
"Birth has an auspicious day", these 6 lunar birthdays are born, but whoever occupies one, the older you are, the more blessed you are!

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is not to be superstitious!

Since ancient times, people have always loved to explore the mysteries of the right time, place and people, especially at the moment of the birth of life, it seems that the fate of life has been destined in the dark. As the ancients said: "The time is not as good as the location, and the location is not as good as the people." ”

In traditional culture, the time of birth is often endowed with many meanings, and some days are even considered auspicious, indicating good luck and good fortune.

Today, with a relaxed and happy mood, we will walk into those lunar birthdays that are endowed with special meanings, and discuss why people born on these six days are often considered to be "the older they are, the more blessed they are".

Of course, a person's fate is not entirely determined by the day they are born. Acquired effort and struggle are equally important. But if you happen to be born on one of these six "auspicious days", you might as well take it as a beautiful meaning!

Remember: Destiny is in your own hands, and it's never too late to start working hard! May every reader be blessed as they get older!

"Birth has an auspicious day", these 6 lunar birthdays are born, but whoever occupies one, the older you are, the more blessed you are!

The 10th day of the first lunar month: "Life is at the right time, and the blessings are long"

The tenth day of the first lunar month is the turning point of this season, when everything recovers and is full of vitality, and people born on such a hopeful day are like young seedlings in early spring, with vigorous vitality and endless vitality.

They were born at the right time, just like Jia Baoyu in "Dream of Red Mansions", growing up in the glorious Jia Mansion, although the environment is complicated, they can always find their own place and show their talents. This innate luck seems to indicate that their lives will be shrouded in blessings, and no matter where they go, they can be like a fish in water and swim with ease.

The ancients had a saying: "The plan of the year lies in spring." "Spring is the season of sowing and the beginning of hope. People born on the 10th day of the first lunar month are like seeds sown on this day full of vitality, and their lives are full of infinite possibilities and hopes from the very beginning.

The Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi once described the beauty of spring in "Spring Trip to Qiantang Lake": "The flowers are gradually charming, and the shallow grass can have no horseshoe." "It's not just a celebration of the spring landscape, it's a celebration of vitality. People born on the tenth day of the first lunar month are like one of the flowers, although they are in a prosperous world, they can always maintain a sober and firm heart and not lose themselves.

Their life is like a beautiful poem, full of rhyme and rhythm. As they grow older, their blessings will continue to grow like grass in spring.

The older they get, the more they can enjoy life, because they know how to find a balance in life, how to navigate between prosperity and tranquility.

In this world, everyone has their own birth date, and people born on the tenth day of the first lunar month seem to be born with a special blessing.

Although their life path is tortuous, they can always turn danger into a happy ending. This may be the best interpretation of "born at the right time, blessed and long".

"Birth has an auspicious day", these 6 lunar birthdays are born, but whoever occupies one, the older you are, the more blessed you are!

The eighteenth day of the first lunar month: "Eighteen Arhats laugh at the spring breeze, and the blessing and longevity are complete"

On the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, this number is indissoluble with the eighteen Arhats in Buddhism. Speaking of the 18 Arhats, people will naturally think of those Buddhist monks with different forms and characteristics, who not only represent the wisdom and cultivation realm in Buddhism, but also symbolize the beautiful meaning of happiness and longevity.

In traditional culture, the eighteen arhats are regarded as the embodiment of wisdom and longevity, and those born on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month are often regarded as destined people with good fortune. They seem to have been blessed by Arhats since they were born, and they can resolve many difficulties on the road of life with wisdom.

Su Shi, a great writer in the Song Dynasty, once wrote a good sentence with the theme of Arhat, "The autumn moon is full in front of Luohan Mountain, and you sit alone on a boat in the heart of the sea in the middle of the night". In this poem, Su Shi uses the realm of Arhat to express a life realm that is beyond the world and has a broad heart. And this realm is precisely the spiritual portrayal pursued by those born on the 18th day of the first lunar month. They are eager to maintain a quiet heart in the complex world, to look at the gains and losses of life with wisdom, and to face the ups and downs of life with open-mindedness.

