
"Father Tells Stories" serialized (16) The martial arts team changed their clothes and received the mission to Zhanjia Village


The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was raging, and the Eighth Route Army fought bravely to kill the enemy, while at the same time extensively carrying out mass work behind enemy lines. A mysterious team of martial artists came into being, they put on special camouflage, carried a brand-new German-made box gun on their shoulders, and with the sincere heart of saving the nation, they trekked through mountains and rivers to the front. What kind of agitation will their arrival bring to the local anti-Japanese forces? How will they roam behind enemy lines and contribute to the ultimate victory? Let's wait and see how this young martial arts team performs!

"Father Tells Stories" serialized (16) The martial arts team changed their clothes and received the mission to Zhanjia Village

1. The mysterious martial arts team changed its clothes and set out

In the spring of 1942, when the Japanese puppet army launched a huge "sweeping" operation in the Hebei, Shandong, Henan, and Anhui regions, the newly formed 111th Division of the Eighth Route Army was ordered to stay in the Rizhao area of Shandong Province to undertake the important task of revitalizing the Bohai anti-Japanese base area. At this time, the Party Central Committee gave clear instructions that a large number of guerrilla units should be dispatched behind enemy lines, widely publicize the anti-Japanese proposition, mobilize the masses, and create favorable conditions for the field army to fight.

After receiving this instruction, Wan Qingye, commander of the new 111th Division, immediately summoned the chief of staff, political commissar, and other high-level officials to study the arrangements. After repeated discussions and careful consideration, it was decided to draw backbone forces from various units and set up an "armed task force," or "armed engineering team" for short. The armed engineering team will shoulder a special task, disguised as a team of traitors, and go deep into the enemy-occupied areas to carry out activities, propagate anti-Japanese ideas, mobilize the masses, and disintegrate the enemy.

The news of the formation of the armed engineering team spread quickly among the troops and immediately aroused strong repercussions. The team members drawn from various units are all elite, and they are extremely proud to be able to participate in this mysterious unit. Among them, there are comrades such as Wang Kai and Xu Zhenyu who responded to the call, they are already well-known old revolutionaries, brave and shrewd, and proficient.

On the night of the establishment of the Wugong team, the team members gathered in Luojiafengtai Village to hold the first party branch meeting. Ren Jie, Li Junjie and others spoke one after another, feeling extremely pleased that the division commander attached so much importance to the establishment of the armed arts team, and vowed to work hard to complete all tasks and live up to everyone's trust.

"Father Tells Stories" serialized (16) The martial arts team changed their clothes and received the mission to Zhanjia Village

Early the next morning, the team members focused on changing their clothes. They wore the newly formulated green cotton robes of the Quartermaster Department, with a cloth belt around their waists and old top hats, and they looked like a team of traitors. The most striking thing was that each of them was equipped with a brand-new German-made box gun and 30 rounds of ammunition, which made the military engineering team the focus of the whole army.

When they set out on the expedition, all the organs came to see off the martial arts team, and everyone praised this "traitor team" for its similar costume, and it would definitely be able to frighten the enemy when it entered the enemy-occupied area. The members of the martial arts team were elated, talking and laughing, facing the rising sun, and went straight to the southeast along the mountain path, and the sonorous and powerful footsteps echoed in the valley, like a violent torrent, unstoppable.

2. Condolences along the way and orders on the front line

After marching over the 60-mile road, the Wugong team came to Wangtuan Village near Tianzhuang, where the 666th Regiment of the New 111th Division was stationed. Head Peng Jingwen and instructor Li Xin came to greet each other in person, and warmly invited Wang Kai and Xu Zhenyu to take a break at the regiment headquarters after lunch.

Commander Peng said in a thick Kanto accent: "You have walked such a long mountain road, stay at the regiment headquarters today, and continue to move forward tomorrow." The implication is that we are well aware of the difficult environment ahead, and I hope that everyone will have a good rest first.

Wang Kai and others had no choice but to obey the order and spend the night at a villager's house in a courtyard house in the east of the village. The owner, surnamed Wang, is an old farmer, and has two sons under his knees, the eldest son, Wang Zhuoru, who is about 30 years old, has a round face and a cheerful temperament. Seeing that the military engineering team was stationed here, Wang Zhuoru diligently made tea and entertained him, and gradually introduced his appreciation for the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army from daily conversations.

"Why don't you participate in the great cause of resisting Japan and saving the country? Wang Kai saw through his thoughts and asked straight questions.

Wang Zhuoru replied sincerely: "I just came back from the Nanhu District Office, and their comrades did not immediately take me in and let me go home to wait for the notice. "

"Father Tells Stories" serialized (16) The martial arts team changed their clothes and received the mission to Zhanjia Village

It was a hot summer, and in the afternoon, Wang Kai and Wang Zhuo chatted back and forth, until the head of the Peng regiment sent someone to notify them to go to the regiment headquarters for a meeting, and they were reluctant to say goodbye.

