
"Silly Girl" Huang Xiaolei: Chased by Du Chun, got married and got pregnant in 38 days, and was banned by Disney

author:Feiyan learns from the past and the present

The talented Huang Xiaolei has shown extraordinary dancing talent since she was a child, like a seed full of vitality quietly growing in the fertile soil of Wanzhou, Chongqing. Although she was born into an ordinary family and suffered the pain of her parents' divorce, fortunately, her parents have always done their best to love and protect this lively and lovely daughter.

When Huang Xiaolei was five years old, her mother resolutely took on the responsibility of raising her. Knowing that her daughter's innate dance talent could not be buried, her mother sent her to a famous local dance school for professional training through various channels. There, Huang Xiaolei was like a seedling that received sufficient sunshine and rain, and under the careful cultivation of the teacher, her innate dancing posture quickly bloomed with dazzling light.

"Silly Girl" Huang Xiaolei: Chased by Du Chun, got married and got pregnant in 38 days, and was banned by Disney

With her excellent dance skills and persistent pursuit of a career in dance, Huang Xiaolei performed well in school and won wide praise from teachers and students. After graduation, she joined the Sichuan Song and Dance Theater and became an outstanding dancer. On the stage of the theater, Huang Xiaolei often travels with the team, showing her youthful vitality and passion on the big stage at home and abroad, showing her superb dance skills.

However, just as people watched with anticipation as Huang Xiaolei went further and further on the dance path, the young dancer made an unexpected decision - she chose to give up her thriving dance career and instead join the Beijing Film Academy to pursue her dream of becoming an excellent actress. In this way, a dance seed that was originally full of vitality was tricked by fate and took root again on the campus of Beiying, starting her magnificent acting career.

The moment she stepped into the Beijing Film Academy, Huang Xiaolei established a deep friendship with outstanding students such as Yao Chen, Du Chun, and Pan Xingyi. At first, Du Chun had a strong interest in Huang Xiaolei, who had studied dance, and often took the initiative to approach her under the pretext of dancing. As an enthusiastic girl, Huang Xiaolei is always smiling and patiently and kindly discussing the art of dance with Du Chun.

However, Du Chun's affection for Huang Xiaolei gradually turned into a deep love. On campus, he launched a passionate pursuit and did not tire of expressing his deep affection to Huang Xiaolei.

However, although Du Chun confessed with affectionate words, Huang Xiaolei always declined with a firm and polite attitude.

In the face of Du Chun's relentless pursuit, Huang Xiaolei was deeply troubled, and she could only work hard to distance the distance between the two. In an extremely frank exchange, Huang Xiaolei hugged Du Chun directly, took him to run a few laps on the playground, and when the two were out of breath, she told Du Chun sincerely: "I just regard you as a friend, if you continue to entangle, I'm afraid we won't even be able to maintain friends." ”

"Silly Girl" Huang Xiaolei: Chased by Du Chun, got married and got pregnant in 38 days, and was banned by Disney

Under Huang Xiaolei's sincere gaze, Du Chun finally realized that her behavior had caused her trouble. He decided to let go of one-sided emotions, quit this emotional entanglement, and silently guarded Huang Xiaolei as a friend.

However, fate seems to be unsatisfied, and once again tricks Huang Xiaolei. A few years later, in a popular variety show, she met the popular singer Da Zhang Wei. In order to win her mother's favor, Huang Xiaolei did not hesitate to launch a passionate pursuit of Da Zhang Wei and tried to establish a romantic relationship.

However, Da Zhang Wei did not respond to her enthusiasm, and made it clear that he was unwilling to have more in-depth development with her.

When I heard Da Zhang Wei talk bluntly about the relationship between the two on the show, Huang Xiaolei realized that she had completely lost the opportunity, and her self-esteem was hit again, so she could only reluctantly give up this unrequited love and re-embark on the journey of life.

