
If you want to win a woman, it is the best policy to contact every day, and it is more provocative to do so

author:Detective story

Have you always wondered how you can keep a moderate distance and arouse her deeper interest in the process of pursuing a girl? The answer may be more than you expected! Today I will share with you a unique tip to win a woman's heart - daily contact is the best policy, and doing so is more provocative. The protagonist of the story will tell you about his experiences in the first person, allowing you to empathize with them, but also to give you inspiration in similar situations.

If you want to win a woman, it is the best policy to contact every day, and it is more provocative to do so

My name is Xiaojie, 31 years old, and I have been an IT engineer for many years. In the past, I always found myself in an awkward situation when courting girls: I kept in touch every day, only to find that they were bored and avoided from me. Until one day, I realized an important truth: connecting every day is not the best way to strengthen relationships.


It all started that spring, when I met a girl at a friend's party, her name was Xiaoya. She has a cheerful smile and an elegant temperament, and every conversation with her makes me feel like a spring breeze. I knew that in order to win her heart, I needed to find a different way to attract her.

Step 1: Create coincidences

Over the next few weeks, I deliberately avoided excessive contact. I followed some topics of interest to her on social media and deliberately sent some articles or pictures related to this at the right time. In this way, I managed to create some serendipitous coincidences that were able to resonate and talk about the topic between us.

Example Scenario: I noticed that Xiaoya was interested in traveling, so I pretended to mention my recent travel experience at a party by chance, which aroused her curiosity and empathy. Then, I shared a wonderful story about travel on social media, and she took the initiative to discuss it with me, which further deepened our communication.

If you want to win a woman, it is the best policy to contact every day, and it is more provocative to do so

Step 2: Respond in moderation

In my relationship with Xiaoya, I began to control the frequency of my contact. I no longer text or call every day, but respond to her messages moderately, at regular intervals. Not only did this give her some time to think about me, but it also made her realize that I wasn't pursuing her blindly.

Example scenario: Xiaoya took the initiative to send a message asking if I was free recently and wanted to meet me to talk. I knew it was a great opportunity, but instead of replying immediately, I waited a while before replying and said I would love to make an appointment with her to meet. Doing so both maintains her interest in me and gives her the feeling that I am not all around her.

Step 3: Arrange carefully

In order to further attract Xiaoya's attention, I began to carefully arrange our dates. I chose some special venues and activities to add romance and mystery to the date. In this way, I was able to ignite the passion in her heart and at the same time let her know that I valued her.

If you want to win a woman, it is the best policy to contact every day, and it is more provocative to do so

Example Scenario: On our second date, I carefully chose a beautiful garden as the date location. I prepared a delicate bouquet of flowers in advance and invited her to enjoy the dinner I cooked with my own hands. This romantic and warm date made her feel my heart and sincerity, and it also made her look forward to our relationship even more.

In this way, in the slow contact and moderate distance, I finally won Xiaoya's heart. She told me that she was drawn to my difference, and that the moderate amount of contact on a daily basis gave her plenty of room to think and look forward to. This experience made me realize that love takes time and is cultivated slowly, and that connecting every day does not mean that you can win her heart, but it can backfire.


If you want to win a woman's heart, daily contact is not the only way. By creating coincidences, responding in moderation, and carefully arranging, you can get her deeper interest and thought while keeping a distance. Remember, love is a game that requires patience and wisdom, pursue it in the right way and at the right pace, and you will inadvertently become an indispensable person in her heart.