
Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

author:Cold Snow Mountain

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Text: Cold Snow Mountain

Edited by Hanxue Mountain

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry


Have you ever wondered what kind of life experiences those seemingly glamorous hosts have experienced behind the glittering screen?

Surrounded by flashing lights, how has their inner world changed?

Today, we will lift the veil of mystery for you and tell you about the bumpy fate of a CCTV host.

She is Liu Fangfei.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

She was once considered a lucky one

"Born beautiful, pretentious", these eight words are enough to summarize Liu Fangfei's true colors.

She was born into a scholarly family, and there was no shortage of talented scholars in her ancestors.

Growing up in such an atmosphere since childhood, she naturally inherited her family roots.

Liu Fangfei has shown outstanding literary talent since she was a child, whether it is filling in words and sentences, or writing and thinking, she is far better than her peers.

Her father was a top student who graduated from Peking University, so he naturally pinned all his expectations on this smart daughter.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

In college, Liu Fangfei transformed from an outstanding student to a dazzling star in the literary world.

With her excellent language talent and unique aesthetics, she not only won the qualification of Baoyan in the School of Foreign Languages of Jilin University, but also attracted many tutors to favor her.

From graduate student to doctoral student, and then to visiting students, Liu Fangfei has made steady progress on the academic road.

Her brilliant talent made outsiders think that she would become a generation of literary masters.

However, the funny thing about fate is that at the critical time when she was striving to enter the literary study, she actually plunged into the television industry, which has nothing to do with literature.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

The turning point of everything was due to the point of a mentor

While Liu Fangfei was studying for her master's degree, one of her mentors was in contact with a television station.

After admiring Liu Fangfei's talent many times, the teacher suddenly said to her: "Fangfei, you might as well change careers and become a host!"

A girl like you, who is as beautiful as a flower and whose words are like pearls, will definitely shine if she stands on the screen! "

At first, Liu Fangfei only regarded this sentence as a temporary compliment from the teacher.

Who would have thought that these words were like a seed that slowly sprouted in her heart.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

She began to think that she was indeed very suitable for the hosting profession.

Not only that, but she also secretly pondered that the prospects of this industry should not be underestimated, even if she can't become a screenwriter or director, just being a host is enough to worry about food and clothing.

In this way, Liu Fangfei gave up her ambition to study for a doctorate and embark on the path of a diplomat, and devoted herself to the new field of television hosting.

When she first entered this circle, she was amazing.

Her scholarly background, coupled with her outstanding appearance and eloquence, soon won high praise in the industry.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

In the end, with these advantages, Liu Fangfei rose all the way, and was soon photographed by CCTV and became a member there.

A CCTV host who was once popular all over the country

As a talented and beautiful host, Liu Fangfei soon ushered in the peak of her career after appearing on the stage of CCTV.

She has hosted many well-known programs such as "Polar Crossing" and "Into Africa", which have been favored and sought after by audiences across the country.

The most enviable thing is that Liu Fangfei has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala several times and presided over the awards ceremony.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

At that time, she was dressed in a luxurious cheongsam, stepping on embroidered leather shoes, and speaking standard Mandarin to host this annual event vividly.

Coupled with her skillful hosting skills, chic typhoon and intellectual and generous temperament, whenever she appears on the screen, the audience is full of praise.

With such a high popularity, she is naturally idolized by countless young people.

As an intellectual, Liu Fangfei not only integrates the traditional Chinese cultural heritage into her words and deeds, but also shows the independent self-confidence of contemporary urban white-collar women with her wise and capable temperament.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

Especially when hosting those adventure outdoor reality shows, Liu Fangfei has displayed her talent to the fullest.

Some commentators said that it is Liu Fangfei's intellectual and masculine temperament that makes these extreme adventure programs less monotonous and boring.

Liu Fangfei also sincerely liked this job.

She said that it is her greatest satisfaction and pride to be able to travel all over the mountains and rivers of the motherland, reflect these magnificent scenery into the camera, and interpret the mystery behind it for the audience.

The only thing that made her a little regretful was that she never thought that she would give up her "great future" - to become a diplomat.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

However, after thinking about it, if he was that bleak diplomat, how would he know the Hong Kong "prince" who married later?

A wealthy marriage with a wealthy man in Hong Kong

The name Liu Fangfei can be said to be completely remembered by everyone because of a grand wedding.

Although before that, she was already a well-known CCTV host, she really never thought that she could marry into a wealthy family.

One afternoon in 2010, Liu Fangfei was touching up her makeup at home to prepare for the next episode of the program recording, when she suddenly received a call from an unfamiliar number.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

At that time, she was at the peak of her career, so naturally she didn't take this phone call to heart.

However, when she pressed the answer button, she heard a gentle and elegant male voice:

"Hello, I am Liu Xiyong's assistant, I hope to make an appointment with Miss Fang Fei to meet at a time, the boss has something important to discuss with you."

Fang Fei was confused at the time, thinking to herself where this character named Liu Xiyong was sacred? Why did you suddenly make an appointment with yourself?

Until the assistant revealed the identity of the boss:

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

"Mr. Liu Xiying is the de facto helm of the Wong Yang Ming Group in Hong Kong, which has assets of more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, and is one of the most powerful billionaires in Hong Kong."

Fang Fei was immediately stunned.

Although she has long been a celebrity, after all, she is from a poor family, and she is still a little unfamiliar with the things of the wealthy Kuotai.

But as well-informed as she is, she naturally understands that she must not refuse the invitation of Hong Kong's richest man to meet.

