
"Murdering" peasants with profits? The Ministry of Rural Agriculture made it clear that the destruction of green seedlings is strictly prohibited!

author:Cool mushrooms

Ryo Mushroom has recently discovered an infuriating incident, so please follow in my footsteps to see what happened. After knowing the truth, I also said that I was speechless, and I could only say that it was too difficult for farmers.

Recently, a news story about "silage wheat" has caused a heated discussion on the Internet. In order to harvest green fodder, farmers in some places harvest wheat in advance and make it into fodder, so that the wheat that should be used to make flour is "grassed", and there is also a risk of feed poisoning. Such a practice not only wastes food resources, but also may have an impact on agricultural product markets and food security, so it has attracted great attention from all walks of life.

In fact, in order to solve this problem, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs also attaches great importance to it, and issued an emergency notice at the first time, requiring all localities to strictly prohibit "silage wheat", and gave a detailed explanation and explanation of this. It can be seen that the protection of food security is a systematic project, which requires the joint efforts of all parties, and farmers are an important part of it, and how to better protect the interests of farmers while protecting food security has become an urgent problem to be solved.

Qian Mushroom Liang is also from the countryside, I believe that you who read this article are also from the countryside, everyone continue to follow my footsteps and do a deeper understanding.

"Murdering" peasants with profits? The Ministry of Rural Agriculture made it clear that the destruction of green seedlings is strictly prohibited!
"Murdering" peasants with profits? The Ministry of Rural Agriculture made it clear that the destruction of green seedlings is strictly prohibited!

1. Current hot event: "silage wheat" is popular in rural areas

"Murdering" peasants with profits? The Ministry of Rural Agriculture made it clear that the destruction of green seedlings is strictly prohibited!

Recently, there have been reports in some places that farmers are harvesting wheat before it is ripe and turning it into fodder, a practice known as "silage wheat". It is understood that the so-called "silage wheat" is actually the unmature wheat plants together with the ears of wheat, after a simple treatment, fermentation and acidification, and finally as feed to livestock.

"Murdering" peasants with profits? The Ministry of Rural Agriculture made it clear that the destruction of green seedlings is strictly prohibited!
"Murdering" peasants with profits? The Ministry of Rural Agriculture made it clear that the destruction of green seedlings is strictly prohibited!

For a time, such a practice became popular in some places, on the one hand, because the current feed market demand is strong, the price of green fodder is relatively high, which can bring good economic benefits, on the other hand, it also benefits from the vigorous development of livestock and poultry breeding industry in some places in recent years, and the demand for green fodder is increasing.

"Murdering" peasants with profits? The Ministry of Rural Agriculture made it clear that the destruction of green seedlings is strictly prohibited!

However, although "silage wheat" can solve the current feed shortage to a certain extent, the negative impact behind it cannot be ignored. First of all, wheat is one of the staple crops on the mainland, and the planting area is also very extensive, once a large area of "silage wheat" appears, it is bound to have an impact on the food security of the mainland, and even trigger panic in the market, resulting in fluctuations in grain prices.

"Murdering" peasants with profits? The Ministry of Rural Agriculture made it clear that the destruction of green seedlings is strictly prohibited!

Secondly, the current "silage wheat" practice is not standardized, farmers in the green fodder processing, often add a large number of starter and preservatives, in this way, not only easy to cause feed poisoning incidents, but also may have a certain impact on the growth and health of livestock, to bring potential economic losses to farmers.

Therefore, although "silage wheat" can alleviate the problem of feed shortage to a certain extent, the risks and hidden dangers behind it, as well as the potential impact on food security and agricultural product markets, need to be paid enough attention.

"Murdering" peasants with profits? The Ministry of Rural Agriculture made it clear that the destruction of green seedlings is strictly prohibited!

2. Emergency notice of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: "silage wheat" is strictly prohibited

In the face of the phenomenon of "silage wheat", the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs attaches great importance to it, and issued an emergency notice at the first time, requiring all localities to strictly prohibit "silage wheat", and gave a detailed explanation and explanation of this.

In the notice, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs made it clear that the current overall growth of wheat crops in various places is good, there is no possibility of large-scale reduction in production, and there will be no shortage of feed silage, so there is no need to solve the problem of feed supply through "silage wheat".

At the same time, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs also particularly stressed that the mainland is a major grain producer, and it has been implementing the strategy of food security, and the original intention of planting wheat is to ensure the security of the mainland's food rations.

