
Empress Taimu of the Tang Dynasty: What kind of mother can teach an emperor like Li Shimin through the ages?

author:Happy Star p1R

Li Yuan, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, was an outstanding politician and military strategist, but his real achievements are reflected in his two sons, Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin. Although Li Jiancheng eventually failed, Li Shimin established an empire that lasted for more than 200 years and created the rule of Zhenguan in a prosperous and peaceful era. As their mother, the Taimu Empress Dou must have played an important role. She was born in a famous family, smart and virtuous, and played the role of a virtuous helper in Li Yuan's officialdom career. But what kind of educational philosophy and practice did she have created Li Shimin, the first emperor of the ages? What role did she play in Li Yuan's seizure of the world? These deserve to be explored in depth.

Empress Taimu of the Tang Dynasty: What kind of mother can teach an emperor like Li Shimin through the ages?

Family history: the first half of Dou's life

Empress Taimu of the Tang Dynasty: What kind of mother can teach an emperor like Li Shimin through the ages?

Dou was born in a prominent family in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, his father Dou Yi was a general of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and his mother Princess Xiangyang was the sister of Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty, Yuwen Yong. Since childhood, he has been trained by his ancestors and nurtured with kindness, and Dou has shown extraordinary qualifications and conduct since he was a child.

It is reported that Dou had neck-length hair when he was born, and when he was three years old, his hair was as long as his body. In ancient times, people had a saying that "from the sky", believing that those with abnormal hair length would have extraordinary opportunities. Dou's life experience is indeed in response to this prophecy.

Although she is a woman, Dou has been deeply educated since she was a child, and she has been immersed in women's training classics such as "The Biography of the Daughters" for a long time, and she will never forget it. Her mother dressed her up beautifully and sent her to the palace of her uncle Yuwen Yong, where she was loved by Emperor Wu of Zhou. Yu Wenyong dotes on his niece, treats her as his own, and loves him more than the rest of his in-laws.

In the palace, although Dou is still young, he is quick and well-informed. She had witnessed Emperor Wu of Zhou's poor treatment of Empress Ashina, so she spoke bluntly to Emperor Wu, asking Emperor Wu to put the country's plan first, and not to snub the Turkic queen, so as not to make the northern relatives suspicious and difficult. Yuwen Yong obeyed his persuasion, and then treated Ashina with courtesy, and was friendly with him for many years. A childhood girl can judge the situation so much and be far-sighted, which is really very accessible.

Empress Taimu of the Tang Dynasty: What kind of mother can teach an emperor like Li Shimin through the ages?

After the Northern Zhou Dynasty died in Sui, Dou was only thirteen years old, crying and resentful, hating and powerless to return to heaven. After that, she hid her anger and desire to serve the country in her heart, and it was not until her husband Li Yuan destroyed the Sui that she could spit out.

It can be seen that the Dou family has been in a big family since childhood, and has been well educated, and by chance, it has laid the foundation for his wisdom and resourcefulness in the future. Such a family history will definitely be a strong support for her to teach her children.


After the Dou family married the Li family, the rules of the elders of the Three Dynasties became the norm in her life. She abides by etiquette, acts in accordance with the rules, never exceeds the slightest demarcation, and is self-sustaining with filial piety everywhere.

Empress Taimu of the Tang Dynasty: What kind of mother can teach an emperor like Li Shimin through the ages?

Back then, the mother-in-law was old and frail, and her temperament was violent, and many daughters-in-law could not serve them. The only Dou family is waiting on the side day and night, and asks Jing Chenghuan from time to time. It is reported that Dou even dressed neatly all day long, tied his hair and hair, in case he couldn't take care of the details, and gave the most considerate care.

As the years go by, the lonely family is getting older and older, and his physical strength is getting worse. Dou still personally supervises the diet and daily life, even if her mother-in-law is capricious, she has never neglected and neglected. When the lonely family closed the coffin and discussed the matter, he knew the good intentions of this virtuous daughter-in-law. She said: "I am a person who is not easy to get along with, and all my daughters-in-law have been wronged because of me, but the Dou family is filial, and she is really hard for her!" "

In fact, when the lonely clan just passed the door, it was rumored that he had a violent temperament, and many men and women married changed their colors when they heard it. Some people even secretly revealed to Li Xin and persuaded him to choose another good couple. Li Xun said bluntly: "The sage has his own sage recognition, how can he listen to rumors? Sure enough, the second elder loved his granddaughter-in-law very much.

Mother-in-law is like this, it is conceivable that Dou is even more deferential and elegant to her husband Li Yuan. According to Li Shimin's recollection, his mother was always kind and magnanimous. When he was young and frivolous, his mother never scolded him harshly, but just blindly persuaded and discussed. When his ambition was not realized, his mother was convinced that he would do something in the future.

