
Completely ruined! The finale of Jing Boran's "New Life" is indescribable

author:Free and easy willow leaf TQ

The end of "New Life" is like a sudden storm, which catches people off guard. The climax and turn that were originally expected became bland and even a little cliché in an instant. As we look back at the whole plot, Fei Ke's fate seems like an unpredictable journey.

Completely ruined! The finale of Jing Boran's "New Life" is indescribable

He used to be a high-profile academic bully with a bright future, however, the pressure of his family and his stepmother's conspiracy pushed him into the abyss of substitute exams. He chose a path that appeared to be revenge but was actually self-destructive, and eventually lost the opportunity to go to college and broke with his family.

Completely ruined! The finale of Jing Boran's "New Life" is indescribable

On the verge of despair, Fei Ke tried to find a glimmer of hope by skipping classes, but fate did not seem to favor him. He was blackmailed by gamblers and humiliated by the president of the financial company, and each blow made him sink even more. The distortions and changes in his heart do not seem to be fully displayed, but in an abrupt way.

Completely ruined! The finale of Jing Boran's "New Life" is indescribable

And the appearance of the character of Zhang Xuan makes the whole plot seem disorganized. She doesn't seem to have much influence on Fei Ke's fate, but she suddenly appears in the finale, which is puzzling. This arrangement not only makes her role redundant, but also makes the whole story lose its original coherence and depth.

Completely ruined! The finale of Jing Boran's "New Life" is indescribable

In contrast, the story in the original book is much more compelling. As a complete liar, Fei Ke's motives and inner changes are fully displayed. He deceived others in pursuit of power and wealth, only to end up choosing a different path because of his inner awakening. Such a story line is more compact, reasonable, and more able to resonate and think with the audience.

Completely ruined! The finale of Jing Boran's "New Life" is indescribable

In the process of adaptation, the drama version of "New Life" may pursue drama and conflict too much, while ignoring the logic of the story itself and the inner world of the characters. Although such an adaptation can attract the audience's attention, it is difficult to leave a deep impression and thinking. It is hoped that future film and television works can pay more attention to the quality of stories and the shaping of characters while pursuing commercial benefits, so as to bring more wonderful and meaningful works to the audience.

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