
It was a big fuss, and the woman forgot to open the door Bluetooth many times to anger the security guards, and the comment area was fried

author:The cloud cub who got rich
It was a big fuss, and the woman forgot to open the door Bluetooth many times to anger the security guards, and the comment area was fried

Wen \ The cloud cub who got rich

Edit\Rich-rich Cloud Cub


The incident occurred in a community, a woman frequently forgot to bring the Bluetooth to open the door, and asked the security guard to help open the door many times.

The security guards were dissatisfied, and the two sides had a verbal altercation.


Video source: @Zhenlingtong

After forgetting to open the door Bluetooth several times, the woman frequently asked the security guard to open the door for her. Due to the excessive number of times, the security guard was unhappy with this.

During a request to open the door, the security guard refused the woman's request, and an argument ensued.

It was a big fuss, and the woman forgot to open the door Bluetooth many times to anger the security guards, and the comment area was fried

Web sources

The woman questioned the security guard, "Aren't you a security guard?" So what's wrong with how many times you opened the door for me? The security guard responded, "You can't keep telling me to drive." ”

It was a big fuss, and the woman forgot to open the door Bluetooth many times to anger the security guards, and the comment area was fried

Web sources

After the incident, the community management issued a statement saying that it would further clarify the security responsibilities.

And remind the owner to take good care of the Bluetooth to open the door to reduce unnecessary disputes.

It was a big fuss, and the woman forgot to open the door Bluetooth many times to anger the security guards, and the comment area was fried

Web sources

Hot comments from netizens

01: Once or twice, I may have forgotten to bring it, and three times I wondered if it was the owner, and if this is the case, human traffickers can also enter like this

It was a big fuss, and the woman forgot to open the door Bluetooth many times to anger the security guards, and the comment area was fried

If you don't open the door, how can traffickers get in?

02: It can be seen from the foot of the security guard that this property fee has been paid in vain

It was a big fuss, and the woman forgot to open the door Bluetooth many times to anger the security guards, and the comment area was fried

03: According to this woman's behavior, I think she thinks that there is a security guard who opens the door anyway, and it doesn't matter if she takes it or not

It was a big fuss, and the woman forgot to open the door Bluetooth many times to anger the security guards, and the comment area was fried

When he applied for the job, the position was written as a security guard, and the profession is not divided into high and low, this girl said that there is no problem, unless you yourself feel that the security guard is inferior to others.

04: I really don't understand why some security guards don't want to open a door It's too troublesome Just press a remote control button Is this troublesome

It was a big fuss, and the woman forgot to open the door Bluetooth many times to anger the security guards, and the comment area was fried

I really don't understand some people, don't bring the door card, and change it to make it difficult for others.

05: It is also a matter of course to open 300 times

It was a big fuss, and the woman forgot to open the door Bluetooth many times to anger the security guards, and the comment area was fried

Isn't that what he did if he didn't bring anything on purpose?

The incident exposed the balance of responsibilities and rights between owners and security guards in community management.

Security guards have a responsibility to keep the community safe and provide some assistance, but property owners should also take responsibility for their own personal problems and avoid relying on security for personal problems.

Property managers should clarify the job responsibilities of security guards and formulate clear service standards and procedures to ensure that security guards have rules to follow when performing their duties, providing necessary assistance and avoiding unreasonable demands.

While enjoying property services, owners should enhance their own sense of self-discipline. A good community environment requires the joint efforts and maintenance of each owner to build a harmonious community.

The property management party should strengthen communication with the owners, and improve the owners' sense of self-discipline and responsibility through publicity and education.

Communication meetings can be held regularly to understand the needs of owners, solve practical problems, and promote the construction of a harmonious community.

In community management, responsibilities and rights should be clarified, self-discipline and sense of responsibility of owners should be advocated, and communication and education should be strengthened to jointly create a harmonious and mutually helpful community environment.

This improves the quality of service and enhances the overall satisfaction and well-being of the community.

Write at the end

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It was a big fuss, and the woman forgot to open the door Bluetooth many times to anger the security guards, and the comment area was fried


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