So, Fang Fei quickly began to dress up, and soon appeared in the best condition at a high-end club booked by Liu Xiyong.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

When the two sides met for the first time, Fang Fei was really impressed by the generous demeanor of this Hong Kong businessman.

I saw that he was dressed in a strong suit, tall and majestic, although he was over half a hundred years old, his face was ruddy, and he looked like an elegant and elegant nobleman.

Seeing such a gentleman, Fang Fei immediately felt that she was a little too cautious and cautious.

She was secretly glad that she had not rashly rejected the rich man's invitation, otherwise she would have been ashamed of herself and would have gone back on her word.

Unexpectedly, when Fang Fei thought it was just an ordinary meeting, Liu Xiyong gave her a surprise:

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

It turned out that this rich man had long fallen in love with Fang Fei at first sight, and not only wanted to marry her, but also prepared to pass on all his family property to her to take care of.

As a single woman, Fang Fei was really at a loss by Liu Xiyong's straightforward overture.

However, when she thought that she was afraid that it would be difficult to meet someone who loved her so much in this life, she finally nodded in agreement.

And just like that, this gorgeous wedding became a fact.

When that grand scene came into everyone's eyes, countless people were whispering about the happy marriage of the CCTV host.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

It is no wonder that there is such a reaction, because the dresses and diamonds used in weddings are said to be worth tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

Moreover, Liu Xiyong also threw tens of millions of dollars at the ceremony, so that she would not have to worry about frugality in the future.

Bullying and slander set up by money worshippers

With Fang Fei's family background, it is naturally impossible to really "worship money".

However, the world often likes to label women in one way or another, and Fang Fei is not immune.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

Soon after marriage, many people began to criticize Fang Fei as a "gold worshipper" and "white-eyed wolf" in small conversations on the Internet and around them.

Among them, there are some CCTV insiders who criticize and envy her, thinking that she wants to use this marriage to get more benefits from CCTV.

Some people even struck while the iron was hot, making a big fuss about Fang Fei's move for "profit" and "power and money trading".

In the face of such a fierce bombardment, Fang Fei sometimes inevitably hurts herself.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

She knew very well that she was really a talented woman with profound knowledge and noble integrity, where would she do that kind of thing for the sake of profit?

However, Fang Fei did not stop there.

On the contrary, she sees all this as an experience and test of her own personality and integrity.

Since she is the wife of this rich man in Hong Kong, she must consider herself a virtuous and gentle hostess and not do those annoying things.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

The rich husband who died tragically in prison

It wasn't until Liu Xiyong was caught in a corruption and bribery lawsuit that Fang Fei realized that this marriage was not as complete and beautiful as she imagined.

Late one night in 2017, Fang Fei was wrapped in a silk robe and leisurely brewing a cup of black tea.

Suddenly, several police officers broke into their villa and handcuffed Liu Xiyong away.

Subsequently, the police found out that Liu Xiyong was suspected of offering bribes of more than 3 billion yuan in an attempt to defraud some bank loans.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

After the matter was completely stabbed, Fang Fei learned that this husband, who seemed to be calm and unfazed, actually disregarded human life from the beginning and started illegal acts.

What's even more outrageous is that the police also found evidence of Liu Xiyong's intimidation and murder.

Finally, after several months of trial, the court finally sentenced Liu Xiyong to 20 years in prison and confiscated all his property.

For Fang Fei, this is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

Once upon a time, she thought that she was going to live a happy and wealthy life of tens of thousands of years of heirloom money.

Who would have thought that all this was just an illusory dream? And she has no fate, so she can only become an ordinary person from now on.

Just as Fang Fei was in pain, an even more brutal tragedy came from the prison - Liu Xiyong died tragically due to the abuse she suffered in prison.

Looking at her husband's beaten body, Fang Fei fell to the ground crying and almost collapsed.

This is undoubtedly the biggest blow in her life, not only losing her husband and money, but also suffering abuse from public opinion.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

Because Liu Xiyong was suspected of too many crimes, Fang Fei was naturally also listed on the platform and was criticized as "greedy" and "criminal wife".

Prejudice and injustice with a twisted personality

After losing her husband, Fang Fei was in trouble for a while.

Because of her reputation, neither CCTV nor local stations are willing to continue to cooperate with her.

originally had a place for her in the upper class, but now there is nowhere to stay.

In this predicament, Fang Fei had to sell the private property left by Liu Xiyong to make ends meet.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

Her only good fortune is that after she got married, she didn't indulge in a luxurious life like other Kuotai, otherwise she was afraid that she would have nothing now.

Faced with such a huge blow, Fang Fei once thought about giving up her life like this.

But whenever she thought of those who had cursed her, she rekindled a wave of courage to survive - she was determined to live,

Let those who slander her see that a truly ethical and cultured woman will never be defeated by fate.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

In this way, a few years have passed in a blink of an eye, relying on her diligence and studiousness, Fang Fei slowly reopened a world on Jiangsu Satellite TV.

Although it will be difficult for her to return to the glory of her peak, she can at least continue her career without falling down.


In the face of the rights and wrongs of the outside world, she has never been blinded; In the face of wealth and poverty, she has always maintained the indifference and rationality that ordinary people lack.

It was this rare virtue that allowed Fang Fei to finally rekindle her passion for literature and regain her original dream in the second half of her life.

Liu Fangfei: CCTV's hard-working person, her husband was imprisoned for fraud and his lover was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and now no one dares to marry

It can be seen that an excellent woman should not only live in the spotlight of flashing lights, but also pursue her inner yearning for beautiful things.

Only in this way can she truly reconcile with herself and live the way she wants.

Fang Fei's life is the best footnote, let us look up to her, but also hope to get some inspiration from life.

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