
Just want to lie still because you're too lazy? TCM: You may have 5 diseases

author:Dr. Zhang Yu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

The other day, an old friend of mine told me that he wanted to lie on the couch all day and didn't want to do anything.

At first I thought he was tired, but when I asked, it wasn't that simple.

It's not just a matter of individual differences, there may be some health risks hidden behind it that you don't expect.

Today, I would like to share with you, what problems may arise in our body in this situation of just wanting to lie still?

One, these 5 diseases may be stealing your vitality quietly:

1. Anemia

Just want to lie still because you're too lazy? TCM: You may have 5 diseases

So if you're tired all the time, feel weak in your limbs, or even dizzy, and your heart is pounding, then you have to be careful.

Anemia can make your face pale, as if you have lost the vitality of life.

At this time, what you need is to replenish blood, so how to replenish blood?

Then the easiest way is to replenish qi and blood through daily diet.

1. Increase your intake of iron-rich foods:

These include red meat, chicken, fish, whole grains, legumes, leafy greens, and dried fruits.

Just want to lie still because you're too lazy? TCM: You may have 5 diseases

2. Consume foods rich in vitamin C:

Including citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, tomatoes, bell peppers, etc.

3. Eat foods rich in vitamin B12:

This includes animal foods such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.

4. Pay attention to protein intake:

In addition to meat and seafood, plant-based foods such as legumes, nuts, and seeds also contain protein.

Just want to lie still because you're too lazy? TCM: You may have 5 diseases

5. Maintain a good diet:

Eating regularly and quantitatively to ensure that each meal is nutritionally balanced will help maintain normal hematopoietic function.

6. Moderate exercise:

Regular physical activity improves blood circulation and helps in the production and distribution of red blood cells.

2. Hypothyroidism

Thyroid hormones are the body's "fuel" and they are responsible for driving metabolism.

Just want to lie still because you're too lazy? TCM: You may have 5 diseases

The feeling of exhaustion is not just ordinary sleepiness, but a feeling of powerlessness that does not even have the strength to get out of bed.

The whole person seems to have slowed down the pace, and even his thinking has become dull.

So if you feel as if you're pressing the pause button in your life;

Don't forget to check the thyroid gland to see if it's functioning and needs to be refueled.

How to avoid hypothyroidism in daily life?

Just want to lie still because you're too lazy? TCM: You may have 5 diseases

1. Eat a balanced diet

Make sure you're getting enough nutrients, including iodine, iron, vitamin D, and B vitamins.

2. Supplement iodine in an appropriate amount

Iodine is an important element in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, and a lack of iodine may lead to goiter and hypothyroidism.

Just want to lie still because you're too lazy? TCM: You may have 5 diseases

While iodine is added to table salt in many countries, geographic and individual requirements may vary, so appropriate supplementation is required.

3. Limit goiter-causing foods

Certain foods, such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc., may interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis and should be consumed in moderation.

3. Depression

Many people think that depression is a bad mood, but in fact, it is more like a cold in the depths of the soul, which makes people lose their vitality and interest in life.

Just want to lie still because you're too lazy? TCM: You may have 5 diseases

Depression can cast a shadow over you, making you feel like you can't be happy no matter what you do, and you can't even laugh when you feel exhausted.

It brings not only a low mood, but also a deep feeling of tiredness, as if the body has been hollowed out.

If you find yourself starting to find it difficult to even get out of bed, take a shower, or eat;

It could be that the mind is crying out for help and needs professional help and support.

In addition to seeking help from a professional, self-regulation is also effective.

Just want to lie still because you're too lazy? TCM: You may have 5 diseases

Some effective self-regulation techniques include:

Meditation and Relaxation Techniques:

Practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga can help reduce anxiety and stress and promote emotional stability.

Mindfulness Practice:

Mindfulness is about focusing on the present moment and accepting rather than judging one's feelings.

Through mindfulness practice, people can learn to better manage depressive symptoms.

Just want to lie still because you're too lazy? TCM: You may have 5 diseases

Social Support:

Communicate with friends and family to seek their support and understanding;

It can help people feel cared for and understood, which can reduce depression.

4. Sleep disorders

However, if you don't sleep well at night tossing and turning, or have problems with sleep apnea;

Then even if you sleep for a long time, you will still feel tired when you wake up.

Just want to lie still because you're too lazy? TCM: You may have 5 diseases

Sleep disorders are like thieves at night, stealing away your energy and good mood.

So don't overlook the importance of sleep.

Just want to lie still because you're too lazy? TCM: You may have 5 diseases

If you find that these methods still do not work, you should see a professional doctor.

5. Chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome may not be well known to many people.

It is a long-term and complex condition in which the patient experiences persistent, severe fatigue;

This fatigue can even last for several months, seriously affecting daily life.

Just want to lie still because you're too lazy? TCM: You may have 5 diseases

This fatigue is not caused by busyness or stress, but rather by a complete loss of strength in the body.

If you often feel listless every day, it may be that your body is sending you a distress signal and you need to seek professional medical help.

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