
"Reunion 4" easily won 600 million in North America for 10 consecutive days

"Reunion 4" easily won 600 million in North America for 10 consecutive days

"Avengers 4" won the North American box office the following weekend

Marvel Studios produced the superhero blockbuster "Avengers 4: Endgame" in North America the next week of release is still difficult to meet the opponent, the film three days another crazy gold 145 million US dollars in the weekend, although it failed to refresh the "Star Wars 7" to maintain the North American film history of the next weekend box office record, but still won the weekend championship with an absolute advantage. It took Avengers 4 just 10 days to break the $600 million mark in North America, shortening Star Wars 7's all-time fastest record by two days.

As of Sunday, "Avengers 4" has swept $2.1887 billion worldwide, surpassing films such as "Avengers 3", "Star Wars Episode 7" and "Titanic", and rising to the second highest in the history of the global film box office, and the performance is temporarily second only to "Avatar" directed by Kashin. The film <b>broke the $2 billion mark in just 11 days, also significantly breaking the record for the fastest time in history held by Avatar (47 days</b>).

Thanks to the continued strong box office output of "Reunion 4", the North American market has also maintained a high degree of popularity. The top 12 films on the 18th weekend of 2019 grossed $194 million, a 51.4 percent drop from last week, but nearly 20 percent higher than Avengers 3's consecutive top-grossing year-on-year ($162 million). <b>With the super assist of the "Avengers", the North American market finally ended with a record of $1.0344 billion in April, successfully breaking the all-time best of $1.027 billion in the same period last year. </b>Up to now, the cumulative box office in North America this year has also risen to $3.685 billion, although there is still a large gap of nearly $400 million compared with the same period last year, but the gap is narrowing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The ranking of three new films released on a large scale followed "Reunion 4", with Sony Pingzhen's thriller "Intruder" earning $11 million in the first weekend, showing that it led the way in the new films. Lionsgate's restrictive comedy "The Long Process" also exceeded $10 million in three days of painting, ranking third at the weekend box office. The new animated film "Ugly Doll" opened more than $8.5 million in its first weekend, ranking fourth in the weekend list.

"Reunion 4" easily won 600 million in North America for 10 consecutive days

"The Long Vacation" was third in the first weekend in North America

Disney's comic book adaptation of Captain Marvel grossed another $4.28 million over the weekend, ranking fifth at the weekend box office and now grossing more than $420 million.

The action film "El Chicano," starring Raul Castillo and others, was released in a small range of 605 theaters last week and grossed $700,000 in its first three days, ranking 11th on the weekend box office list.

The film's directorial debut, directed by actor Ben Bray, tells the story of Los Angeles detective Diego Hernandez who discovers that a gangster is linked to the death of his brother Pedro, who takes over his brother's superhero status during the investigation. Positioned as the first Latino-starred superhero movie to receive only 38 percent media praise on Rotten Tomatoes, the word of mouth was less than ideal. Although it cost only $8 million to make, it was difficult to recoup the cost.

Zhang Yimou's historical action film "Shadow" was screened in four Theaters in North America on Friday and only grossed $30,000 for the first three days, a mediocre performance. The film, released by WGUSA, averaged less than $10,000 in its first week, far inferior to Zhang's previous "Jinling Thirteen Chao" ($48,000) and "Return" (both $26,000). Zhang Yimou's last work, The Great Wall, was released on a large scale by Universal Pictures in North America, and opened $18.47 million in 3,328 theaters in its first weekend, surpassing that year's "Hero" ($18 million).