As they grow older, people born on the 18th day of the first lunar month know more and more how to find the true meaning of happiness in ordinary life. They understand that true happiness does not come from material abundance, but from inner satisfaction and spiritual abundance, and they can always find their own small happiness in their busy lives and enjoy the good times of the years.

The eighteenth day of the first lunar month also has many interesting customs among the people. In some places, grand temple fairs are held, and people dress up in festive costumes, sing and dance to celebrate this auspicious day. In some Buddhist resorts, believers will go to temples to burn incense and pray for the blessings of Arhats, hoping that they and their families can be safe, healthy and prosperous.

I hope that everyone born on the 18th day of the first lunar month can be as wise and blessed as the 18 Arhats, and laugh at the spring breeze and autumn moon of life.

"Birth has an auspicious day", these 6 lunar birthdays are born, but whoever occupies one, the older you are, the more blessed you are!

"On the fifth day of the second month, the dragon raises its head, and the warehouse is full of good luck"

On this day, the spring dragon is raising its head, the earth is warming, and everything is recovering, as if the whole world is full of new breath. People born on this day seem to be particularly lucky, they seem to inherit the power of spring, and they are born with a positive energy, no matter what difficulties they encounter, they can face them with an optimistic attitude.

In traditional Chinese culture, the dragon is a symbol of good fortune, representing strength and wisdom. And the saying that "the second dragon raises its head in early February" gives this day a special meaning. Therefore, people born on the fifth day of the second month are often regarded as inheriting the spirit and good fortune of the dragon. Their whole life seems to be dancing with dragons, full of mystery and legend.

"Zhou Yi" has a saying: "Seeing the dragon in the field, it is beneficial to see the adult." This sentence means that people born on this day are easy to meet noble people to help them in their lives, and opportunities will follow. Their blessings, like spring seeds, gradually take root and sprout and thrive with the passage of time. Whether it is a career or a family, they can always get the favor of God and become winners in life.

This statement is not groundless, and there are many famous people in history who were born on the fifth day of the second lunar month. For example, the ancient writer Su Shi was known as a "literary giant" because of his talent, poetry and writing. His life is full of legends, not only brilliant writing, but also outstanding political achievements, which is the true portrayal of "seeing the dragon in the field, and seeing the adult".

Of course, a person's success does not depend entirely on the day of birth. Acquired effort and struggle are equally important. However, if we can draw inspiration and strength from the stories of these famous people in ancient and modern times, then the road ahead will definitely be broader.

In addition, the customs regarding the fifth day of the second month are also quite rich.

Among the people, various celebrations are held, such as dragon dances and dragon sacrifices, to pray for good weather and good harvests in the coming year. These customs not only reflect people's yearning for a better life, but also show the unique charm of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation.

"Birth has an auspicious day", these 6 lunar birthdays are born, but whoever occupies one, the older you are, the more blessed you are!

"On the ninth day of March, peach blossoms smile in the spring breeze, and longevity is in the same spring"

Listen, those of you who stepped into this world on the ninth day of the third month, you are the lucky ones who have been kissed by the Peach Blossom Fairy! There is an ancient poem: "The peach is dying, scorching its glory." "You are like the peach blossoms in full bloom, bright and gorgeous, bringing endless warmth and joy to the world.

Think about it, Mr. Darcy in "Pride and Prejudice", although he seems arrogant at first, doesn't he also win true love in the end? It's like someone born on the ninth day of the third month, who may be a little reserved at first, but your charm will become more and more visible over time, just like the process of peach blossoms from budding to blooming, becoming more and more attractive.

But don't forget, although peach blossoms are beautiful, they also need to be cared for. There is a folk proverb: "Flowers can be broken straight and must be broken, don't wait for no flowers and empty branches." "This is telling you to cherish the opportunity in front of you and not regret it until you miss it.

In terms of emotion and career, you should be like peach blossoms, not only blooming, but also bearing fruit, and achieving a double harvest.

It is mentioned in the "Treatise on the Essentials of Jinkui": "In spring and March, this is called Chen. This means that spring is the season of growth and new beginnings. Those born on the ninth day of the third month, you are born with this strength to grow, and you are able to constantly break through yourself in life and realize your dreams.

