
What parents say about elementary school students

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What parents say about elementary school students

Parents' comments on primary school students 1

  1. A semester has passed, your efforts have been rewarded, your results have made teachers happy, and parents are relieved However, I have to remind you: don't be proud, don't be complacent, keep up the good work, your future is bright!

  2. With pen, ink, paper, and inkstone as a companion, and the qin, chess, calligraphy and painting as friends, you will have a glorious tomorrow!

  3. You are a good student, the teachers like you, like your excellent character and learning, and like your all-round development; Your classmates also like you, like your enthusiasm and simplicity, and like your generosity

  4. With confidence, determination, perseverance, and through your own down-to-earth struggle, the ideal in your heart will definitely be realized! Remember, today's efforts will be rewarded tomorrow

  5. I am touched by your determination; I also appreciate your actions, and you must do it, and there will always be a reward for your efforts; Do your best, and the reward will surely make you smile with satisfaction

  6. Continue to carry forward the achievements and keep forging ahead, your life must be very brilliant! Parents are happy for you, classmates cheer for you, and teachers bless you!

  7. With lofty ideals, clear goals, and courageous and resolute actions, we can create a brilliant tomorrow!

  8. You are smart and studious, honest and simple, with many advantages and a bright future! I hope you will not be satisfied with today's achievements, and through your own down-to-earth struggle, you will turn the beautiful blueprint in your heart into reality

  9. In the second semester, there is some progress in learning, and the practice problems that I will not do can be modestly corrected under the explanation of teachers and parents, and I hope that from the fifth grade, I can listen more seriously in class, and my initiative and consciousness of learning will be greatly improved

  10. You must learn to be independent and self-reliant, learn to use your work not to rely on others, be more targeted, arrange your time well, get rid of the bad habit of procrastination, give full play to your strengths, and strive to achieve good results in the next semester!

  11. You are a cute, quiet and versatile little girl, self-conscious, excellent grades, your words must be very good, but you are very timid, you have to answer boldly in class, I hope you will be as good as you were in the past in the next semester!

  12. You can actively cooperate with the teacher in class, think actively, improve your grades, study hard, be open-minded and inquisitive, but not serious and meticulous enough, the learning method needs to be improved, the mastery of knowledge is not firm enough, and the thinking ability should be further cultivated and improved. In labor, you are not afraid of hardship and tiredness, I hope you can learn more actively, think more, ask more, practice more, boldly ask teachers and classmates for advice, pay attention to the use of scientific learning methods, and improve learning efficiency; Thinking ability should be further cultivated and improved

  13. You are courteous, can tolerate the mistakes of others, is a reasonable girl with a sense of collective honor, willing to do things for the collective, the basic knowledge of each subject is relatively solid, you can concentrate on listening to lectures in class, speak boldly, study hard, your grades have been good, your homework is serious, your writing is neat, I hope to maintain the achievements I have made in the future, ask more, think more, pay attention to overcoming shortcomings, develop a diligent and inquisitive character, and strive to join the league organization as soon as possible, and become an excellent middle school student with all-round development! I believe that your continuous efforts will usher in a new page of your own

  14. I hope to correct the shortcomings of carelessness in the new school year and strive for greater progress.

  15. This semester has obviously changed a lot, very naughty, sometimes talking back, not very active in learning, lack of patience, we all hope that he will change in the sixth grade, give everyone a new look, be a good learner, proactive, strict with himself child. , your future is in your hands, work hard!

  16. I hope you will work hard to improve your self-confidence in the new school year, be open-minded, studious, hard-working, hard-working, and reward! Teachers, parents and students are looking forward to your greater gains! Go for it!

  17. My child has grown a lot taller this year, and I feel like I've grown up a lot! I can usually help my mother do a lot of things, and the problem of not listening to a little negative advice has also changed a lot, and it is generally acceptable to analyze it with him. I hope that next semester I can better arrange my study, play time, and study more actively.