Empress Taimu of the Tang Dynasty: What kind of mother can teach an emperor like Li Shimin through the ages?

It is precisely because of such a virtuous and virtuous mother that Li Shimin will not be like Han Xin, who has lost his affection and pampered life; will not be like Li Shixun, who is blind to his mother and son, which is very wrong. This is one of the greatest merits of Empress Dou Taimu.

In addition to being virtuous, Dou is also very literary. Since she was a child, she has been good at splashing ink, and her words are as beautiful as a clock, and when she copied her husband's posthumous pen, she was able to fake it as the real one, and she was also quite literate. But she never showed off herself, but only wrote papers for her husband and helped him support the government affairs.

People are not plants and trees, who can be flawless? Dou's life does have some flaws, such as she once caused her husband Li Yuan to be demoted because of a horse, but she soon took the initiative to remedy her mistakes and save the situation. For example, she sometimes inevitably loves her son, and is slightly biased towards her son. But in general, she is self-controlled, indifferent to fame and fortune, focuses on a Chinese dumpling, leads by example everywhere, and is really a qualified good wife and mother.

Wise strategy: Advice for her husband Li Yuan

Empress Taimu of the Tang Dynasty: What kind of mother can teach an emperor like Li Shimin through the ages?

The Dou family is not only virtuous and virtuous, but also resourceful, and in the process of Li Yuan's seizure of the country, he made suggestions and suggestions, and made great contributions. She is constantly wary of her husband's indulging in power and gradually losing his former ambitions.

At that time, Li Yuan served in the Sui Dynasty, worshiped the hussar general, and guarded Shuofang. Dou saw that the Sui Dynasty was decaying, and he couldn't help but be a little anxious. She said to Li Yuan: "The Sui Dynasty is mediocre and unreasonable, and the dynasty is not safe. How can we always follow the path of the flow and turn a blind eye? "

When Li Yuan heard this, he was furious and reprimanded: "What kind of words do you make! How dare I have two hearts! Dou immediately retreated and did not say anything more.

However, soon, Emperor Yang of Sui rebelled in the capital, and the government became unstable. Dou said to Li Yuan again: "The building is about to fall, we should be more careful." Li Yuan didn't get angry this time, just kept silent.

Empress Taimu of the Tang Dynasty: What kind of mother can teach an emperor like Li Shimin through the ages?

When the Turkic Xue Shaozhong raised an army to defeat the Sui Dynasty and waved his army south, Dou repeatedly advised Li Yuan: "Now is a good opportunity, don't miss it." Li Yuan never took action. It was not until the main Turkic force was defeated by the Sui Dynasty that the Dou clan was relieved.

However, soon, Li Bi and others from the four towns of Anxi broke into the pass with their whole family. Dou said: "The hearts of the people have been scattered, and the Sui Dynasty is irretrievable. If my generation does not want to be ambitious in the world, what will we do? Li Yuan finally came to his senses.

When Li Yuan was about to send troops to attack the Sui Dynasty, Dou said to him cautiously: "Today, I have come from thousands of miles away to see him off here. You can calm the four seas, and my heart should be worthy of it. Otherwise, you don't have to go back, and you don't have to! "

These words are very alarming and not without spurring. Sure enough, Li Yuan was ambitious from then on, and finally ascended the throne as the emperor.

Empress Taimu of the Tang Dynasty: What kind of mother can teach an emperor like Li Shimin through the ages?

Even after Li Yuan ascended the throne, Dou often advised her husband to pay attention to political affairs. Once, Li Yuan favored the eunuch Zhang Wenhe and prepared to let him enter the eunuch. Dou said to Li Yuan: "The dictatorship of relatives in the past is the reason for Sui's death. Your Majesty must not repeat the mistakes of the past and condone the traitors and eunuchs, which will eventually lead to a catastrophe! "

Li Yuan followed his words, and really did not let Zhang Wenhe become a eunuch. All these fully demonstrated the wise vision and far-sighted political wisdom of Empress Taimu, and cleared the obstacles for her husband Li Yuan, which was extremely beneficial.

Strict requirements: teach children well

As a mother, godsons are naturally the most important part of the Dou family. She is strict with her son, pays attention to character cultivation since he was a child, and is diligent in learning, which has laid a solid foundation for the future broom.

Empress Taimu of the Tang Dynasty: What kind of mother can teach an emperor like Li Shimin through the ages?

It is rumored that in the year when Li Shimin was born, Dou's delivery date was approaching, and Li Yuan ordered someone to invite a famous doctor from a hundred miles away to come in case of emergency. When waiting for childbirth, everything is in order, human and material evidence, to ensure the safety of mother and child. This kind of meticulous and thoughtful arrangement is really rare. It can be seen that the Li couple attaches great importance to their children.