<b>Top 10 weekend box office in North America 2019. 05.03- 05.05 (in million DOLLARs).</b>

"Reunion 4" easily won 600 million in North America for 10 consecutive days

<b>Last week's new film detailed</b>

<b>"Intruder" - a low-budget horror film that opened out beyond expectations</b>

"Reunion 4" easily won 600 million in North America for 10 consecutive days

The opening performance of "Intruder" is better than expected

"Avengers 4" still gathers most of the focus of the market, while the strength of several new films filled in the file is relatively weak, and the opening expectations of the three new films are around ten million US dollars. Sony Screen's low-pitched horror film <b>The Intruder, although the production cost was the lowest of the three new films, it was slightly better than the other two. </b>The new film, directed by Holiday Horror director Deon Taylor, tells the story of a newlywed couple who buy a house in Napa Valley, but the house's former owner refuses to let go, and he tries to take back the property in a deadly way.

"Intruder" opened early thursday night in around 2,073 theaters in North America, earning $865,000 that night, the best of the three new films. The film officially opened in 2,222 theaters across the United States on Friday, earning $3.9 million on its first day, and was second only to "Avengers 4" in the box office on Friday, ranking second at the single-day box office. "Intruder" closed another $4.21 million on a single day on Saturday, up 38% from the first day of the opening of the film, excluding the advance, and the trend is still decent for PG13-level films. The distribution company estimates that "Intruder" will collect $11 million in three days of north American painting, and will break through the $8 million production cost line in the first week (some media say its cost is as low as $5 million), <b>and the opening performance is slightly better than market expectations</b>.

The first weekend of "Intruder" accounted for 53% of the audience, 68% of the group over 25 years old, and the audience portraits were in line with the characteristics of similar works. It is worth mentioning that as a film created by more than half of the main creators of African Descent, 34% of the audience in the first week of "Intruder" was black, which was basically the same as that of whites, and the attendance rate of the Hispanic community was close to 20%, reflecting the extreme diversity of its audience composition.

The film received a "B-" in the cinema survey CinemaScore, the export survey recommendation index was only two and a half stars, and the audience reputation was moderately low. The film also received only 27% of the media praise rate (17 likes, 46 stamps) on the Rotten Tomatoes website, with an average score of only 4.1 points. Critics argued that "the film forcibly drags the five-minute story into a two-hour film, and the absurd plot leads to a lack of suspense in the story, while also weakening the appropriate performance of the actors."

<b>The Long Process – The first week of restrictive comedy was mediocre</b>

"Reunion 4" easily won 600 million in North America for 10 consecutive days

"The Long Process" received good media reviews

Lionsgate's R-rated comedy "The Long Process" officially opened in 3,230 theaters in North America on Friday, earning $3.63 million on its first day (including $600,000 on Thursday advances), beating the same-day "Intruder" and finishing third at the single-day box office.

The new film, directed by Warm Corpse director Jonathan Levine, tells the story of a dick who pursues Bai Fumei, in which Seth Rogan plays an unemployed journalist with bad luck and self-destructive tendencies who wants to pursue his childhood nanny and dream lover, and she is now one of the tallest and unattainable women on the planet (Charlize Theron).

The film closed another $3.77 million on Saturday, up 24 percent from the first day after deducting the advance, <b>and wasn't bad for an R-rated movie. </b>Lionsgate estimates that "The Long Process" will collect another $2.62 million (-31%) on Sunday, and its opening weekend will earn $10.03 million in three days, also ranking third at the weekend box office. The film's opening score is only about 50% of the director's previous work "Mother-Daughter War", and the results are not ideal. Although <b>the production cost of this film reached 40 million US dollars, the investment in the same type of works is not high, but in terms of its opening performance, even if it has better staying power, it is difficult to guarantee that it will eventually break through the cost line. </b>

<b>"The Long Journey" received good reviews from the media, receiving 83% freshness (an average score of 7.0/10) on Rotten Tomatoes, which was much higher than the director's previous work "Mother-Daughter War" (36% praise rate). </b>In the first week of the film, 56% of the audience was female, while the group over 35 years old accounted for 68%, as a comedy did not attract enough young audiences, probably because "Reunion 4" is still the first choice for young audiences in the market.