"Silly Girl" Huang Xiaolei: Chased by Du Chun, got married and got pregnant in 38 days, and was banned by Disney

Despite the setbacks on the road of relationship, Huang Xiaolei's enthusiasm for acting has never faded. She actively participates in the performances of various crews, hoping to improve her acting skills through practice.

Huang Xiaolei's first screen debut was a TV series called "The Book of Love", in which she only played an insignificant role, but with her solid basic skills, she has attracted the attention of many directors and discovered the unlimited potential of this newcomer.

What really made Huang Xiaolei stand out in the film industry was undoubtedly her wonderful performance in the classic costume drama "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". The image of the "silly girl" she created in the play is vivid and lovable, leaving an unforgettable memory for the audience.

With this role, Huang Xiaolei became famous overnight and was affectionately called "silly sister" by the audience. After the show aired, she quickly won the love and support of a large number of fans.

"Silly Girl" Huang Xiaolei: Chased by Du Chun, got married and got pregnant in 38 days, and was banned by Disney

Since experiencing many highly acclaimed works, Huang Xiaolei's acting career is like a blazing flame, burning more and more dazzling! She did not hesitate to join Hu Jun's version of "Dragon Babu", Liu Yifei's version of "The Condor Heroes", "Iron Tooth Bronze Tooth Ji Xiaolan 3" and "Wulin Gaiden" and other film and television giants, perfectly shaping various classic roles, showing incomparably rich acting charm, deeply touching the hearts of the audience.

Not only that, Huang Xiaolei bravely expanded her career to the field of variety shows. She was honored to be invited to be the host of Anhui Satellite TV's ace variety show "Super Winner", and her unique and energetic hosting style quickly established an irreplaceable position in the hearts of the audience, and then hosted a number of popular variety shows in a row.

Although she has made a name for herself in the hosting industry, Huang Xiaolei has always adhered to her original intention and regarded her career as the most important part of her life. In addition to her busy hosting work, she is still actively involved in major crews, participating in the filming of many excellent works such as "Breaking through the East", "Glorious Years", "Big Life" and "To Our Dying Youth", presenting a wonderful visual feast for the audience.

It is precisely because of these colorful works that Huang Xiaolei has gradually grown into a well-known actress in the eyes of the audience, and has won more and more widespread attention and praise in the film and television industry.

"Silly Girl" Huang Xiaolei: Chased by Du Chun, got married and got pregnant in 38 days, and was banned by Disney

While making brilliant achievements in her career, Huang Xiaolei's pursuit of personal happiness is also becoming more and more intense. Her self-esteem was hit hard by her past emotional experiences, and she longed even more to find the person she had spent her life with, and to walk through every stage of life together.

In order to realize this good wish, Huang Xiaolei began a crazy blind date journey. She is like a tireless miner, trying her best to find the brilliant "diamond" in this challenging "blind date mine" through various means.

In just one month, Huang Xiaolei participated in nearly 200 blind date activities, such an astonishing number is really breathtaking.

However, despite all her efforts, the final result was a disappointment for Huang Xiaolei. Countless blind dates have ended in "inappropriate" and "unsuitable", her dream of pursuing true love has been repeatedly frustrated, and the deep sense of loss and loneliness in her heart can't help but come to her heart.

"Silly Girl" Huang Xiaolei: Chased by Du Chun, got married and got pregnant in 38 days, and was banned by Disney

Just when Huang Xiaolei had the idea of quitting the road of finding love, the god of fate suddenly opened another broad and bright avenue for her - that is, an outstanding and successful businessman named Liu Lei quietly entered her life.

Time came to November 2014, at this time Huang Xiaolei successfully gave birth to a smart and lovely daughter for her husband, and gave her a very warm name "Shanbao". After emotional twists and turns, she found the destined true love in Liu Lei, and a new chapter full of warmth and happiness began.

Since then, Huang Xiaolei has resolutely left the once familiar showbiz and devoted herself to family life. She played the role of a virtuous wife and a loving mother with great joy, spending every moment hand in hand with her husband and spending time with her daughter, living a beautiful life like a paradise.