Commander Peng briefed the Wugong team on the mission: to the south, over a mountain, more than 20 miles away from here is the front area. The 4th Company led by Company Commander Yang Yinqing and Instructor Zhang Yukai was active there, and the Ribei County Working Committee of the underground party of the Communist Party of China also sent Comrade Yu Pengju to cooperate closely with the 4th Company.

"You're here at the right time! Head Peng said, "There is a great shortage of cadres to do mass work. You are instructed to work closely with Comrade Yu Pengju and the 4th Company to first organize the local masses and lay a good foundation for the future development of enemy-occupied areas to the east. "

Instructor Li Xin added: "Comrade Yu Pengju was transferred from the 13th Regiment of the Eighth Route Army to work in Ribei County. The arrival of your martial arts team will undoubtedly add a major boost to him. "

"It is very close to Wanjiaping, Shentuan, and Yandongling, the major strongholds of the enemy's puppet army, and we must be vigilant to prevent a surprise attack by the enemy. Commander Peng advised, "The three of you should act in unison, because Comrade Pengju took the lead in implementing unified leadership, covering each other, taking care of each other, and acting cautiously." "

Early the next morning, after bidding farewell to the old farmers of the Wang family, the martial arts team continued to march to the front line. Wang Zhuoru eagerly sent them to a far away place outside the village before reluctant to say goodbye, and when he left, Wang Kai warned him that "the rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of the husband", and encouraged him to insist on signing up, vowing to become an anti-Japanese hero.

3. The CCP's underground agents appeared

After leaving Wangtuan Village, the armed engineering team continued to march to the front line of the enemy-occupied area. The road was rugged, the mountain roads were winding, and the early summer sun was like fire, and everyone marched all the way quite hard. Fortunately, on the way, they occasionally encountered a small road leading to the village, and the team members would take the initiative to ask the villagers about the road conditions, so as to rest and quench their thirst.

"Father Tells Stories" serialized (16) The martial arts team changed their clothes and received the mission to Zhanjia Village

One afternoon, the team took a break in a small village. Captain Xu Zhenyu greeted Comrade Wang Kai, pointed to an old farmer with gray hair and a slight physique, and said, "This is Comrade Liu Ziqian we are looking for." "

It turned out that the old man, whose pseudonym was Liu Laoshi, was an underground agent sent by the Ribei County Party Working Committee to meet with the Wugong team. In order to hide from others, he hid in this secluded village, mingled among the peasants all day long, and secretly tailored a "pass" for the martial arts team.

Liu Ziqian saw the arrival of the martial arts team, and although he repeatedly covered it up, the joy on his face could not hide his excitement. He warmly beckoned everyone into the house to sit down, poured a cup of strong tea himself, and said with a smile on his face: "I am Liu Laoshi!" It's great that a few people are here, Xiao Liu is waiting! "

Wang Kai saw that his expression was calm and unpretentious, and he couldn't help but sigh: "It turns out that Comrade Liu is the legendary 'Shenxing Taibao', and he really lives up to his reputation." "

After resting for a while, Liu Ziqian led everyone back on the road, walked along a trail for about five or six miles, and came to a small hill. In the gentle terrain, there is a solid stone cave, and as soon as the guards waved, a sturdy young man came out of it and escorted Liu Ziqian into the cave.

The cave was dim, only a dim oil lamp was lit, and Liu Ziqian beckoned everyone to sit down on the kang. Afterwards, he took out a few brand-new forged documents from a basket and distributed them to the members of the martial arts team one by one.

"This is the 'little book' and pass that I have carefully forged for each of you, enough to withstand the interrogation along the way. Remember, as soon as you encounter the enemy's inspection, show these documents and put on a 'traitor' style, and they will let you go freely. "

Liu Ziqian pushed a yellowed blank map in front of Wang Kai and marked a place name on it: "This is Zhanjia Village." According to the instructions of Commander Peng Jingwen, you must rush here to join the underground party of the Chinese Communist Party and continue to advance to the enemy-occupied areas to carry out your work. "

"Father Tells Stories" serialized (16) The martial arts team changed their clothes and received the mission to Zhanjia Village

He said with a solemn face: "Starting from here to reach Zhanjia Village, although the journey is not too far, but the whole journey is surrounded by the old nest of the imperial army, and there are many dangers, so be vigilant!" "

After Wang Kai thanked Liu Ziqianyi, all the personnel of the martial arts team wore top hats and guns on their shoulders, sorted out their clothes, and prepared to set off. Liu Ziqianmu sent them away, and whispered in a blessed voice to their distant backs: "May you have a safe journey and meet your teacher as soon as possible!" "

Fourth, the sniper who encountered a surprise attack was almost unlucky

After bidding farewell to Liu Ziqian, the martial arts team continued to march towards Zhanjia Village. Along the way, they strictly followed Liu Ziqian's instructions, wore forged documents, and intentionally or unintentionally put on a traitor team. Fortunately, there was no interrogation along the way, and finally arrived at the outskirts of Zhanjia Village at dusk.