Li Shimin has been knowledgeable since he was a child, and he has learned literature and characters, and he is quite attained. This is naturally inseparable from the mother's edification and requirements. It is reported that the mother once corrected her son's composition, pointed out dozens of mistakes, and explained them one by one, so that he could improve more and more. Although Li Shimin had regarded composition as a common thing at that time, he still had a deep understanding of his mother's high standards and strict requirements.

In addition to words, Dou also attaches great importance to his son's character. She often taught Li Shimin to "be ashamed of food and clothing, and be self-motivated", and often told the deeds of the sages to warn him not to be arrogant and complacent.

When Li Shimin was young and frivolous, his mother persuaded him in every possible way, hoping that he could correct his thinking. It is said that once, Li Shimin pretended to be flashy in front of his mother, and was severely reprimanded by his mother: "Obscene and extravagant, losing identity!" Drunk gold fans, broken not expensive! Since then, Li Shimin has followed his mother's precepts and has made a lot of changes.

Empress Taimu of the Tang Dynasty: What kind of mother can teach an emperor like Li Shimin through the ages?

At the end of his life, his mother told Li Shimin: "I have read all my hundred years of life, and only diligent study and thrift are the source of self-achievement." You will surely have great things to do in the future, but you must not be arrogant and boastful, and you should guard against arrogance and rashness. "

Li Shimin choked up and sobbed and promised his mother's legacy. Sure enough, this teaching did have a subtle effect on him. After ascending the throne, he gradually practiced his efforts, and the old style of drawing camps and camps and comparing the baht has not changed at all. This is not unrelated to the teachings of his mother when she was alive.

What's even more commendable is that the Dou family does not favor personal feelings, treats all sons equally, and has never shown favoritism. On the contrary, she doted on her cousin Li Jiancheng even more, hoping that she could help Li Shimin and create a great cause together. It can be seen that the Dou family teaches his children well, adheres to the principle of fairness to all his children, and has no selfish thoughts.

A dying will: a model for posterity

Empress Taimu of the Tang Dynasty: What kind of mother can teach an emperor like Li Shimin through the ages?

When the Taimu Empress Dou's life was nearing the end, she taught her children and grandchildren, and her legacy was continuous, setting a model for future generations, which is still widely spread today.

In 643 AD, Empress Dou Taimu fell seriously ill. She summoned her eldest son to the bed, and said earnestly: "I will return to the West today, only a few words of teaching, do not ignore it." "

She then taught her children and grandchildren that they should first "be considerate of the feelings of the people and practice benevolent government." She said that the monarch should care for the suffering of the common people, treat his subjects as if they were innocent, and do his best to relieve them in the event of disasters and epidemics. She hopes that her children and grandchildren will be diligent in visiting the countryside and the wilderness, understand the people's conditions, and eliminate harm for the people. "Second, be courteous and prudent." Empress Taimu had seen the Sui family's Wokotai arrogant, lascivious, authoritarian and arrogant, so she especially told her descendants not to follow suit, to be serious, and to act cautiously and steadily.

She also has the precept of "not exceeding the rules, not violating the body". She said that the aristocracy that started in ancient times often fell because of indulgence and indulgence, and that children and grandchildren must not repeat the mistakes of the past, and must exercise self-discipline and self-discipline. "Thrifty to run the family, benevolence to cherish Yi" is her life motto about teaching her children to run the family, hoping that future generations can bow down to the realization of the grand wish of "helping the world".

Empress Taimu of the Tang Dynasty: What kind of mother can teach an emperor like Li Shimin through the ages?

Empress Taimu even told her son: "As a mother, I have my own faults, and future generations must not spoil their children too much." She knew very well that indulgence in lust was the bane of a generation, so she especially instructed her son not to dote on her children like Wu Zetian, which led to chaos in the court.

As for the servants of the palace, she instructed her children and grandchildren: "The family members should not be paid to collect firewood, and they should not be with them." She said that although the palace people have a humble status, they must not be abused and humiliated. On the contrary, it is more important to be considerate and give due courtesy.

In the end, she said: "The world is a big plan, and the husband and wife should each do their part." The implication of these words is to hope that the children and grandchildren will work in harmony with the concubines, and not be as disturbed as the Sui Dynasty, so that the country's fortunes will decline.

Speaking of this testament, Queen Taimu has a deep meaning. She hopes that future generations can firmly remember the teachings and carry out the concept of "encouraging with virtue and being righteous with heart" to the end.

Empress Taimu of the Tang Dynasty: What kind of mother can teach an emperor like Li Shimin through the ages?

Until her death, Empress Taimu did not mention her reputation and status in the first half of the sentence, and blindly taught her children and grandchildren, hoping that they could uphold noble character and implement benevolent politics. It can be seen that although she was born in the world, she has long had no desire for fame and fortune, and her only pursuit is to establish a model of wisdom, wisdom, and unswerving tenacity for future generations. This noble sentiment should be an eternal example for future generations.