
I can't laugh anymore, Jing Boran praised Liu Wen for being so good-looking without makeup, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

author:Crunchy roll fries
I can't laugh anymore, Jing Boran praised Liu Wen for being so good-looking without makeup, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Text \ Crunchy roll fries

Edit\Crunchy roll fries


Jing Boran incarnated as a "girlfriend boasting machine" at the premiere of "New Life" and called for Liu Wen's beauty without makeup


Video source: @Sohu Entertainment

The relationship between Jing Boran and Liu Wen has brought people many sweet surprises.

I can't laugh anymore, Jing Boran praised Liu Wen for being so good-looking without makeup, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

At the premiere of the TV series "New Life", Jing Boran once again proved the identity of "girlfriend boasting machine" with his words and deeds, publicly praised Liu Wen's beauty without makeup, and when asked about his views on his girlfriend's work pressure, he replied humorously and warmly: "Don't do it, I'll support you." ”

I can't laugh anymore, Jing Boran praised Liu Wen for being so good-looking without makeup, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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This scene undoubtedly added points to their relationship, and also made the fans who were on site and watching the live broadcast feel full of love.

I can't laugh anymore, Jing Boran praised Liu Wen for being so good-looking without makeup, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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The incident spread to the Internet, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

He actually took the initiative to cue Liu Wen, I thought they didn't make it public

I can't laugh anymore, Jing Boran praised Liu Wen for being so good-looking without makeup, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Liu Wen beats most people without makeup

I can't laugh anymore, Jing Boran praised Liu Wen for being so good-looking without makeup, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

I can't understand Liu Wen's beauty, I just think that her temperament and figure are very good

I can't laugh anymore, Jing Boran praised Liu Wen for being so good-looking without makeup, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Has he already disclosed that his girlfriend is Liu Wen?

I can't laugh anymore, Jing Boran praised Liu Wen for being so good-looking without makeup, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Did he fall in love with Liu Wen in order to complete the fashion

I can't laugh anymore, Jing Boran praised Liu Wen for being so good-looking without makeup, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

The overwhelming response from the public

The incident sparked discussion and coverage on social media. Netizens not only appreciated Jing Boran's sincerity and humor, but also expressed envy for the lovers' mutual support and encouragement. In today's society, every public appearance of a public figure can become a topic, and the positive energy conveyed by Jing Boran and Liu Wen in this way has undoubtedly won them more supporters.

The editor has something to say

In today's entertainment industry, the words and deeds of celebrities not only affect their own image, but also profoundly shape the public's perception of their interpersonal relationships. Jing Boran's public praise of Liu Wen at the premiere of "New Life" is a prime example of how celebrities use the public scene to reinforce or reshape narratives about their personal relationships.

When Jing Boran praised Liu Wen's bare face in front of many media and fans, and said "Don't do it, I'll support you" in response to the other party's work pressure, this is not just a simple compliment or humorous response. This kind of rhetoric has its deep meaning: on the one hand, it shows Jing Boran's deep affection and support for Liu Wen, and it also conveys to the public an ideal model of romantic relationships, that is, supporting each other in the face of pressure.

The public has a high level of interest and expectation in celebrity relationships. When celebrities express compliments on each other in public, this behavior is often interpreted by fans as a "relationship goal", which sparks discussion on social media. The examples of Jing Boran and Liu Wen further confirm this point. The enthusiastic response from fans and the media to this act of praise is not just about the attention to a single event, but also about their image as an exemplary couple.

A celebrity's performance in the public eye may also raise questions about its authenticity. Beneath the glossy surface, the public often wonders: Are these compliments genuine, or are they part of a careful plan to preserve the public image? We have no way of knowing this, but this kind of doubt does reflect the continuous exploration and questioning of people's true emotions in the entertainment industry in modern society.

As public figures, celebrities have a special responsibility when it comes to expressing personal relationships. Every public statement they make can be a force that shapes society's values and codes of conduct. Jing Boran's public praise is undoubtedly promoting a positive concept of partner support, which may have a subtle impact on his fans and the audience at large.

Celebrity public relationship compliments can be seen as a double-edged sword. It has the potential to deepen fans' understanding and support for a celebrity's personal life, or it can spark a debate about the boundaries of public image and private life. Jing Boran's public praise of Liu Wen not only shows the deep affection between them, but also conveys to society the pluralistic views of modern romantic relationships. In this context, the interaction between celebrities and audiences constitutes an important aspect of modern celebrity culture, influencing the public's perception and expectation of emotional authenticity.

We can gain a deeper understanding of the multiple roles and complex responsibilities that celebrities carry when expressing their personal relationships in public, and how these public acts shape and reflect contemporary society's complex perceptions of celebrities and their emotional lives.

#井柏然夸刘雯素颜太好看了 ##评论区##网友##挑战30天在头条写日记#

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