Since the birth of her daughter Shanbao, Huang Xiaolei's life seems to have been re-injected with endless sunshine and vitality, she is like a blooming flower, full of happiness. As a first-time mother, Huang Xiaolei devoted herself to the trivial tasks of taking care of her daughter, and enjoyed the bland and real family fun with her husband Liu Lei.

"Silly Girl" Huang Xiaolei: Chased by Du Chun, got married and got pregnant in 38 days, and was banned by Disney

Becoming a mother is undoubtedly a new life experience for Huang Xiaolei, she is like a caring doe, paying attention to Shanbao's smile in every detail. Under the nourishment of mother's love, Little Shanbao is like a thriving seedling, growing up healthy and happy.

Huang Xiaolei often holds the immature hand of Shanbao and strolls through the nearby park to share that warm parent-child time.

Sometimes, Huang Xiaolei also misses that once dazzling stage career. At that time, she was like a fluttering butterfly, shining in the spotlight.

However, when she stares at the lovely Shining Treasure, there is always a warm current of happiness in her heart, and she firmly decides to dedicate more energy and love to this little life.

"Silly Girl" Huang Xiaolei: Chased by Du Chun, got married and got pregnant in 38 days, and was banned by Disney

After spending the happiest moment in her life, Huang Xiaolei is full of gratitude and joy for this ordinary and warm life. She is deeply nostalgic for the simple life she has now, and looks forward to this happy time to last forever and forever.

Just as Huang Xiaolei was devoting herself to family life and enjoying a happy time, a sudden "unexpected episode" ruthlessly broke her originally quiet life.

On that day full of laughter and joy in 2017, film and television star Huang Xiaolei embarked on a journey to Shanghai Disneyland with deep love and affection for her baby daughter Shanbao, eager to create an unforgettable childhood memory for her baby Shanbao with a fantastic parent-child trip. However, what was supposed to be a well-planned and long-awaited trip turned into a heart-wrenching farce because of a seemingly inconspicuous but crucial issue.

Disneyland, known as a world-class theme park, has many unique rides and shows, but the most attractive is the "Seven Dwarfs" roller coaster. This thrilling roller coaster ride has strict height restrictions for children, and only those who have passed careful testing and meet the appropriate conditions are eligible to participate in the thrill.

"Silly Girl" Huang Xiaolei: Chased by Du Chun, got married and got pregnant in 38 days, and was banned by Disney

However, just before Huang Xiaolei and Shanbao came to the project with great interest, they encountered an unexpected problem - Shanbao's height failed to meet the standards set by the project. Although Huang Xiaolei, as a careful and thoughtful mother, knows her daughter's height well, she is still very confused and dissatisfied with the clear answer given by the staff.

In order to prove that her judgment was correct, Huang Xiaolei did not hesitate to spend a lot of time and energy to find other staff members to re-measure Shanbao's height, and the result showed that it was 0.98 meters, but even so, her daughter still did not meet the height requirements of the project. Faced with this fact, Huang Xiaolei's doubts and dissatisfaction became more and more intense, and she began to vent her disappointment and anger about this Disney trip on social media.

Disney responded quickly after learning of the incident, saying that the height limit was mainly for the safety of visitors, but Huang Xiaolei did not agree, she believed that there was a serious mistake in the staff's handling of the matter, and asked Disney to apologize to her daughter.

As the incident continued to ferment, a video of the scene at that time circulated on the Internet, in which Huang Xiaolei's words and deeds seemed quite excited, and even made inappropriate physical contact with the staff. In the end, this dispute, which was originally just a trivial matter, actually led to Huang Xiaolei being permanently banned from stepping into the door of Disneyland.

"Silly Girl" Huang Xiaolei: Chased by Du Chun, got married and got pregnant in 38 days, and was banned by Disney

This turmoil not only brought huge trouble to Huang Xiaolei, but also added a touch of haze to the originally happy family life.

From this incident, we can see that Huang Xiaolei is too emotional when dealing with problems and lacks the ability to think calmly, which undoubtedly exposes some flaws in her personality.

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