  18. I hope you can boldly show yourself in the future, communicate more with your classmates, learn more from others' strengths, learn to distinguish between right and wrong, and your mother believes that you are the best.

  19. What Mom wanted to say, Mr. Sun said. Teacher Sun and your parents know you very well. The realization of all your ideals and wishes requires your unremitting actions to achieve, to be a caring person!

  20. Active and conscious learning should be improved in the sixth grade. In addition, reading and writing should also be strengthened, so that you can be aware of your own shortcomings and improve them.

Parents' comments on primary school students Part 2

  1. You are like a rising sun, people love you respect the teacher, love the class, homework is serious, self-motivated, and speak boldly, you have the desire to be the class leader and the teacher is very happy, which proves that you have been demanding yourself with the standard of a little man, which makes me see your courage, your progress, I sincerely hope that next semester Han Xu will have more outstanding performance and great progress in all aspects, at the same time, I also hope that Han Xu can make friends with books during the winter vacation, so you will be smarter, Think bigger, give it a try!

  2. You are a smart girl with a quick mind, a good language expression ability, a brain and an assertive mind, I like you very much, and your writing ability is also strong, but I hope that Wang Jiaoyang can carry forward her advantages in the next semester's study, and at the same time be more down-to-earth, don't be impetuous, you can arm your mind with more useful knowledge in books, and do things more seriously, and always remember the wise saying "learning the sea is endless", I wish you progress!

  3. You are a well-behaved and kind child, like nature, love small animals, usually respect the teacher, love the class collective, unite the classmates, so that the teacher is very assured, but to master the method of learning, to flexibly master the knowledge learned, and then work harder, I believe that the fruits of success will be picked by diligent people!

  4. You are a bright girl, serious and responsible for work, willing to help classmates, especially the help of Wang Yuanyuan's classmates let the teacher see your caring, kind side, I like you very much, you are more practical in learning, but you are not bold enough to speak in class, I hope to actively change yourself next semester, I think dance is the beautiful language of artists, and words are also the language of writers to show themselves, I hope you can use this dual language freely, I wish you to go to the next level!

  5. You are a smart, beautiful, well-behaved and lovely girl, self-motivated, study hard, speak actively in class, homework seriously, and improve your writing ability, but the class cadres are not bold enough, I hope to actively cultivate leadership skills in the next semester, in addition, the teacher will send you another sentence: the early bird has worms to eat, I believe that you must understand the teacher's intentions, I always look forward to your progress!

  6. You are a very smart, lovely girl, disciplined, never late for school, flexible mind response in class, positive speech, loud voice, high accuracy rate, many wonderful speeches this semester have made the teacher remember, strong ability to read aloud, the fly in the ointment is that the homework font is not standard enough, the quality of the homework is not high enough, I hope to take the study more seriously in the next semester, develop good study habits, I look forward to your progress!

  7. You are a child who respects the teacher and loves the class collective, because he can't win glory for the class and did not participate in the strong jump competition, the teacher is particularly moved, I am proud of having students like you, in the classroom, your mind is flexible, the speech is quite positive, the accuracy rate is also higher, and the language expression skills are also strong This is your advantage, but the composition is not serious enough, I hope to read more books during the winter vacation, improve the written expression ability, and become a good student with excellent character and learning!

  8. You are a respectful teacher, a quiet girl who learns very steadily, a clean and tidy homework is pleasing to the eye, you are willing to help junior students, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you, I hope that next semester Zhang Qing will be more bold in all aspects, cultivate your ability to speak, say more, express more, you will become a better student!

  9. You are a serious and lovely girl, you insist on attending class with illness is commendable, you listen carefully in class, your homework is clean and tidy, but you are not bold enough to speak, and you hope to make progress next semester! Exercise more during the holidays, and only by maintaining a good mental state will you do things well!