The media said, "The film is a deep and layered comedy, the two leading actors play the eccentric CP throughout the high energy, the quality of the film is above the level of genre films." The film received a "B" in CinemaScore, the audience recommendation index reached three and a half stars, and the word of mouth was not bad for restricted comedies. "The Long Process" also received only $3.3 million in its first week overseas, and although it has not yet opened in many major markets, its return to the capital situation is also extremely unoptimistic.

<b>"Ugly Doll" - animation musical comedy box office failure</b>

"Reunion 4" easily won 600 million in North America for 10 consecutive days

"Ugly Doll" Rotten Tomatoes freshness is only 34%

STX's new animated film "Ugly Doll" opened in 3652 theaters on Friday, and only received $8.51 million in advance in the first three days, which was inferior to the two live-action movies that opened on the same day and ranked fourth in the weekend box office list.

Produced by Original Force, Robert Rodriguez's Troublemaker Studios and STX Entertainment, this anime is <b>a jukebox musical, a musical based on an existing hit song, with a corresponding storyline that strings together all the songs, with the protagonists performing music in the story, but sometimes the plot and song content are not very related. </b>

The story of "Ugly Doll" tells that when a doll in the doll factory has a defective product, it will be thrown into another fantasy world, ugly baby town, and an ugly doll named Xiaoxi and his friends inadvertently break into the world of perfect dolls, where they discover the secrets that have been hidden. "Ugly Doll" did not start as well as the "Little Pony Big Movie" released in 2017, which earned $8.9 million in the first week and eventually won $21.8 million in North America. The production cost of "Ugly Doll" is more than $45 million, which is much higher than the $6.5 million of "Pony Paulie".

"Ugly Doll" received only 34% of the media praise on Rotten Tomatoes, and the metacritic authoritative media only received a low score of 39 points, <b>which is the worst-rated animated film this year. </b>Some of the comments said, "The script is completely spicy, the dubbing performance is extremely wooden, and the selected songs are not contagious, which is a cheap and failed version of Toy Story". The film's opening performance and word-of-mouth are both disaster-level, and it is basically hopeless to achieve the goal of returning through the theater box office. However, the filmmakers have reached cooperation with nearly 100 sponsors such as McDonald's, Walmart and Hasbro, and have also signed a new animated series production agreement with streaming platform Hulu, which is expected to eventually achieve considerable profitability.

<b>List of old films detailed: "Avengers 4" easily won the North America cumulative total of more than 600 million</b>

"Reunion 4" easily won 600 million in North America for 10 consecutive days

After entering the second week of release, the Marvel Cinematic Universe "Infinite Legends" finale "Avengers 4: Endgame" is still invincible. The film maintained the largest screening in history in 4,662 theaters in North America over the weekend, and raised another $145.8 million over three days over the weekend, easily defending the title with a huge advantage of nearly 14 times ahead of the runner-up.

"Endgame" fell 59.2% from its record-breaking opening weekend (accurate figure of $357.1 million), although the decline is higher than the previous "Avengers 3" in the same period (55.5%), but considering that its first week box office is nearly 100 million US dollars higher than the previous game, the following week's decline is quite difficult to control within 60%. Ten days after its release, the epic blockbuster starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans and others <b>has grossed $620 million at the North American box office, surpassing Batman: The Dark Knight ($534 million) and The Incredibles 2 ($608 million) to the ninth place in North American film history. </b>

"Avengers 4" lost to the $149.2 million in the same period of "Star Wars Episode VII" at the weekend box office, failing to rewrite the record for the highest weekend in North American film history. However, the film's current cumulative box office is still nearly $80 million ahead of the Christmas release of "Star Wars 7", which is still the top box office in North American film history with a score of $933 million<b>, and it is extremely difficult for "Reunion 4" to rush to the top without holiday bonuses. </b>

<b>Within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, "Avengers 4" has been second only to "Black Panther" ($700 million) and "Avengers 3" ($679 million), and will soon break the record for the highest superhero genre held by "Black Panther". </b>