It can be seen that the reason why the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs urgently stopped the "silage wheat" is that it attaches great importance to food security, and also hopes to remind the farmers that the planting of grain crops must adhere to scientific planting, and cannot bring hidden dangers to food security for the sake of immediate interests.

At the same time, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs also requires all localities to strengthen policy publicity and guidance for farmers, help them establish correct planting concepts, enhance food security awareness, care for grain, grow grain scientifically, and contribute to the grain harvest and the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

"Murdering" peasants with profits? The Ministry of Rural Agriculture made it clear that the destruction of green seedlings is strictly prohibited!

3. Balance between farmers' interests and food security

After all, the current cost of agricultural production is getting higher and higher, and there are many uncertainties in the market, once there is a natural disaster, it may have a certain impact on the economic income of farmers.

At the same time, the current poverty alleviation policy is also constantly adjusted and optimized, for some low-income households and rural poor people, there are not many stable income channels, therefore, in their eyes, grabbing green fodder may become a "timely rain" to help them overcome the current economic difficulties.

It can be said that what is contained behind the farmers' harvest of green fodder is not only the pursuit of economic interests, but also the expectation of life and a hope for the future, and how to better take care of and protect the interests of farmers under the premise of protecting food security has also become an urgent problem to be solved.

As a matter of fact, the balance between peasants' economic interests and food security is not smooth sailing, but a systematic project that requires the joint participation and efforts of all sectors of society. First of all, government departments can strengthen supervision, establish a sound incentive and restraint mechanism, and strictly punish the behavior of grabbing green fodder, so as to eliminate such behavior from the system.

At the same time, we can also increase policy support and assistance for farmers, provide them with more income channels and employment opportunities, so that farmers can participate in agricultural production at the same time, but also enjoy the corresponding economic returns, in this way, perhaps to a certain extent, to alleviate their "quick success" to harvest green fodder.

In addition, we can also strengthen publicity and education to guide farmers to establish the concept of sustainable development, so that they realize that protecting food security is not only the responsibility of the government, but also requires everyone's participation and efforts, and only in this way can the goal of food security and rural revitalization be truly achieved.

"Murdering" peasants with profits? The Ministry of Rural Agriculture made it clear that the destruction of green seedlings is strictly prohibited!

Fourth, how to better protect the interests of peasants

It can be seen that the current "silage wheat" incident is actually a good "touchstone", which tests not only the importance we attach to food security, but also the specific practice of protecting farmers' interests. In order to achieve the "best of both worlds" in this "litmus test" and achieve a win-win situation between farmers' interests and food security, we need to fundamentally think about how to better protect farmers' interests.

First of all, we can start from the policy system, the current poverty alleviation policy can be more accurately connected to agricultural production and farmers' income increase, for some special difficult groups, targeted policy measures can be taken to help them solve practical difficulties, fundamentally put an end to their "for life, have to" thinking.

At the same time, we can also make further improvements in agricultural insurance and loss compensation, so as to provide all-round protection for farmers' agricultural production, so that they can receive timely and effective help whether it is natural disasters or market risks, so as to enhance their confidence and determination to participate in agricultural production.

In addition, by promoting the revitalization of rural industries, we can create more employment opportunities and income platforms for farmers, so that their sense of gain and happiness can truly come from stable and sustainable economic income, rather than a temporary harvest of "quick success".

Of course, more importantly, it is necessary for the whole society to pay attention to and support the protection of farmers' interests, so that they can become beneficiaries and participants in the process of urbanization and modernization, and truly realize the comprehensive integration of urban and rural areas, so that we can find a long-term sustainable mechanism for protecting farmers' interests, and can we fundamentally solve the deep-seated contradictions and problems reflected in similar incidents.

"Murdering" peasants with profits? The Ministry of Rural Agriculture made it clear that the destruction of green seedlings is strictly prohibited!

V. Conclusion

The emergence of the "silage wheat" incident has undoubtedly sounded the alarm for us, and also made us more clearly aware that the protection of farmers' interests is not smooth sailing, which contains many challenges and contradictions, which require us to be more open-minded and wise to deal with and solve.

It is hoped that through such an event, it can arouse great attention and in-depth thinking from all walks of life, and make us realize that the protection of food security and the realization of rural revitalization are inseparable from the solid support of farmers, the "main force", and we also need to jointly undertake and solve various problems and challenges, so that farmers can truly become beneficiaries and participants of food security and rural revitalization, and jointly welcome the harvest moment of a better life.

Seeing this, I believe that everyone has a certain understanding of the incident, so what do you want to say about this?

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