
"Painting the Sun", "Grass on the Balcony", "Happy Weekend"

author:Golden Sunshine Literature

Draw the sun

The fourth primary school and the eighth class in the urban area Xin Mengyu

Tutor: Song Caiping

I wanted to draw a snow-white sun, hanging in the blue sky of the desert, and the steaming desert suddenly had the coolness of melting snow.

I want to draw a colorful sun and give it to my little white cat, and when the sun shines, it will be a colorful cat.

I want to draw a pink sun and let it shine on the carnations that are planted, and I wish my teacher and mother eternal youth and beauty!

"Painting the Sun", "Grass on the Balcony", "Happy Weekend"

Grass méi on the balcony

Yang Yiman, Class 18 of 4th Primary School in the urban area

Tutor: Song Caiping

When spring came, my mother bought me a few grass seedlings, and I planted them in small tǒng on the balcony. After a few days, it sprouted new shoots, and after a few more days, it grew into a leaf the size of a hand. Slowly, it bloomed into white flowers, and the flowers fell and grew a peanut-sized grass. Later, the small grass méi became yìng bì size.

Mom said that in a few days the grass méi shú will be ready to eat!

"Painting the Sun", "Grass on the Balcony", "Happy Weekend"

Happy weekend

Wu Zixuan, Class 4 Primary 18 in the urban area

Tutor: Song Caiping

On Saturday morning, we went to the farmhouse for dinner as a family. My grandfather and I went to play by the river, and my grandfather gave me a small kē dǒu, which I happily showed to my mother. After eating, my dad took me outside the yard to play, and I saw the mother goat and the baby goat, the big rooster, and a little duck. In the distance, a few uncles were fishing by the pond, and my uncle gave me a small fish, and I was very happy.

Today is a really happy day.

"Painting the Sun", "Grass on the Balcony", "Happy Weekend"

Happy day

The fourth primary school and the eighth class in the urban area Zhang Yuanyi

Tutor: Song Caiping

On the last day of the Qingming holiday, I went to the park with my parents to play.

In the park, I saw all the flowers blooming, pink peach blossoms, yellow rape flowers, red begonia flowers, and so many colorful flowers that I can't name.

We took a lot of photos and had a great time.

"Painting the Sun", "Grass on the Balcony", "Happy Weekend"

yóu Playground

Li Ziyan, Class 18 of 4 Primary School in the city

Tutor: Song Caiping

On Sunday morning, my mom told me that I was going to play at the yóu playground today, and I cheered with joy.

We quickly finished our morning fàn and hit the road. Mom was driving in front, and my brother and I were sitting in the back. My brother and I happily hand wǔ足dǎo.

We arrived at the yóu playground and walked in. There are so many people in there! I dragged my mother to sit on the Xuán Zhuǎn Trojan Horse, I sat one by myself, my mother bào and my brother also sat on it, they looked at me and laughed, I smiled at them, and my mother also took a picture of us! We took another roller coaster ride and then a small plane.

We had such a great time today!

"Painting the Sun", "Grass on the Balcony", "Happy Weekend"

Spring is coming

Li Ziyan, Class 18 of 4 Primary School in the city

Tutor: Song Caiping

In the spring, the táo flowers bloom, the liǔ tree also fā yá, and the bird is also on the tree zhā zhā zhā jiào.

Dad, Gū Gu, sister and brother, let's go to Times Square together. My brother and I put the wind Zheng high and high, but my sister's wind Zheng couldn't let go.

I had so much fun this Sunday!

"Painting the Sun", "Grass on the Balcony", "Happy Weekend"

Contributed by Song Caiping

Editor: Li Junwei

Review: Li Xinke, Li Yong

"Painting the Sun", "Grass on the Balcony", "Happy Weekend"

Golden sunshine, let your dreams fly

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