  10. You are a girl who studies hard, the font has been greatly improved compared to the last semester, but you dare not ask questions when you encounter problems, which is not conducive to the progress of your learning, I hope that in the next semester, whether it is a difficulty or a problem in learning, you should solve it with a positive attitude, treat the teacher as a friend, I like you, and I hope you can like me, try to communicate with teachers and classmates, you will find that teachers and classmates are not terrible, don't close yourself, open your mind, accept everyone!

Parents' comments on primary school students Chapter 3

  1. Baby hopes that you can correct your shortcomings and carry forward your strengths. Teachers and parents believe that you can do well and expect you to make greater progress.

  2. As a parent, I am very happy to see my child's progress, and I hope that this progress is just the beginning, and it can continue in the new semester, so as to live up to the expectations of the teacher. Thank you Mr. Liu for your encouragement!

  3. The growth of children requires a variety of nutrients in the society, school and family, and the teacher is the engineer of the child's growth. Go for your baby, too!

  4. I hope that I can get better results in the next exam, as parents, we will strengthen supervision, cooperate with teachers, and pay attention to children's trends with teachers in a timely manner!

  5. Through the study of the first grade and one semester, the child has changed many bad habits, thanks to the teacher, the baby should continue to work hard.

  6. As a parent, I deeply understand that no matter how good the seedlings are, if they are not cultivated by the gardener, they are in vain. I hope you are good at discovering your child's shining point and lighting a guiding light for your child's growth.

  7. Mom hopes that you will be physically and mentally healthy in the new year, make progress in your studies, and be a useful person to society in the future.

  8. You are very well-behaved, listen carefully to the lecture in class, carefully and timely complete the homework assigned by the teacher, parents are happy for you, continue to work hard, child, you will be better.

  9. Li Jingxin's parents: The old school year is about to become the big sister of Nanyou Primary School, you have to carry forward your love of learning, love the collective virtues, become a good child, good students hope that you will study hard in the new school year, to be a good child with comprehensive morality, intellect and physique

  10. Li Yufeng's parents: I hope that the child's self-motivation will be stronger, and if there is a moderate competitiveness, such a child will definitely be able to achieve better results

  11. Primary 1 Selection: Shi Baizhu's Parents: This semester, teachers and classmates trust you, so that you have the opportunity to serve the class and do something, which not only exercises yourself, but also makes you mature in learning, you gradually know how to arrange time reasonably, so that you have more time to do what you are interested in, so that your spare time becomes colorfulParents hope that you maintain good reading habits, expand your knowledge, and improve your self-cultivation

  12. Yangyang, you have climbed another ladder on the way to growth, I hope to get along with my classmates in the new semester, treat others tolerant The third grade is a critical period, don't be knocked down by difficulties, come on—— Yangyang Dad

  13. Tao Tao in the first grade is very naughty, Tao Tao in the second grade is very active, Tao Tao strives to be a qualified primary school student in the third grade—— Taotao's mother

  14. I hope you study hard, exercise well, be optimistic and cheerful, and get along well with your classmates...... Remember: God rewards diligence - Xiaobo's father

  15. Child, Dad hopes that you can perform better in all aspects next semester, and does not expect you to perform best in the class, but hopes that you will make new progress every day! You need to be bolder, you should actively answer the teacher's questions in class, and if you encounter a problem that you don't understand, you can actively ask your classmates and teachers for advice and work hard, Dad believes in you, you will definitely be able to —— Yang Yang's father

  16. Soon, two years of study have passed, in these two years Yihui has made great progress in some aspects, but there are also many problems, such as: inattentiveness in class; Timid and inactive in speaking; I hope that in the new year, under the careful care of the teacher and with my own efforts, there will be an improvement, and I can see a new Li Yihui - Yihui's father

  17. You are gradually growing up and becoming more sensible, so you have to work harder in your future study and life! At the same time, remember Mr. Shen's message: learning requires perseverance and firm every step - Xiaowen's mother

  18. Timid, hesitant and crying, that is your shortcomings, I hope that in the new semester, your shortcomings will disappear in you one by one with your own efforts, with the help of teachers and classmates, at that time, what is shown in front of us is a little girl full of confidence, full of sunshine and smiling face, and it is a little girl who is loved by parents, teachers and students

  19. Lu Yan's parents: Lu Yan is polite, civilized, helpful, respectful of the old and loves the young, Qi has made a plan for himself to study every day, work and rest, etc., and can persistently implement it at home is very obedient, study seriously, improve his grades compared with the previous ones, and develop good living habits, please ask the respected teachers to send more advice and help in the future, I am grateful!

