
A 50-year-old man loves to eat mustard and insists on going for a physical examination after 8 months, what happens to his physical condition?

author:Jiajia health science

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Lao Wang is a 50-year-old taxi driver, he gets up early every day, shuttles through the streets and alleys of the city, runs for a living, due to the particularity of the work, Lao Wang's life is very irregular, often in the middle of the night is still driving, hungry casually in the roadside stall to solve, especially worrying is that Lao Wang particularly likes to eat mustard, almost three meals a day can not do without it, this habit Lao Wang has insisted on for eight months.

Until not long ago, Lao Wang suddenly felt flustered and short of breath, and the whole person was not in a state, he realized that the problem might be his own, so he came to the hospital to ask for a comprehensive physical examination, "Recently, I have always been unwell, and I don't know what's going on," In my consultation room, Lao Wang said with a tired face, his slightly pale face and puffy eyes, all revealing the red light on his body.

A 50-year-old man loves to eat mustard and insists on going for a physical examination after 8 months, what happens to his physical condition?

I carefully looked at Lao Wang's physical examination report and found that the situation was a little worrying, his blood pressure was obviously high, reaching the standard of high blood pressure, and at the same time, the kidney function indicators were also abnormal, and the levels of creatinine and urea nitrogen exceeded the normal range, all of which showed that Wang's body had lit up warning lights.

"Lao WangJudging from your examination results, you have high blood pressure and abnormal kidney function, I want to know, what are your usual diet and lifestyle habits? I asked Lao Wang with concern, trying to find out the root of the problem, Lao Wang scratched his head embarrassedly, and said frankly: "I work here, often stay up late, eat irregularly, these months are greedy, especially love to eat mustard, can eat several meals a day, I think the mustard is appetizing and greasy, the taste is good, and it has become a habit." "

A 50-year-old man loves to eat mustard and insists on going for a physical examination after 8 months, what happens to his physical condition?

Hearing Lao Wang's words, I was secretly surprised, I couldn't help but sweat for him, I hurriedly warned him: "Lao Wang, you must know that although mustard is delicious, it contains a lot of salt, like you eat a lot of sodium, too much sodium intake every day, it is very easy to lead to high blood pressure, causing high blood pressure, and staying up late and irregular work and rest lifestyle, will also bring additional burden to the kidneys, resulting in impaired kidney function, if this continues, it is likely to fall into the problem of hypertensive nephropathy, by that time, It's not as simple as taking medicine. "

After listening to my words, Lao Wang was stunned, he never seemed to have thought that his usual favorite side dishes would bring so much harm to his body unconsciously, "Then doctor, what should I do?" Isn't it too late," he looked at me anxiously and helplessly, his tone full of regret.

A 50-year-old man loves to eat mustard and insists on going for a physical examination after 8 months, what happens to his physical condition?

I comforted Lao Wang and encouraged him to build confidence, "At present, your situation is quite timely, as long as you are willing to make up your mind to change, there is still a good hope to control it," I said earnestly, "First of all, you should immediately quit the habit of eating more mustard, change to a light and less salt diet, the daily salt amount should be controlled within 6 grams, and at the same time, add some potassium-rich foods to the meal, such as bananas, oranges, potatoes, etc., which can play a good role in lowering blood pressure. Ensure adequate sleep time, avoid overwork, and learn to reduce stress in life and maintain an optimistic and peaceful attitude.

A 50-year-old man loves to eat mustard and insists on going for a physical examination after 8 months, what happens to his physical condition?

After listening to my words, Lao Wang nodded thoughtfully, "Thank you, Doctor Yun, I will definitely do what you say, get rid of bad habits, and work hard to regulate my body, I can't spoil myself like this anymore," he said with a firm gaze.

Looking at the back of Lao Wang leaving the clinic, my heart is both relieved and emotional, the fast pace of modern life, so that many people have become a healthy "overdraft family", they are busy at the same time, often ignore the importance of healthy eating and living habits, as everyone knows, those seemingly insignificant small details, accumulated over time, but will bury unbearable hidden dangers to the body.

A 50-year-old man loves to eat mustard and insists on going for a physical examination after 8 months, what happens to his physical condition?

Excessive intake of high-salt, high-fat foods, coupled with unhealthy lifestyles such as staying up late and stressed, are often the "accomplices" of chronic diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

As a doctor, I would like to use Lao Wang's story to call on everyone to pay attention to their own lifestyle, balanced diet, regular work and rest, and moderate exercise are good habits that everyone should develop, even if they like a certain food, they must learn to moderation and avoid excessive consumption.

A 50-year-old man loves to eat mustard and insists on going for a physical examination after 8 months, what happens to his physical condition?

I would also like to emphasize the necessity of early screening, when there are some abnormal signals in the body, such as dizziness, fatigue, increased blood pressure, etc., we must pay attention to it and go to the hospital for examination in time, many diseases can be controlled through active intervention in the early stage, but if you hold on to luck and delay repeatedly, it will often delay the best time for treatment and cause irreparable losses.

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