
The woman sold the marriage house to save her sick brother, but her boyfriend proposed to break up

author:Butter bears

In a bustling city, there is a girl named Li Yu, who is gentle and kind, and is the little sun in the hearts of those around her. Li Yu has a younger brother, named Li Xuan, the two have a deep relationship since childhood, after the early death of their parents, the sister and brother depend on each other and face the ups and downs of life together.

Li Yu works as an administrator in a large company, and although he has a stable income, his life is not rich. Her boyfriend Wang Yu is a young talent with a successful career, the two have been in love for many years and have been planning to get married. They have taken a fancy to a house together, as a future wedding room, and look forward to entering the palace of marriage as soon as possible.

However, fate gave Li Yu a heavy blow at this time. Li Xuan suddenly suffered from a rare blood disease and needed a large amount of medical expenses for treatment. The doctor told Li Yu that if he wanted to cure Li Xuan's disease, he needed to prepare at least 500,000 yuan for surgery and follow-up treatment. This number is undoubtedly an astronomical number for Li Yu.

Li Yu fell into deep despair, and she didn't know what to do. She thought of her wedding room, which was her and Wang Yu's dream together, and their future home. However, looking at his weak brother on the hospital bed, Li Yu made a difficult decision - to sell the marriage house and save his brother's life.

The woman sold the marriage house to save her sick brother, but her boyfriend proposed to break up

When Li Yu told Wang Yu about this decision, Wang Yu was shocked. He couldn't understand why Li Yu made such a choice, and he felt that his future with Li Yu was ruined by Li Yu's younger brother. He began to doubt Li Yu's feelings for him, and even began to doubt their future.

Wang Yu's indifference and suspicion made Li Yu's heart like a knife. She knew she had made a difficult decision, but she never thought about giving up on her brother. She explained to Wang Yu that she hoped he would understand her distress, but Wang Yu couldn't accept this fact. He felt betrayed and abandoned by Li Yu and her younger brother.

In the endless quarrels and cold wars, the relationship between Li Yu and Wang Yu gradually drifted apart. Li Yu is busy between the hospital and home every day, taking care of his younger brother's daily life and diet, and at the same time facing Wang Yu's indifference and accusations. She was under tremendous stress both physically and mentally, but she never gave up on her brother's treatment.

Finally one day, Li Yu received a call from the hospital, saying that he had found a suitable bone marrow donor who could perform surgery on Li Xuan. However, the cost of surgery is still a huge issue. Li Yu did not hesitate, she decided to continue to sell her marriage house to raise money for her brother's surgery.

The woman sold the marriage house to save her sick brother, but her boyfriend proposed to break up

When Li Yu told Wang Yu about this decision again, Wang Yu completely collapsed. He felt that he had been completely abandoned by Li Yu, and he couldn't accept this fact. He proposed to Li Yu to break up, saying that he couldn't be with a woman who gave up everything for his brother.

Li Yu's heart was like ashes, she didn't expect her decision to make Wang Yu so decisive. She silently accepted the fact of the breakup and put all her thoughts on her brother's surgery. With her efforts, the operation went smoothly and Li Xuan's condition gradually improved.

However, Li Yu's life did not become easier because of this. She lost her beloved boyfriend and her future home. She lives alone in a small rented house and is busy working and taking care of her younger brother every day. However, she never regretted her decision. Because she knows that family affection cannot be measured by money.

Time passed slowly, and Li Yu's life gradually returned to calm. She began to re-examine her life and values. She understands that true love is not built on a material basis, but on mutual understanding and support. She decides to let go of the pain of the past and face the future anew.

The woman sold the marriage house to save her sick brother, but her boyfriend proposed to break up

In the process, Li Yu met a kind and warm man - Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang is an ordinary office worker, but he has a kind heart. He understands Li Yu's past and decisions, and respects her choices and values. He is willing to face the challenges and difficulties of the future with Li Yu and create a happy life for them together.

Accompanied by Zhang Yang, Li Yu gradually stepped out of the shadow of the past. She began to learn to let go of the pain and regrets of the past and face the future bravely. She understands that although life is full of challenges and difficulties, as long as we maintain a kind and strong heart, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and usher in our own happiness.

Li Yu and Zhang Yang's relationship gradually deepened, and they supported each other to face the challenges of life together. However, just when Li Xuan's condition was stable and Li Yu and Zhang Yang's relationship was progressing smoothly, an unexpected news broke their peaceful life.

Li Xuan's condition has recurred, and doctors say he needs longer treatment and care. Faced with huge medical expenses and a long treatment process, Li Yu felt extremely anxious and helpless. She had exhausted all her savings and sold the house, but she still couldn't meet Li Xuan's medical needs.

The woman sold the marriage house to save her sick brother, but her boyfriend proposed to break up

At this critical moment, Li Yu received a call from a stranger. The other party claimed to be a philanthropist, learned of Li Yu's plight, and expressed his willingness to provide funding to help Li Xuan with his treatment. Li Yu was shocked and grateful, and she was eager to meet the mysterious philanthropist and express her gratitude.

However, when she saw the philanthropist at the gate of the hospital, she was stunned to find that the philanthropist turned out to be Wang Yu! Wang Yu smiled and said something unexpected to Li Yu: "Yu, I know I'm sorry for you, I shouldn't have chosen to leave you when you need me the most." I am willing to use everything I have to help you and help your brother heal his illness. ”

Li Yu was moved to tears by Wang Yu's actions, she didn't expect Wang Yu to make such a choice, it turned out that he was not the indifferent person, but the family who still loved her and cared about her deep in his heart.

As a result, the appearance of Wang Yu made Li Yu feel the turning point in her life, and also made her re-examine her attitude towards feelings and life. She decided to give Wang Yu a chance to start over, after all, the love between them did not fade, but was only covered up by a momentary misunderstanding.

The woman sold the marriage house to save her sick brother, but her boyfriend proposed to break up

Li Yu and Wang Yu got back together, they faced Li Xuan's treatment together, and they spent the most difficult moment in their lives together. Their relationship was strengthened because of this experience, and they cherished each other's love for each other even more.

After a long period of treatment, Li Xuan's condition gradually improved, and he regained a healthy life. And Li Yu and Wang Yu also rekindled their love for each other in the process, and they decided to face the future together and create their own happy life together. This unexpected turn of events made them understand the impermanence of life, and it also made them more grateful and cherish what they have in front of them.

The end of the story is a story of love and tolerance, but also a story of starting over and struggling. Li Yu and Wang Yu used their love and understanding to resolve the misunderstandings and estrangements they once took, and they faced the challenges of life together and created a happy future together. In them, we see the power of love and the hope of life, which makes people feel emotional.