  20. Guan Ke is a parent: Guan Ke has many advantages and disadvantages, once he was a "little donkey without longevity" - no perseverance, inertia, and occasionally willfulness These are related to the different management methods of our parents, I have not communicated enough with Mr. Sun and other teachers, I hope to communicate more, guide me more, and let Guan Ke grow from all aspects, thank you!

Parents' comments on primary school students Chapter 4

  I used to think that you were so inconspicuous sitting in the corner of the classroom. However, your performance again and again made the teacher see clearly, it turns out that you are a down-to-earth, studious and motivated child, and the longer you are in contact with you, the higher the evaluation of teachers and classmates will be for you. You are so hardworking, and the tasks assigned by the teacher can always be completed conscientiously; You are selfless and kind, and you never have a dispute with your classmates. The teacher advises you not to hide yourself in that corner of the classroom and to stand up and show yourself. The teacher believes that as long as you unswervingly follow the road of self-improvement, you will be able to create countless miracles.

  "The hump smells the roar, and the clear spring goes around the mountain; The trestle bridge is connected to the secluded place, and the lonely shadow is in the middle of the painting. "The teacher appreciates your leisurely complacency, but resent your carelessness; The teacher admires your cleverness but opposes your disappointment. If you are a piece of jade, the teacher is willing to be that hard chisel, because if you don't chisel away your inertia, you won't be able to find out your ambition! The teacher knows that you are a sensible, intelligent and lively boy, and can understand the painstaking teachings of your parents and teachers, so you should keep your promise and take practical actions to let the teacher see a man who stands up to the sky. May you "poetry and calligraphy in the world, Wen Taowu slightly crown the ancient and modern!" "That's who you are.

  Treat your elders, you are filial and sensible; You are polite to your teachers; Treat you with sincerity and affection. Teachers appreciate your courage to correct your mistakes, and because of this, coupled with your unremitting efforts, you have made significant progress this semester. However, there are still some gaps compared to the role models you are learning from in the class, mainly because you lack the spirit of perseverance, which leads to large fluctuations in your grades, and I hope that you can face up to your shortcomings and strive for greater improvement. Teacher wishes you success!

  You have a smart, flexible brain and a handsome appearance; You have the good qualities of respecting teachers and helping others; You have a diligent and down-to-earth learning attitude and a study habit of diligent reading and practice; Your innocent innocence is endearing; Your crisp speech and unique insights in the classroom impressed everyone; Your well-written composition is amazing. How envious of these students! You must not revel in it and stop. Only when a person learns from each other's strengths will he continue to improve. Everywhere strict requirements of themselves, read more extracurricular books, broaden knowledge, use the holidays, and strive to practice pen handwriting, so that the future flowers are more colorful, the fruit is sweeter, I believe you can achieve greater success, the teacher is waiting for your good news.

  Your paintings are so beautiful! The bold idea, the beautiful lines, the free and easy energy, it can be seen that there is a beautiful world in your heart! You must have a grand blueprint in mind! Yes, you have been working silently to achieve your goals. In language and mathematics class, I can always see your raised hand high, and your unique insight is amazing; In music class, you can always hear your melodious singing, and the heavenly sound makes people fascinated. But why do you always like to deal with carelessness and thus allow yourself to pass off with perfect marks? Remember: with care, concentration, and perseverance, the blueprint in your heart will come true.