"Reunion 4" is also more stable in overseas markets, winning the weekend championship in all markets except Japan. After the film collected another $282 million overseas the following weekend, the cumulative overseas box office has reached $1.569 billion, becoming the runner-up in overseas history after "Avatar". As of Sunday, the 22nd work of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has also grossed $2.189 billion worldwide, surpassing Avengers III ($2.048 billion), Star Wars Episode VII ($2.068 billion) and Titanic ($2.187 billion in two rounds) to become the runner-up in global film history. RealD announced that "Avengers 4" accounted for 45% of the global 3D box office, and the 3D box office has reached 979 million US dollars.

As a full film shot by IMAX cameras, the IMAX version of "Avengers 4" was well received by audiences around the world. As of Sunday, the film had grossed $170 million worldwide at the IMAX box office, <b>and in just 12 days of release, it was the third-highest-grossing work in IMAX history, after "Avatar" and "Star Wars Episode VII". </b>Mainland IMAX screens have contributed a total of US$72 million, not only breaking the record for the highest mainland IMAX format held by The Wandering Earth, but also leading North America (US$49 million) by nearly 50%. Up to now, the film has accumulated US$575 million in the mainland market, and has topped the import box office champion in film history. In addition, the cumulative box office in the United Kingdom, South Korea, Mexico, Brazil and India has also exceeded $50 million.

"Reunion 4" easily won 600 million in North America for 10 consecutive days

The marvel cinematic universe's first heroine movie, Captain Marvel, was cut to 2,243 theaters last weekend and earned $4.28 million in three days, ranking fifth at the weekend box office. The film received the "Avengers 4" opening bonus last week, allowing the MCU series to win the weekend championship for the first time, but now its trend is back to normal, and the weekend decline has also expanded to about 50%.

Nine weeks after its release, the origin film, starring Oscar actress Brie Larson, has accumulated $421 million in North America, <b>surpassing Jurassic World 2 ($418 million) and rising to 24th in North American film history. According to the current trend, the final result of "Captain Marvel" in North America will surpass that of another female lead movie, "Hunger Games 2: Sparks" ($425 million). </b>

As of Sunday, "Captain Marvel" has accumulated $699.3 million at the overseas box office, and it is only one step away from breaking the $700 million mark. The film's cumulative global box office has also risen to $1.12 billion, <b>surpassing Lord of the Rings 3 ($1.119 billion) and ranking 24th in the world's film history box office list. </b>"Captain Marvel" is still far from the DC Universe's new origin film "Aquaman" ending at $1.148 billion, and there is little hope of achieving transcendence in the end.

"Reunion 4" easily won 600 million in North America for 10 consecutive days

Fox's religious-themed film "The Impossible" was reduced to 2,884 theaters over the weekend, and it made another $3.95 million over the weekend, falling back to sixth on the weekend list. Directed by renowned American drama director Rossan Dawson (American Spy Dream, House of Cards), the film fell 42 percent from the opening weekend and <b>was the best in the top ten. Eighteen days after its release, the gospel film, based on a true story, has grossed $33.22 million at the box office, more than double the cost line. </b>The film received a high score of "A" in CinemScore, and its excellent word of mouth was enough to ensure that its final box office hit three times the cost line. The new film, starring "Our Day" actress Chris May, has performed slightly weaker in overseas markets, and has now accumulated less than $8 million.

Warner and New Line's horror film "The Curse of the Weeping Woman" remained in 3,540 theaters over the weekend and collected another $3.5 million over the weekend, falling back to seventh at the weekend box office. The new film, produced by Chinese horror giant Wen Ziren, plummeted 56.5 percent from the previous weekend and still hasn't fully recovered from the onslaught of Avengers 4. Seventeen days after its release, the film, based on Mexican legends, grossed $48.1 million, more than five times its cost line. Although it begins to encounter new competition of the same kind, "Crying Woman" will still hit the box office of about $55 million. As of Sunday, the film, which invested less than 10 million dollars, has grossed $103.5 million worldwide, more than 10 times the cost line.