At this time, behind a small mound at the head of the village, there was a group of strong men in blue cloth short clothes, holding long and short guns, and looking vigilant. As soon as the martial arts team approached, they were immediately yelled at by this group of people: "Which team are you?" Where to go? "

Wang Kai puffed up his chest and showed the forged documents that had been prepared long ago. The group quieted down, surrounded them, and carefully checked their documents.

Behind a small mound on one side, a figure in a gray military uniform and a black mask suddenly flashed, and then a gunshot rang out, and bullets whistled past, startling the members of the martial arts team to immediately scatter and dodge.

The man in the gray military uniform appeared from behind the hill and swept another burst of bullets, almost hitting Wang Kai. Seeing this, the members of the Wugong team immediately fought back, and the two sides started a shootout on the outskirts of Zhanjia Village.

"Father Tells Stories" serialized (16) The martial arts team changed their clothes and received the mission to Zhanjia Village

"It's Company Commander Yang and Instructor Zhang who sent someone to greet us! At this time, an old man in peasant clothes came out from behind the mound and shouted loudly.

Shouts were heard, and the two sides immediately stopped exchanging fire. The old man walked up to the martial arts team and said cordially, "How many of them are from the martial arts team from the head of the 666th regiment, Peng?" I am Yu Pengju, an underground party member assigned here by Ribei County of the Communist Party of China. "

It turned out that the sniper who shot just now was specially arranged by the party organization to prevent camouflage fraud. The two sides can be regarded as an unintentional scuffle.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yu Pengju hurriedly led the martial arts team through the pass and moved to a secluded earthen house in the village to settle down. He said that Instructor Zhang Yukai and Deputy Instructor Wang Xinbao were both here, while Company Commander Yang Yinqing led the main force to temporarily station in a neighboring village.

"The ambush at the entrance of the village is a struggle team transferred from the army and the people's corps, and due to the lack of training and the maturity of your disguise, it will cause misunderstanding. Zhang Yukai said, "Fortunately, everyone was cautious and did not cause more chaos, otherwise it would have been bad." "

Deputy instructor Wang Xinbao complained repeatedly: "It's a pity that we have prepared gongs and drums to welcome you, and it was really in vain to be scattered by the gunfire just now." "

Everyone laughed and the atmosphere was re-enlivened. Wang Kai cleared his throat and announced: "Now that we are joining forces with the underground party of the Communist Party of China, we must conscientiously implement the instructions of Head Peng, organize the masses, fight traitors, and live up to our mission!" "

5. Conspiring to resist Japan and increase strength

"Father Tells Stories" serialized (16) The martial arts team changed their clothes and received the mission to Zhanjia Village

After the two sides cleared up each other's misgivings, the first meeting between the armed forces and the party's underground organization took place. Instructor Zhang Yukai first conveyed to everyone the instructions of the Ribei County Working Committee of the Communist Party of China on carrying out work in enemy-occupied areas:

"In this vast enemy-occupied area, reactionaries and capitalist roaders still exist, traitors and puppet armies run rampant, and the masses of the people are severely exploited and oppressed. We must do our work in depth and in a down-to-earth manner, mobilize the masses extensively, unite all forces that can be united, strengthen our ranks, strike at traitors and puppet armies, and prepare to seize power in the future. "

Yu Pengju further assigned specific tasks: first, the armed forces team took the lead in going deep into the East Village, secretly meeting with Zhang Yuchang, the underground party of the village, to jointly organize the patriots and peasants in the village, publicize the idea of resisting Japan and saving the country, mobilize the masses, and fight against the traitors and puppet army; At the same time, the Wugong team also cooperated with Zhang Yuchang to help the underground party develop its organization; In the end, the martial arts team was divided into several roads and continued to develop more villages to the east to expand its influence.

"The East Village is only three or four miles away from Zhanjia Village, and although you pass through the enemy's stronghold on the way, as long as you rely on your 'pass', you shouldn't encounter much resistance. Yu Pengju is full of confidence in the martial arts team.

After that, the meeting repeatedly discussed the specific matters of cooperation between the armed forces and the underground party. Although the armed workers team lacked experience in developing the mass work, they were determined to learn from the party organizations and set up a sincere will: to widely publicize the anti-Japanese proposition, organize forces to deal with traitors and puppet troops, and resolutely implement the party's instructions.

At the end of the meeting, Yu Pengju, Zhang Yukai and others repeatedly told the martial arts team to be extra cautious and cautious in their actions and not to take it lightly. The two sides set up a code code to distinguish between them. Zhang Yukai also handed Wang Kai a laser pistol in case of emergency.

After the meeting ended, they began to prepare for the trip to the East Village. Wang Kai personally cheered for the members of the armed arts and called on everyone to carry forward the revolutionary tradition, set off a mighty torrent of resistance against the traitors and puppet army in this enemy-occupied area, and contribute his own strength to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.