
Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: The appearance of 2 major symptoms in men may be the arrival of cancer

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

Uncle Li is 65 years old this year, and he has always been the type who firmly believes that "moaning without illness is a minor illness, and you can't die from a major illness". Until the frequent night wake-ups, urgency and painful urination occurred, he could no longer insist on his tough guy image, and finally decided to go to the hospital to find out.

I thought it was just an old age and some minor problems with the prostate, but the doctor's grim face told him that it might be a sign of prostate cancer. What's even more frustrating is that the examination results show that Uncle Li's prostate cancer has reached an advanced stage.

Uncle Li's example is not unique, around us, because of the contempt for prostate cancer, many men are already at an advanced stage when the disease is discovered. Why is this so?

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: The appearance of 2 major symptoms in men may be the arrival of cancer

1. Prevalence and severity of prostate cancer

As the most common malignant tumor in the male urinary system, the incidence of prostate cancer has been gradually increasing in recent years. Especially after the improvement of living standards and the extension of life expectancy, we have seen a lot of "wealth diseases" begin to occur.

According to the latest statistics, the incidence of prostate cancer has reached 17.26 per 100,000 people in large cities, and this figure is much lower in smaller cities, less than 5 people. This disparity not only reflects the uneven distribution of medical resources, but also highlights the importance of disease screening.

However, in developed countries, the five-year survival rate for prostate cancer patients can be close to 100%, while in our country, this figure is less than 70%. The reasons behind this are complex and varied, including the high proportion of advanced disease detection, the choice of treatment, etc., all of which directly affect survival rates.

This is not only a medical problem, but also a social problem. In the face of such a reality, how can we not step up our efforts to raise public awareness of prostate cancer and close the gap?

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: The appearance of 2 major symptoms in men may be the arrival of cancer

2. Insidious and symptoms of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is known in part as the "silent killer" because it has few obvious symptoms in its early stages. By the time many men learn they have prostate cancer, the disease is often at an advanced stage.

Moreover, the initial symptoms of prostate cancer are often similar to those of prostatic hyperplasia, including frequent urination, urgency, difficulty urinating, etc., which can easily be mistaken for prostate problems common in the elderly, thus ignoring the need for further in-depth examination.

In order to improve the early detection rate of prostate cancer, modern medical research has developed a variety of screening techniques. PSA testing used to be the gold standard, but because its specificity is not ideal, more physicians now prefer to combine PSA testing with other tests to improve the accuracy of early diagnosis.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: The appearance of 2 major symptoms in men may be the arrival of cancer

3. Emphasis and care for prostate cancer

While improving the early detection rate of prostate cancer, it is equally important to care for and treat patients. Especially for patients with advanced disease, timely treatment and meticulous care can alleviate the condition and improve the quality of life.

At the same time, psychological support is also crucial for family members of prostate cancer patients, and their emotional stability and mental health also play an important role in the patient's recovery.

The discovery of prostate cancer does not mean death, but rather a beginning. Only by raising awareness of prostate cancer and strengthening screening and early diagnosis can we truly save the lives of more patients.

We hope that through our efforts, more men can realize that early detection and early treatment are the best choices for prostate cancer.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: The appearance of 2 major symptoms in men may be the arrival of cancer

Fourth, two major symptoms: remind men of the coming of cancer

Prostate cancer is often insidious in the early stages without obvious warnings, but there are two major symptoms that require special vigilance in men: symptoms related to lower urinary tract obstruction and compression symptoms. Symptoms of lower urinary tract obstruction include urinary frequency, urgency, weak or intermittent urine stream, and increased nocturia.

These symptoms may be misinterpreted as ordinary prostatic hyperplasia, but if accompanied by a sudden cessation of urine flow and inability to urinate on its own, it may be a sign that prostate cancer is causing severe blockage in the urethra. According to clinical studies, about 15% of prostate cancer patients show symptoms of urinary flow obstruction at the time of diagnosis.

On the other hand, compression symptoms are mainly caused by the spread of the tumour to the surrounding tissues, causing pressure on adjacent organs. This includes, but is not limited to, low back pain, weakness or numbness in the lower limbs, which can be a sign that cancer cells have invaded the spine or nerves.

In clinical cases, it has been reported that about 10% of prostate cancer patients experience such nerve compression symptoms at the time of initial diagnosis. The presence of these symptoms not only affects quality of life, but is also a clear indicator of disease progression, prompting patients and physicians to take immediate further diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: The appearance of 2 major symptoms in men may be the arrival of cancer

5. Prevention and early screening of prostate cancer

Prevention and early screening of prostate cancer are key to reducing the mortality rate of the disease. Although the exact cause of prostate cancer is not fully understood, cumulative research supports a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, including maintaining an appropriate weight, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet. In particular, a diet rich in tomatoes, legumes, nuts, and fish is thought to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Early screening is especially important. Currently, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood tests are the most commonly used screening method for prostate cancer. Although PSA testing is controversial, such as it can lead to overdiagnosis or overtreatment, it undoubtedly improves the chances of early detection of cancer.

Recent guidance recommends that men over the age of 50 should discuss the pros and cons of PSA testing and consider screening based on individual risk factors, such as family history and ethnic background.

In addition, studies have shown that combining PSA testing with digital rectal examination (DRE) can improve the sensitivity of the test, especially in high-risk populations.

To improve the accuracy of screening, more advanced biomarkers and imaging technologies are being developed in the medical community. For example, the Prostate Health Index (PHI) and multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) have been shown to have the potential to improve the accuracy and specificity of prostate cancer diagnosis.

The application of these innovative technologies is expected to help us detect prostate cancer more accurately and intervene in time in the future.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: The appearance of 2 major symptoms in men may be the arrival of cancer

6. How should men protect their prostate health?

To protect prostate health, men can take a range of steps. First and foremost, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise can help maintain weight, improve blood circulation, and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

In addition, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol is also necessary because smoking and excessive alcohol consumption have been shown to be associated with an increased incidence of prostate cancer.

In terms of diet, it is recommended to consume a diet rich in peanuts, carrots, pumpkin seeds, and other foods, which are rich in antioxidants and nutrients that help protect prostate health.

Secondly, regular medical check-ups and screenings are very important. Especially for high-risk groups, such as men over the age of 50 who have a family history of prostate cancer, they should be screened for prostate cancer regularly. Early detection of the disease can help improve treatment success and survival.

In addition, men should also value mental health. Excessive stress and psychological burden can affect immune system function and increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, learning to deal with stress effectively and maintaining a good attitude is essential to maintain prostate health.

Is prostate cancer found to be at an advanced stage? Reminder: The appearance of 2 major symptoms in men may be the arrival of cancer


As a common male malignant tumor, prostate cancer poses a significant threat to men's health. However, by raising awareness of prostate cancer, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and having regular check-ups and screenings, men can better protect their prostate health.

Early detection and early treatment are key to improving survival, and this requires a concerted effort at both the individual and societal levels. We hope to create a healthier living environment through unremitting efforts.

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