"Reunion 4" easily won 600 million in North America for 10 consecutive days

Warner released the DC Comics movie "Thunder Shazam! It was reduced to 2,521 theaters over the weekend, and another $2.45 million was collected over three days of the weekend, falling to eighth on the charts. The seventh installment of the DC Extended Universe is down 56 percent from the previous weekend, and the trend is not ideal due to the faster cuts. Five weeks after its release, the Origin Heroes film, directed by horror film director David Sandberg, has grossed $135 million at the North American box office, which is closer to Marvel's Invincible Hulk ($134 million) in Origins Heroes. According to the current trend, <b>"Thunder Shazam" North America may not be expected to hit $150 million in the end. The film has also been greatly impacted by "Reunion 4" in overseas markets, and its global cumulative box office has reached 356 million US dollars, which has basically entered the closing stage. </b>

The black comedy "Little Secret," released worldwide, was cut to 1,358 theaters over the weekend and closed for another $1.47 million over the weekend, falling back to number nine on the weekend list. The new film, directed by female director Tina Gordon Chizm, fell 57.5 percent from the previous weekend, and the decline has not narrowed. Four weeks after its release, the new film, supervised by renowned producer Will Pike, grossed $38.58 million at the North American box office. According to the current trend, the film's final North American box office will still only be twice as high as the cost line. As of Sunday, the $20 million film has grossed $46.08 million worldwide and will eventually exceed $50 million.

Disney's live-action fantasy film Dumbo was cut to 1,668 theaters over the weekend and collected another $1.43 million over the weekend, still in the top 10 of the weekend list. Directed by Tim Burton, the new family reunion is down nearly 60% from the previous weekend, and the trend is also not ideal for family movies. Six weeks after its release, the film, based on the classic anime of the same name, has accumulated $109 million in North America, surpassing the $108 million of the American version of "Untouchable" and rising to the seventh place in North America. As of Sunday, the global box office of "Dumbo" has reached 339 million US dollars, and there is not much room for subsequent growth.

About this week's new film:

"Reunion 4" easily won 600 million in North America for 10 consecutive days

Poster of "Detective Pikachu"

<b>Pokemon Detective Pikachu</b>

Director: Rob Letterman (Goosebumps)

Starring: Ryan Reynolds / Justis Smith / Catherine Newton

Genre: Fantasy/Adventure/Action

Distribution: Warner (Theaters: 4100)

Overview: The film tells the story of Tim Goodman (Justis Smith) who arrives in Lyme City in search of his unaccounted for, accidentally meets his father's former Pokémon partner, Detective Pikachu (voiced by Ryan Reynolds), and is surprised to find that he is the only human who can understand Pikachu's words, and they decide to team up on an exciting adventure to uncover the truth. During the investigation, they encounter all kinds of Pokémon and accidentally discover a terrifying conspiracy that can destroy the entire Pokémon universe.

<b>The Hustle</b>

Director: Chris Addison ("The First Coming")

Starring: Anne Hathaway / Rebeul Wilson / Tim Blake Nelson

Genre: Comedy

Publisher: United Artists Releasing

Overview: This film is a remake of the 1988 comedy "Stealing Hearts", which is a "sexual transformation" version of the film, and the original is about a British liar and an American liar shuttling between many women. In this film, Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson become female versions of the fraudsters, with the goal of squeezing money from the juicy and rich young tech tycoons.


Director: Dom Karukuski (Polar Odyssey)

Starring: Nicholas Holt / Lily Collins / Ginavia Orilly

Type: Biography

Distribution: FOX Searchlight (Number of Theaters: 1300)

Overview: The film explores the story of John Ronald Riel Tolkien, the father of The Lord of the Rings, who grew up as an orphan, to making friends, participating in World War I, meeting his wife, and inspiring his art.