However, I would also like to give you a warning: don't get complacent about your charm and forget to work hard. Remember, true charm comes from inner cultivation and outer strength. So, don't stop learning, don't stop improving, only in this way can you always maintain your vitality and charm like the blooming peach blossoms.

"Birth has an auspicious day", these 6 lunar birthdays are born, but whoever occupies one, the older you are, the more blessed you are!

"On the sixth day of the sixth month of June, heaven blesses and blessings are complete"

On the sixth day of the sixth month of June, this day is given a special meaning, because it is also known as the "Heavenly Festival", which means that the gods of heaven bless the world. People born on this special day seem to be destined to be different, as if they have received special favor from God, and they can always reap many unexpected joys in their lives.

The ancients said: "Heaven rewards hard work." This phrase is best used to describe people born on the sixth day of the sixth month of June. They are well aware that opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, so they are always diligent and hardworking.

When the opportunity arises, they are always keen to grasp it and use their wisdom and talents to transform it into tangible blessings.

"The Book of Songs: Daya" has a cloud: "The gentleman of music is blessed." This sentence just speaks to their hearts. They are willing to accept challenges and have the courage to face difficulties, and it is this positive attitude that enables them to always rise to the challenge in the face of adversity. As the years go by, their life path becomes broader and broader, and their blessings naturally accumulate more and more.

The Book of Han also mentions: "The blessing of heaven is not to be taken but to be blamed." This means that when God has blessed us, we should cherish and seize these opportunities. People born on the sixth day of the sixth month of June are like this, they are good at discovering and cherishing every opportunity, and use their efforts and wisdom to create a better future.

There is a folk proverb: "After the first day of June, good luck will come naturally." This may be the beautiful sustenance of the ancients for this day. And for those born on this day, good fortune always seems to follow.

Their lives are full of surprises and successes, as if they are on the path to happiness every step of the way.

Of course, we can't ignore their own efforts and dedication. As emphasized in modern literature: "Success is ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration." "The reason why people born on the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth month are able to receive so many blessings is inseparable from their unremitting efforts.

"Birth has an auspicious day", these 6 lunar birthdays are born, but whoever occupies one, the older you are, the more blessed you are!

"On the first day of October, the cold dew washes the autumn, and the blessings are profound"

The first day of the tenth lunar month coincides with the cold dew solar term, which is a day that marks the arrival of late autumn. At this time, the weather is gradually getting cooler, and everything is beginning to gather vitality and prepare for the coming harsh winter. And people born at this time are like a touch of quiet blue in the picture scroll of autumn water and long sky, giving people a deep and quiet beauty.

"Chu Ci Chapter 9" once described: "Sadness and autumn are angry! The bleak grass and trees shook and decayed. This seems to depict the gloom and decay of autumn, but in fact, autumn also contains a deep restraint and accumulated power. Like those born on the first day of October, their lives tend to be unassuming at first, but over time, inner wisdom and tenacity will gradually manifest themselves.

The trajectory of their lives seems to be like a deep historical scroll, which is ordinary at first glance, but under a closer look, you can find the profound heritage contained in it. is like those wise men who work silently in "Spring and Autumn", although they are not publicized, but they have accumulated endless wisdom in the precipitation of the years.

As they grow older, their life experience becomes richer and richer, and the wisdom and tenacity that have been precipitated over time make them blessed and comfortable in their later years.

It is like the fruits in the late autumn, after experiencing the prosperity and hustle and bustle of spring and summer, and finally harvesting full fruits in autumn.

There is a popular saying: "If the first day of October is clear, the next year will be a good harvest." This means that those born on this day will be accompanied by good luck and profound blessings throughout their lives.

"Birth has an auspicious day", these 6 lunar birthdays are born, but whoever occupies one, the older you are, the more blessed you are!

To sum up, although these six lunar birthdays are auspicious days in folk customs and ancient legends, the real blessing and happiness still require everyone to create and cherish with wisdom and diligence in the journey of life.

As "Caigen Tan" said: "Blessing cannot be lost, and raising joy is just the foundation of calling blessings." "Let us embrace a grateful and optimistic heart, no matter what day we are born, we can bloom with extraordinary brilliance in ordinary days and live our own happy life.