
The battalion commander with 28 years of military experience, listened to his wife when he changed jobs, and worked as a maintenance worker in the property after 2880 became independent

author:Zero Seven Story Meeting

This article is a novel story, some of the plots are fictional, if there are similarities are purely coincidental, the picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.

Text | Zero Seven Story Meeting

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I am Zhang Wushan, who has served in the army for 28 years, growing step by step from a young recruit to a battalion commander, and has witnessed countless times of interweaving sweat and honor.

The battalion commander with 28 years of military experience, listened to his wife when he changed jobs, and worked as a maintenance worker in the property after 2880 became independent

The picture comes from the Internet

But when the clarion call for retirement sounded, my life ushered in a huge turning point - how to choose the path after retirement. As a veteran of the military for such a long time, I had many options: go to a state-owned enterprise or government agency and continue to live a relatively stable life.

But my wife made an unusual suggestion: choose your own career. She believes that although this path is risky, it will allow me to spend more time with my family and give myself more freedom.

After much consideration, I decided to follow her advice and embarked on an unusual path – becoming a property maintenance worker.

I vividly remember the first day I walked into the community property company. It was a sunny day, and I was walking on the path between the residential buildings in my work clothes, but I felt that the road under my feet was unusually heavy.

Once in the army, when I gave the order, everyone stood in unison; Now, I have to start repairing the water, electricity, and appliances in the community, and sometimes I have to go door-to-door to solve the residents' minor problems.

The first few weeks were a pain for me. In the past, the army was accustomed to unified command, but now it is necessary to face the different needs and complaints of each family.

One resident complained about a clogged sewer, another urged me to fix a broken light bulb, and children played in the hallway, causing the elevator to go up and down. For the first time, I felt overwhelmed and wondered: Did I really do this job?

But my wife always supported me silently, she said: "Don't be discouraged, you can solve so many problems in the army, how difficult can property maintenance be?" Her words made me calm down and think hard about how I could stand on my feet in my new job.

The battalion commander with 28 years of military experience, listened to his wife when he changed jobs, and worked as a maintenance worker in the property after 2880 became independent

The picture comes from the Internet

So, I started with the basics. Every morning, I go to the property company an hour early to sort out the day's work plan, and then follow up on each task one by one.

Whether it's a leaky kitchen or a stuck elevator, I do my best to fix it. When I encounter difficult problems, I will also humbly learn from the old maintenance workers.

Slowly, residents began to notice that this new maintenance worker was unusual. Whenever there is a call for help, I will be there quickly and never perfunctory.

Once, an uncle's TV signal suddenly cut off, and I checked in the corridor for a long time, and finally found the problem. Watching the TV return to normal, the uncle said with a smile: "Xiao Zhang, you are really good!" ”

This recognition warms my heart. I also began to realize that in this community, I could use my military experience and discipline to provide the highest quality service.

I gradually became more comfortable at work, and the trust and respect of the residents gave me more motivation, and I was even able to receive some extra maintenance tasks occasionally, and my income gradually increased.

At the same time, this job allows me to spend more time with my family. In the past, when he was in the army, his son's growth was always absent. Now, I can personally drop him off at school every morning, help him with his homework in the evening, and listen to him tell him interesting things about school.

His progress and joy were contagious, and my heart was filled with satisfaction and joy to see him feel happy because of my company. I used to carry out orders in the army, but now I am a warm father and a responsible maintenance worker.

The battalion commander with 28 years of military experience, listened to his wife when he changed jobs, and worked as a maintenance worker in the property after 2880 became independent

The picture comes from the Internet

Although I was a little confused at first, I gradually found my self-identity in this simple job. Every time the repair is successful, every time the residents smile with satisfaction, I realize that there is no absolute right or wrong choice.

The important thing is to find a lifestyle that suits me, and through this job as a property maintenance worker, I have found my own rhythm and happiness.

One day, while I was busy dealing with some residents' repair problems, the property office suddenly received an emergency call for help. An elderly man's water heater in the community failed, and the water pipe in his home was leaking.

The water flowed all over the house, and the entire living room floor was filled with water. The moment I heard the call, I immediately grabbed my toolbox and rushed to the resident's house without stopping.

I was shocked by the situation at the scene: the old man's water heater was short-circuited, the entire bathroom was soaked with water, and the water flowed down the threshold to the living room. The old man stood in the room with an anxious face, at a loss.

I quickly calmed him down and checked the water heater and pipes. It was found that the root cause of the problem was that a valve inside the water heater was aging and damaged, resulting in hot water leakage, and the leakage was exacerbated by loose water pipe joints.

With years of experience and discipline in the army, I quickly assessed the entire repair process. First, I closed the main water valve to slow down the water leakage.

Then, I disassembled the casing of the water heater, removed the damaged valve, and replaced it with new parts to make sure the water heater was no longer leaking. Next, I carefully adjusted the water pipe fittings, tightened the bolts, and checked the connections to make sure all the pipes were stable and leaky.

The battalion commander with 28 years of military experience, listened to his wife when he changed jobs, and worked as a maintenance worker in the property after 2880 became independent

The picture comes from the Internet

After some hectic operation, the water heater and water pipes were restored to normal, and the water leakage problem in the house was solved. Looking at the dry bathroom and living room, the old man finally breathed a sigh of relief and held my hand and thanked me incessantly.

He smiled and said to me, "Xiao Zhang, your skills are really extraordinary!" You are truly a great contributor to our community! ”

These words warmed my heart. Seeing the trust and gratitude of the residents, my sense of self-identity and satisfaction reached its peak in this moment. I understand that no matter what role you are in, hard work and helping others will always be rewarded and respected.

The incident spread quickly in the community, and many residents knew my name and often took the initiative to mention me to the property, praising my professionalism and dedication.

More and more residents choose to come to me to help deal with various electrical appliances and household appliances, and my extra income has also increased. I gradually came out of the initial confusion and realized that no matter how mundane the work, as long as I put my heart and soul into it, I can find my own value.

After all those twists and turns, I realized that this path of self-determination was unsettling at first, but it was also rewarding.

Not only have I earned the trust and respect of the residents, but I have also gained immense joy from the time I spent with my family. Looking at the smile on my son's face and the tenderness in my wife's eyes, I understood what true happiness is.

No matter what life choices are, the most important thing is to find a lifestyle that works for you. As a property maintenance worker, I am not only able to help others solve problems, but also gain my own value and satisfaction.

Although the job may seem mundane, it has allowed me to find my own rhythm and happiness. Today, I am no longer the soldier who only knows how to carry out orders.

He became a wise and warm father, a respected maintenance worker in the community. Walking the path you choose, although ordinary, is still full of meaning.

The battalion commander with 28 years of military experience, listened to his wife when he changed jobs, and worked as a maintenance worker in the property after 2880 became independent


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