  "Clear water out of hibiscus, natural carving." As your name suggests, you are so quiet and never worry about small things. This semester, through your own efforts, your grades are improving day by day, but your good study habits still need to be further cultivated, and occasionally there will be homework that is not serious, and memorizing tasks cannot be achieved overnight, which will seriously affect the further improvement of your academic performance. We must believe that as long as we work hard, we will reap sweet fruits. At that time, the smile on your face will be as colorful as the summer lotus.

  The vast ocean comes from a trickle, and the vast knowledge is all accumulated over time, you have good talents, and it is easy to learn, so why not read more extracurricular books, absorb more nutrients, and taste the joy of success in the boundless ocean of knowledge? A book is a cup of honey, made from the essence of a thousand flowers gathered by the diligent bees; Books are a cup of tea, only by tasting carefully, can you taste the sweetness through the bitterness, I hope you can be a person who loves to read, in the sea of books, taste the fun of exploring knowledge.

  You always look childish. Although you make small mistakes in your homework and often answer incomplete questions, the teacher still appreciates your agility and generosity, your keen observation and feeling of life, and your attitude towards thinking and correcting mistakes in a timely manner. Sometimes the teacher thinks that you are like a gentleman, polite and friendly to people. If writing can also make a good impression at first sight, you will definitely be more popular, try it, you can do it!

  You are generous and not good at words, and you are one of the students that the teacher admires the most. You are calm and strong, and simple and steady. Every time you open the workbook, you can appreciate your neat handwriting; Every time I see your attentive eyes, I can feel your dedication to learning. There is always a reward for your efforts, and your steadily rising grades are the best proof of this. "The sky is high and the birds fly, and the sea is wide and the fish jumps", may you spread your ideal wings and fly higher and farther in the sky of learning!

  Tiny little elves in our class, you don't lack smart minds. You are so dexterous in physical education class; In music class, your singing voice is so loud. It is a pity for the teacher that you always like to make friends with "carelessness", and you are easily distracted in class, so that your grades often miss the high score, and the occasional high score is not the end of success. I hope you can break off friendship with "carelessness", and be careful and always accompanied, and swim in the sea of learning. Remember: the human brain is like a wasteland, and if you are diligent in cultivating it, the wasteland will become fertile ground. I hope you can use your flexible brain to reclaim the fertile soil that belongs to you and create the glory of tomorrow!

  You are an obscure, unpretentious child, you can learn to be difficult and diligent; You won the second prize in the mathematics hand-copied newspaper competition organized by the school. You like to read, and you are in the classroom book corner every day. Let's read! A good book will show you a vast world, a vast ocean. Teachers often say that ability is more important than scores, and emotional intelligence is more effective than IQ. In the future, it is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of capacity. It is especially comforting for teachers during the revision period. You can communicate at the same table, you can concentrate more in class, and you can write your homework more seriously. A hard work, a harvest, success always belongs to those who keep climbing.

  You are an honest, honest boy who is disciplined and serious about your studies, but at the end of the semester, your grades have dropped because you have not examined the questions carefully. Do you know? If you want to become a talent, you must make friends with "diligence", isn't there a saying "diligence produces genius"? I believe that you must know how to do it! Teachers are looking forward to your surprise to teachers and classmates.

  If life is a tree, then, the ideal is the root, diligence is the leaf, perseverance is the dry, success is the fruit, you have a good learning foundation, and write a good hand, if you can be under the guidance of the goal, diligent, persistent pursuit of success, your tree of life will blossom and bear fruit. Your performance in all aspects has been very good this semester, your academic performance has improved steadily, and the teachers have always had confidence in you, believing that you can be an outstanding person by virtue of your strength!

Parents' comments on primary school students Chapter 5

  1. You are well-behaved and sensible by nature, and you are a helpful and polite child. Quiet girl. You care about the collective, love your work, respect your teachers, and be polite. You have a clear purpose for your studies and a serious attitude. However, in terms of study methods and time arrangement, we should use our brains more and be good at thinking, and hope to continue to work hard to improve our grades and strive for a higher level in all aspects.

