
Formalized! Zhou Qi was absent from G5, Liao Basket was a pun, Yang Ming didn't pretend to be a showdown, and Du Feng lost

author:Junma Basketball 8

Formalized! Zhou Qi was absent from G5, Liao Basket was a pun, Yang Ming didn't pretend to be a showdown, and Du Feng lost!

Liao Basket withstood the pressure and returned to Shenyang, it is said that the Guangdong Hongyuan team went to Shenyang at their own expense, and Zhou Qi did not go with the team because of the discomfort of G4 due to excessive force. According to the latest revelations from Guan Xin, a reporter from the Guangdong Hongyuan team, Zhou Qi suffered a recurrence of his back injury and was determined to miss the G5 game.

Formalized! Zhou Qi was absent from G5, Liao Basket was a pun, Yang Ming didn't pretend to be a showdown, and Du Feng lost

It's really hard to think about Zhou Qi, his back injury is always repeated, but G4 fought for more than 30 minutes in exchange for a loss, no one can stand it, I really don't know what Du Feng eats? Is it really like what Yang Ming said? It should be too vegetable, otherwise Zhou Qi would have left the game scene angrily after being replaced by the general trend? Injuries may be one thing, more about disappointment and despair.

Formalized! Zhou Qi was absent from G5, Liao Basket was a pun, Yang Ming didn't pretend to be a showdown, and Du Feng lost

Zhou Qi is still a wise choice not to play G5, because Liao Basket finally found a way to contain him from defeating the Guangdong Hongyuan team, and still let Guo Allen and Li Xiaoxu, the two main starters, win by a big score when the two main starters played, so Zhou Qi should have a hunch, G5 Even if he goes out with an injury and grits his teeth and insists, I am afraid there is only one result, that is, to lose face in front of the parents and villagers in his second hometown of Liaoning.

Rather than this, it's better not to fight, otherwise you will lose the game and offend a large number of people, and you will be pointed at the nose by the fans on the scene again and asked, "Zhou Qi, are you convinced?" "How embarrassing, isn't it?

Formalized! Zhou Qi was absent from G5, Liao Basket was a pun, Yang Ming didn't pretend to be a showdown, and Du Feng lost

Liao Basket has already touched the life of the Guangdong Hongyuan team through the G4 battle, so it is super confident. This can be seen from sending birthday wishes to Han Dejun with a pun, the Liao Basketball Club said that it hoped that Han could receive the most perfect birthday gift tomorrow night, and it almost said that the Guangdong Hongyuan team and the Xinjiang team would meet in the finals.

Liao Basket head coach Yang Ming is no longer pretending to be a showdown, which means that the off-board moves of Guangdong Hongyuan team coach Du Feng will all fail, and finally end up with a bamboo basket!

Formalized! Zhou Qi was absent from G5, Liao Basket was a pun, Yang Ming didn't pretend to be a showdown, and Du Feng lost

In all fairness, if it weren't for the many foul actions of the Guangdong Hongyuan team, the referee turned a blind eye, and if it weren't for those dirty actions that were connived at again and again, the series would have ended long ago. For example, Xu Jie, Hu Mingxuan and Waters' scrubbing defense, etc., if the referee strictly matches FIBA standards to blow penalties, it is estimated that they will not survive six fouls in the third quarter and go off the court to rest.

Formalized! Zhou Qi was absent from G5, Liao Basket was a pun, Yang Ming didn't pretend to be a showdown, and Du Feng lost

It is said that G5 has added another Korean referee, and it will be our own referee with two Korean referees to blow the game. If you look at the whistle of G2 Li Jinghuan, it will definitely be bad for Liao Basket, but maybe they will, it will become fairer. As long as the referee has a bowl of water, I don't think Zhou Qi will have any impact on the Liao basket whether he plays or not, if he goes to the Liao basket, he may win a little harder, and if he doesn't play the Liao basket, it will be easier to win, and it will not affect the outcome of the game anyway. What do you think?


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