
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety "Child" Trip - Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety in Yankou Town Kindergarten

author:Daxiang heard it early

  May 12 this year is the 16th National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day, with the theme of "Everyone Stresses Safety, Everyone Knows How to Respond to Emergencies - Strive to Improve Grassroots Disaster Prevention and Risk Avoidance Capabilities". In order to further popularize the knowledge of disaster prevention and mitigation, improve the emergency response ability and self-rescue and mutual rescue ability of emergencies, on the occasion of the arrival of the National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day on May 12, Yankou Town Kindergarten carried out disaster prevention and mitigation safety theme education activities.

-01- Disaster prevention and mitigation safety education

  The teachers of each class organized the children to carry out the theme education activities of disaster prevention and mitigation through videos and pictures, so that the children could understand the origin of the disaster prevention and mitigation day, the common sense of earthquake early warning and the emergency avoidance methods, improve the children's awareness of safety precautions, and enhance their emergency self-rescue and self-protection capabilities.

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety "Child" Trip - Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety in Yankou Town Kindergarten
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety "Child" Trip - Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety in Yankou Town Kindergarten

-02-Indoor evacuation evacuation

  "Woo ......" With the first alarm sounding, the emergency evacuation drill officially began. Teachers in each class quickly organize children to do a good job of indoor avoidance, guide children to protect their heads with their hands, bend their bodies, lower the center of gravity of their bodies, and hide in the corner of the wall, under the table or in a safety triangle with more support structures for emergency avoidance.

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety "Child" Trip - Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety in Yankou Town Kindergarten
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety "Child" Trip - Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety in Yankou Town Kindergarten

  As the second alarm sounded, the children bent down and protected their heads under the leadership of the teacher, and evacuated quickly and orderly along the designated evacuation route, while the teacher checked whether there were any children who had fallen behind in time to ensure the safety of each child. The whole exercise process was done in a hurry, but not chaotic, stable and orderly, and the expected goal was achieved.

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety "Child" Trip - Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety in Yankou Town Kindergarten

-03-Emergency drill "Young" painting said

  The children used their brushes to truly represent their thoughts and feelings. Under the seemingly immature works, the knowledge of disaster prevention and mitigation and safety awareness have been deeply imprinted in my heart......

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety "Child" Trip - Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety in Yankou Town Kindergarten
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety "Child" Trip - Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety in Yankou Town Kindergarten
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety "Child" Trip - Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Safety in Yankou Town Kindergarten

  Disaster prevention and mitigation work is not a moment, overnight, our kindergarten will take this opportunity to further establish and improve the long-term mechanism of disaster prevention and mitigation publicity and education, build a life safety line for teachers and children, and escort the healthy growth of children.

  Editor-in-charge/Tan Jiangxue

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