
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help
Men want to mix well, help people 4 help 4 don't help

On the campus lake in the early morning, the sun shines through the mist on the lake, sparkling. Xiao Xunlong, a college student who is about to enter the society, often comes to this quiet lake alone, thinking about all kinds of problems in life. He knows that after stepping into the society, if you want to mix well, you must not only have real talent and learning, but also know how to get along with others, especially when helping others, you need to choose carefully.

Early that morning, Xiao Xunlong sat on a bench by the lake, silently reciting in his heart the words he often admonished himself: "If a man wants to mix well, help others 4 and 4 don't help." He knows that this sentence is not simply literal, but contains a profound philosophy of life.

Xiao Xunlong recalled his experience in the four years of college, and those moments of helping and being helped by others are vivid. He realized that there are four types of people who are worth helping and four types of people who need to be carefully considered when it comes to helping others.

The first type of people who deserve help are those who are self-motivated and have potential. They may encounter temporary difficulties, but with the right help and support, they can grow quickly and become the pillars of society. Xiao Xunlong thinks of his roommate Xiao Li, a poor but diligent and studious child. He often helped Xiao Li solve difficulties in life and encouraged him to study hard. Now, Xiao Li has successfully graduated and found a job in a well-known company, becoming Xiao Xunlong's proud friend.

The second type of people who deserve help are those who are in distress and in dire need of help. They may be in trouble because of an emergency, and reaching out at this time can give them hope and strength. Xiao Xunlong once met an old man who was living on the streets because of his children's unfilial piety. He did not hesitate to help the old man contact the aid agency and accompanied him through that difficult time. The old man's gratitude was beyond words, which also made Xiao Xunlong even more firm in his belief.

The third type of people who deserve help are those who are grateful and know how to reciprocate. They understand that the grace of a drop of water should be reciprocated by a spring, and they will give the helper in return at the right time. Xiao Zhang, a high school classmate of Xiao Xunlong, is such a person. Back then, Xiao Xunlong helped Xiao Zhang get through the trough period before the college entrance examination, and Xiao Zhang has always remembered it. Today, Xiao Zhang has become a doctor, and he often invites Xiao Xunlong to his clinic for physical examinations, expressing his gratitude with practical actions.

The fourth type of people who deserve help are those who are like-minded and can grow together. They share common goals and pursuits, and are able to grow together in the process of helping each other. During his time in college, he made a group of like-minded friends, who participated in club activities, discussed academic issues together, and worked hard for their dreams together. These experiences made Xiao Xunlong deeply appreciate the power of teamwork and the beauty of friendship.

However, not all of them deserve help. Xiao Xunlong knows that there are four kinds of people that need to be carefully considered:

The first is those who are greedy for small profits and have no integrity. They will only use the kindness and trust of others for personal gain, and will not cherish this friendship and trust. Associating with such a person will only lead to endless troubles and dilemmas.

The second type is those who are not enterprising and dependent. They always expect others to give everything for themselves, and they are not willing to put in any effort themselves. Getting along with such people will only lead to exhaustion and disappointment.

The third type is those who have ill intentions and ill intentions. They may approach you for some ulterior motive and will not hesitate to betray you once they have achieved their purpose. Associating with such a person will only put oneself in danger and insecurity.

The fourth type is those who are morally corrupt and have bad conduct. They may do things that hurt others for their own benefit, and associating with such people will only lower their moral bottom line and personality charm.

In the contemplation by the lakeside, Xiao Xunlong strengthened his beliefs and principles. He understands that on the road of life, if you want to mix well, you not only need to have real talent and excellent quality, but also need to know how to get along with others and how to help others correctly. Only in this way can you gain a foothold and succeed in a competitive society.

Finally, Xiao Xunlong stood up and looked at the sparkling lake, his heart full of hope and confidence. He believes that as long as he sticks to his principles and beliefs, and continues to work hard and pursue on the road of life, he will be able to achieve his dreams and goals. At the same time, he also hopes that more people can understand the truth that "men want to mix well, and help others 4 help 4 don't help", and walk more firmly and calmly on the road of life.