  2. Have a good performance in school and be able to consciously abide by the rules and regulations of the school. Attentive in class, positive thinking, good academic performance. I hope that in the future, I can participate in more beneficial activities in addition to diligent study, so that the quality of all aspects can be improved!

  3. Your laughter is like a song, your enthusiasm is like a fire, you are serious and responsible for your work, helpful, and a boy with a sense of justice, I hope you will continue to work hard and strive to become a good student with excellent character and learning.

  4. Do you frown, can't you think of a problem? Will you be silent, not knowing how to answer? Do you want to get the teacher's attention by making small gestures when the teacher is not paying attention? Tell the teacher, okay? In fact, the teacher is always paying attention to you, you are no worse than others, and you are also the smartest student of the teacher! Have faith in yourself! Open your heart, let the teacher and classmates in together, put in the effort, and there will definitely be rewards. Let's work together, shall we?

  5. You have a good temperament, honesty and trustworthiness, respect for teachers, unite classmates, behave in a civilized manner, you are good at football, and your sweat is sprinkled on the green field. May you lay a solid cultural foundation so that you can take off in the kingdom of football, and I am willing to be your most loyal fan!

  6. There is a famous saying circulating in American society: If you don't even believe in yourself, who will trust you? The teacher wants to give you this sentence, hoping to enlighten you, in fact, you are a very good child, you must have confidence in yourself, boldly show yourself, and constantly exercise yourself.

  7. You have a flexible brain, and you can answer questions that others can't answer. But at some point, you make a "bad friend" that often deprives you of the opportunity to excel in exams. Missed the rankings during the competition. Oh! What a pity! Do you know who this bad friend is? It's just "sloppy and careless", but the teacher thinks you'll soon break up with it and make a new friend who is "serious and careful"! Is that right?

  8. You are active by nature, this is not a shortcoming, but you are not attentive enough in class, there are some small movements, homework is very sloppy, sometimes you can't tell what words are written, your consciousness is not strong, and your grades are not stable enough, these are shortcomings!. Also, get along well with your classmates and don't be too stingy. Although you have many shortcomings, you should be able to get rid of them and still be a good student.

  9. You are obedient and sensible, tolerant and generous, can get along with your classmates, you are self-motivated, and eagerly hope that you will become a good student who satisfies teachers and parents as soon as possible, but you lack tenacious will, so you often aspire, you lack long-term goals, so you are easy to satisfy, you lack the correct learning method, take the completion of the teacher's learning task as the only goal, and rarely care about the quality and broadening of learning, so you have paid a lot, but the progress is slow, so the teacher is pleased that you have recognized your own shortcomings, I believe that you will definitely have more positive actions in the new semester.

  10. Hard work and positivity are your success capital, and you have won the love of teachers and classmates with your intelligence and wisdom. But for some reason, your grades have not improved this semester? AtmosphereSeize the opportunity, make use of your strengths and avoid weaknesses, cherish every opportunity that is about to slip away from you, and every minute, you will find that you can do better!

Parents' comments on primary school students Chapter 6

  1. You are a very serious student, and you do every homework carefully and carefully. The teacher can also see your little hand raised in class, which makes the teacher very happy. But now, you've made a bad friend, and that's playfulness. Remember, it's okay to play, but it's not right to be playful. Behave well, and the teacher believes that you can still catch up!

  2. You are a child who does not like words and is more afraid of things. I am more serious in my studies, and I have completed my homework well every time; You are also a hygienic child, and you can do your job well every time. But you're too quiet, and your answer in class is so quiet, can you be louder? I hope you will continue to work hard and the teacher will keep an eye on your progress.

  3. You are always the first to complete your class assignment and always raise your hand every time you answer a question. Although there are sometimes small mistakes in your assignments and the answers may not be complete, the teacher still appreciates your resourcefulness and boldness. What pleases me the most is that if anyone needs help, you will lend a hand of friendship. However, I have a special expectation for you: when you have a conflict with someone over a small matter, let go of your clenched fists and smile humbly, okay? I believe you won't let me down.

