
If your blood sugar is high and you can't lower it, try this method

author:Dr. Huang talks about health
If your blood sugar is high and you can't lower it, try this method

56-year-old Uncle Wang, a diabetic patient, has been diagnosed for 5 years, although he has been taking metformin and other hypoglycemic drugs for a long time, his blood sugar control has been unsatisfactory, and his fasting blood sugar often hovers around 8-10mmol/L.

Uncle Wang was worried that long-term high blood sugar would cause complications and affect the quality of life, and I happened to hear from a friend that traditional Chinese medicine has a miraculous effect in treating diabetes, which can not only stabilize blood sugar and reduce complications, but also reduce the burden of pancreatic islets and improve physical fitness.

If your blood sugar is high and you can't lower it, try this method

He told Uncle Wang: "Thirst is a sign of yin deficiency and heat, the lungs, stomach and kidneys are deficient, and the subtlety is depleted.

I will prescribe a Chinese medicine prescription for you, the medicinal properties are peaceful, and the symptoms and root causes are treated, you only need to take one dose a day, insist on a month, and your blood sugar can slowly come down. "

If your blood sugar is high and you can't lower it, try this method

Uncle Wang asked suspiciously: "After taking Western medicine for so long, the effect is not obvious, can the Chinese medicine prescription really work?" The old Chinese medicine doctor said with a smile: "Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, and prescribes the right medicine, you belong to the yin deficiency and dryness type, and Western medicine pays more attention to lowering blood sugar, but it hurts yin and helps dryness, and the medicine is not right, which makes the disease prolong."

Traditional Chinese medicine can nourish yin and clear heat, regulate the spleen and stomach, take into account the specimens, and get twice the result with half the effort. "

If your blood sugar is high and you can't lower it, try this method

The old Chinese medicine doctor prescribed a traditional Chinese medicine prescription to Uncle Wang: "20 grams of raw land, 15 grams of Yuzhu, 15 grams of smallpox pollen, 15 grams of turtle shell, 30 grams of astragalus, 20 grams of yam, 15 grams of lotus leaf, 20 grams of kudzu, one dose a day, decoction divided into 2 times." "

He explained: "The raw land nourishes the shade and cools the blood, and the jade bamboo and smallpox pollen clear the heat and generate the jin; Turtle carapace nourishes yin and latent yang, and relieves deficiency and heat; Astragalus invigorates qi and strengthens the spleen, helps to dispel evil; Yam and lotus leaves strengthen the spleen and infiltrate dampness, dissolve turbidity and reduce lipids; Pueraria lobata rises to the sun, quenches thirst, and the combination of various medicines can nourish yin and clear heat, strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, and treat both the symptoms and the root causes. "

If your blood sugar is high and you can't lower it, try this method

Uncle Wang took the medicine according to the doctor's instructions, and cooperated with diet and exercise conditioning, and after a follow-up visit, the fasting blood sugar dropped to about 7mmol/L, and the blood sugar was maintained at 8-10mmol/L 2 hours after meals, and the symptoms such as dry mouth and fatigue were reduced, and the physical fitness improved.

After taking it for 3 months, the fasting and postprandial blood sugar were close to the normal range, and the glycosylated hemoglobin dropped to 7%.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that thirst-quenching diseases are located in the lungs, spleen, and kidneys.

If your blood sugar is high and you can't lower it, try this method

The deficiency is mainly yin deficiency, the lungs and stomach are deficient, the kidney yin is insufficient, and the deficiency is endogenous; The standard is mainly based on dry and hot heat, hot and hurtful, hot and dry, and the muscles are eliminated, causing symptoms such as good hunger, excessive food and easy hunger, and excessive urination.

Fangzhong is born to nourish yin and cool blood, jade bamboo, smallpox pollen to clear heat and generate jin, turtle nails to nourish yin and latent yang, this is a product that nourishes yin and clears heat; Astragalus membranaceus invigorates qi and strengthens the spleen, strengthens the peiben, and helps pancreatic islet cells repair; Yam and lotus leaves strengthen the spleen and infiltrate dampness, improve insulin resistance; Kudzu rises to the sun, and quenches thirst with shengjin.

The combination of various medicines can work together to nourish yin and clear heat, strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, take into account the specimens, and take care of the pancreatic islets.

If your blood sugar is high and you can't lower it, try this method

Modern pharmacological studies have also confirmed that the saponins in the raw land have a significant hypoglycemic effect, which can stimulate insulin secretion and improve the sugar utilization of surrounding tissues. Astragalus polysaccharides can induce pancreatic islet B cell regeneration and restore insulin secretion;

The soft-shelled turtle protein and soft-shelled turtle polypeptide in soft-shelled turtle nail can promote the synthesis and release of insulin and enhance its biological activity. Yam starch can delay sugar absorption, improve insulin resistance, reduce hyperglycemic damage, and the synergistic effect of traditional Chinese medicine compound can dissolve blood sugar toxins, warm and replenish kidney yang, and the effect is obvious.

Different from the multi-target one-way regulation of Western medicine, the compound formula of traditional Chinese medicine starts from the whole, taking into account the specimen, harmonizing yin and yang, and strengthening the right and dispelling evil.

If your blood sugar is high and you can't lower it, try this method

Modern studies have shown that traditional Chinese medicine can not only lower blood sugar, but also protect pancreatic B cells, improve insulin resistance, regulate lipid metabolism, antioxidant to protect vascular endothelium, reduce complications, and have few side effects, can be taken for a long time, and can reduce or replace Western medicine, which opens up new ideas for the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

In addition, traditional Chinese medicine also emphasizes the influence of diet and daily life regulation on blood sugar, such as eating a light and less sweet diet, eating more vegetables, fruits and grains, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, and controlling hobbies; Early bedtime and early wake-up, moderate exercise, and optimism can help improve insulin resistance and stabilize blood sugar fluctuations.

Of course, for severe diabetes, such as ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar coma and other emergencies, it is still necessary to use insulin and other Western drugs in time.

If your blood sugar is high and you can't lower it, try this method

For refractory hyperglycemia, you can also combine traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine to complement each other's advantages, reduce the dosage of Western medicine, and delay the progression of the disease.

In short, Uncle Wang's case brings an enlightenment to diabetic patients: in the face of stubborn diseases, we might as well change our perspective, combine disease differentiation and syndrome differentiation, and treat the symptoms together, I believe that unexpected curative effects can be obtained.

Traditional Chinese medicine is broad and profound, modern research and the experience of the ancients complement each other here, and in today's rapid development of medicine, traditional wisdom is still shining brightly.