story


Recently, there was a question about "Why is it that after the sword is inserted into the human body, the person is already powerless to fight back before he dies?" The discussion caused a heated discussion on the Internet, and many netizens left messages to share their views and ideas. In addition, some netizens shared some interesting experiences and ideas, including being hit by high heels, prostate examinations, and the imagination of a sword in the body, which resonated and discussed with everyone.

1. After the sword is inserted into the human body, why is it powerless to fight back?

Why is it that after a sword is inserted into a person's body, the person is already powerless to fight back before he dies?

Some people think that it is because of the pain and blood loss caused by the injury of the sword, some people think that it is the excessive secretion of adrenaline, which leads to a state of pain and coma, and some people think that it is the body's self-protection mechanism, which makes people unable to fight back when they are injured. So, what is the reason why a person cannot fight back after the sword is inserted into the body?

Why is it that after a sword is inserted into a person's body, the person is already powerless to fight back before he dies?

1. The inability to return fire after being injured may be related to the weight and shape of the sword

Why is it that after a sword is inserted into a person's body, the person is already powerless to fight back before he dies?

In ancient warfare, soldiers used a variety of weapons to fight, the most common of which was sharp blades, such as swords and knives. Interestingly, some history buffs have made a very interesting point when discussing swords, arguing that after being stabbed into the body by a sword, it is not because of the pain caused by the wound that a person cannot fight back, but because of the pressure on the body caused by the weight and shape of the sword.

Why is it that after a sword is inserted into a person's body, the person is already powerless to fight back before he dies?

Imagine that if a sharp long sword is inserted into the body, whether it is in the chest, abdomen or other parts, the weight and shape of the sword will cause great pressure on the body, and may directly press on vital organs, such as the heart, lungs, etc., so that even if there is no blood loss and pain, it will make it impossible for people to breathe and move, so that they cannot fight back. Therefore, once the ancient warriors were stabbed by the enemy's long sword on the battlefield, they were basically the line between life and death, and there was no chance to fight back.

Why is it that after a sword is inserted into a person's body, the person is already powerless to fight back before he dies?

2. The secretion of adrenaline does not make you a Super Saiyan

Why is it that after a sword is inserted into a person's body, the person is already powerless to fight back before he dies?

In addition to the pressure on the body caused by the weight and shape of the sword, some netizens believe that the reason why people are unable to fight back when they are injured is because of excessive secretion of adrenaline, resulting in a state of pain and coma. Indeed, when a person's body is seriously injured, the secretion of adrenaline will increase greatly, which is also a mechanism for the body to protect itself, allowing people to react quickly in dangerous situations, such as running, climbing, etc., thereby increasing the chances of escape.

However, adrenaline is not a panacea, and it does not turn a person into a Super Saiyan, but may put one into a state of painful coma. When the secretion of adrenaline is excessive, although the pain can be temporarily suppressed, but as it gradually decreases, the person will feel extremely severe pain, and even fall into a coma, unable to wake up and fight back, which is why in ancient wars, many soldiers were obviously seriously injured, but they showed a fearless appearance, because they did not feel pain at all, and this state may only last for a few hours, after which it will become extremely painful.

3. Unexpected courage and calmness

Of course, adrenaline production is not something that everyone will experience, and everyone's physical and mental state is different, so when it comes to injury, a variety of situations can arise. Some people may not be able to fight back because of the pain, but there are also some people who will show unexpected courage and calmness in the face of extremely serious injuries, such as suddenly discovering danger and taking action, which actually has a lot to do with the individual's psychological quality and willpower.

In real life, some such things have indeed happened, some people have obviously been seriously injured, such as being stabbed into the body by a sword, but they can calmly deal with it, and even take the initiative to protect others, in this case, their body will release a substance called "endorphins", which can effectively resist pain, but also make people stay calm and brave, which is why some people can show amazing perseverance and willpower after being injured, and become a hero admired by everyone.

Why is it that after a sword is inserted into a person's body, the person is already powerless to fight back before he dies?


Whether it is in ancient wars or in modern society, human beings cannot get rid of pain and injury, but it is these trials and tribulations that make us stronger and stronger, and also inspire courage and calmness in our hearts. Therefore, in the face of pain and difficulties, we do not need to escape and fear, but learn to be brave and strong, believing that we have enough courage and perseverance to face all unknown challenges and adventures.