  4. Your smart and lively appearance is pleasing to the eye, your small figure, like an active note in the class, often plays a pleasant string rhythm, and you always have a loud voice and rich expression every time you answer a question in class. Every time you clean up, you can always see your busy figure, sweeping the floor and busy wiping the table, asking you "tired", you always smile and say "not tired", child, you are good, but the teacher also hopes that you will use this energy in learning, don't be late for class, take every class seriously, every homework, then the teacher will appreciate you more.

  5. You are smart and can often answer questions that other students can't. Hello ask, there are countless strange questions hidden in your head. You are playful, your sharp fingers are your weapons, and the faces of your classmates are your targets. You are stubborn, always repeating the confession of your mistakes without seeing true repentance. If you can be strict with yourself and "change your ways", then you will become a lively and lovely student who is liked by everyone.

  6. You have a flexible brain, and you can answer questions that others can't answer. But at some point, you make a "bad friend" that often deprives you of the opportunity to excel in exams. Missed the rankings during the competition. Oh! What a pity! Do you know who this bad friend is? It's just "sloppy and careless", but the teacher thinks you'll soon break up with it and make a new friend who is "serious and careful"! Is that right?

  7. Your hobby is recreational activities, your specialty is dance, you are smart and capable, able to speak, and likeable, but sometimes absent-minded in class, sloppy homework, do not seek to understand, and unsatisfactory math results, please remember, as long as the kung fu is deep, the iron rod is sharpened into a needle. True intelligence comes from hard work, and if you have the spirit of never getting tired of learning, then it is satisfying.

  8. You have a wide range of interests and a rich imagination. In class, you speak very enthusiastically and always have unique insights. What a clever little guy! But carelessness is always with you. If you can "get rid of" it, you will definitely be at the top of your class.

  9. Have you ever heard of such a famous saying? No accumulation of steps, no thousands of miles; There is no shortcut to learning, you must be down-to-earth, perseverance, perseverance, in order to learn something, I hope you always use this words to encourage yourself, do not waste your good talent.

  10. In my opinion, for life, everything around us should maintain a childlike sincerity and enthusiasm, touching the heart is not preceded by love, maybe you do not agree with my opinion, maybe as you grow older, you will slowly understand the truth, in the imminent separation, the teacher wants to send you a word: raise your head, face the sun, bless others and bless yourself.

  11. After the help and education of teachers and parents, your learning attitude has changed significantly, and you will be motivated when your goals are clear, in fact, your grades have been very good, but everyone hopes that you will go to the next level, and you will be able to make a difference and achieve something in the future, I believe you will not only be satisfied with the status quo, work hard! Don't bury yourself, the teacher has confidence in you.

  12. You are a kind-hearted, clear distinction between right and wrong, responsible child, can do everything dutifully, you work hard to learn from the good classmates around you, and your grades are improving day by day. Teachers like your learning energy to swim in the ocean of knowledge, and they prefer to see you fly happily in nature like a butterfly in your spare time.

  13. The great scientist Albert Einstein said it well: "I have no special talent, but I like to get to the bottom of the problem." You are a smart child, I hope you can always use this sentence to encourage yourself, use your brains more when encountering problems, give full play to your intelligence, and be a "man" with a future!

  14. You are honest, honest quality, serious and down-to-earth style of study left a deep impression on us, you are very responsible, everything can be done meticulously, which has also won the trust of teachers and classmates, you will soon become a middle school student, the teacher wishes you one day to unfold a mature feather to soar in the blue sky.

  15. I appreciate your recent essay "Happy Moments", which expresses your confident and nervous feelings when you took the flute exam, and I am very happy to share the happiness of success with you, which also makes me realize that your inner world is very rich, and I hope that your talents can be further developed in the future and become a productive person.