
Zhong Xinghuo : Eight years after being kicked out of the house by her daughter and passing away with regret, the widow's words are heartbreaking

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Zhong Xinghuo : Eight years after being kicked out of the house by her daughter and passing away with regret, the widow's words are heartbreaking

After the vicissitudes of life, in the past eight years, the sad shadow of Mr. Zhong Xinghuo's death has always lingered, lingering in Zhu Yunyi's heart, making people feel helpless! She couldn't help but let out a sigh, her expression gloomy, as if she had lost an important pillar in her life.

Faced with the indifferent attitude of her three daughters, she was full of loss and melancholy.

She shook her head in confusion, her eyes showing endless regret: "You, it's really hard to understand his deep fatherly love for you. Zhu Yunyi's eyes gradually dimmed, and her face was full of grief.

She stared out the window, her mind instantly drawn back to that distant .......

Zhong Xinghuo : Eight years after being kicked out of the house by her daughter and passing away with regret, the widow's words are heartbreaking

It was 2014, and Mr. Zhong Xinghuo died of illness at the age of 90. In accordance with his last wishes, Zhu Yunyi held a simple and solemn funeral for this outstanding artist.

Although Mr. Zhong Xinghuo's three daughters have had little contact with their father for many years, and even when he passed away, they were not able to see him for the last time, but fortunately, Zhu Yunyi's son, daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law and children have given Mr. Zhong Xinghuo meticulous care and companionship.

Zhu Yunyi recalls 1996, when her son and daughter-in-law warmly invited the family to travel to the United States, and those days were full of joy and warmth. However, Mr. Zhong Xinghuo's three daughters seem to have forgotten their father in the depths of their hearts, and are completely ignorant of his death.

Zhu Yunyi deeply felt Mr. Zhong Xinghuo's fatherly love for his three daughters, and even in his old age and frailty, he still tried to repair the relationship with his daughters many times. However, it is a pity that the daughters' memories of their father have always stayed on the image of neglect in their youth, and they turned a blind eye to Mr. Zhong Xinghuo's efforts and only regarded him as an irresponsible father.

Zhong Xinghuo : Eight years after being kicked out of the house by her daughter and passing away with regret, the widow's words are heartbreaking

Mr. Zhong Xinghuo, formerly known as Zhao Jinsheng, was born in a poor family in Bozhou, Anhui Province in 1924. In desperation, his parents had to pass him on to the local landlord, and since then he has a new name - "Zhao Xiasheng".

Despite the improvement in living conditions, Mr. Chung did not feel resentment because of this, but rather understood the hardships and pain of his parents.

At the age of 14, Mr. Zhong Xinghuo firmly decided to change his name to "Zhao Xiasheng", which symbolized his determination to rise again. At the age of 22, he left his hometown with great ambition and pride, devoted himself to a military career, and changed his name to "Zhong Xinghuo" again, hoping that he could be like a small but fiery "spark", burning himself and illuminating others.

Since stepping into the film and television industry, Zhong Xinghuo has always been committed to his acting career with sincerity and enthusiasm. On the occasion of filming the movie "Southern Expedition and Northern War", he was taught by the respected actor Zhang Ruifang, who told him with deep emotion: "Acting is far from a superficial marching formation, but also needs to dig deep into the brilliance of human nature to move the audience."

Zhong Xinghuo : Eight years after being kicked out of the house by her daughter and passing away with regret, the widow's words are heartbreaking

Hearing this, Zhong Xinghuo pondered for a moment, nodded his head resolutely in agreement, and deeply imprinted this teaching in his heart.

In order to be able to understand and interpret the role more deeply, after the movie "Southern Expedition and Northern War" was completed, Zhong Xinghuo decided to join the Korean battlefield without hesitation and experienced the cruelty of war and the hardships of life.

Although his role may not be conspicuous in the films of that era, he has always gone all out and honed his acting skills with his heart.

Zhong Xinghuo, who was only 16 years old, tied the knot with Chen Qian, who had never met before, under the careful arrangement of his parents. Although this marriage originated from an arranged marriage, Chen Qian was born in a famous family, knowledgeable and courteous, gentle and virtuous, and won the respect of Zhong Xinghuo.

Zhong Xinghuo : Eight years after being kicked out of the house by her daughter and passing away with regret, the widow's words are heartbreaking

After marriage, Chen Qian went all out to support Zhong Xinghuo's career development and carefully took care of family chores. She knew that her husband's career needed to be away all the year round, so she took the initiative to take on the important task of handling the family affairs in an orderly manner, creating a carefree rear for Zhong Xinghuo.

One day, Zhong Xinghuo set foot in the film industry for the first time, and he often felt at a loss when facing the camera. The old-timers suggested that he watch more excellent films and taste the superb acting skills of the actors. At that time, the world-famous American blockbuster "Gone with the Wind" was being broadcast in China, and Chen Qian did not hesitate to buy a movie ticket for Zhong Xinghuo.

She handed the ticket to her husband with a smile, her eyes full of anticipation: "This film will not only satisfy your personal preferences, but also inject new vitality into your career." Enjoy! ”。

Zhong Xinghuo was deeply moved and grateful for his wife's thoughtful care. Since then, whenever he devotes himself to filming, Chen Qian will silently take on all the affairs of the family, supporting her husband in a unique way, and the two have supported each other and spent countless difficult times together.

Zhong Xinghuo : Eight years after being kicked out of the house by her daughter and passing away with regret, the widow's words are heartbreaking

The regrettable reality is that in 1979, just as Zhong Xinghuo's brilliant acting career was in full swing, Chen Qian suddenly suffered a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and left the world with infinite regret.

The sudden loss of his wife was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, knocking down Zhong Xinghuo so hard that he was immersed in grief almost every day, and he lost weight in just one week, and the look of despair and decadence was simply heartbreaking.

After Chen Qian passed away, Zhong Xinghuo was alone, and his life seemed to have nothing to rely on. With the good intentions of his friends, he introduced a woman named Zhu Yunyi to him.

Zhu Yunyi has been nearly fifty years since she embarked on the road of nursery, and her life journey is quite similar to Zhong Xinghuo.

Zhong Xinghuo : Eight years after being kicked out of the house by her daughter and passing away with regret, the widow's words are heartbreaking

When Zhu Yunyi was 18 years old, she was forced to marry a man she didn't like. After marriage, she had a son and a daughter, but this marriage did not bring her real happiness, and she once fell into the abyss of confusion and pain.

With the gradual enlightenment of social concepts, she finally mustered up the courage to choose divorce and took on the responsibility of raising children alone, for more than 20 years, the bitterness and pain can be imagined.

When Zhu Yunyi and Zhong Xinghuo met for the first time, the two immediately resonated, as if they had some kind of tacit understanding of the same heart. They candidly share each other's life stories and ignite a flame of hope for the future.

Zhu Yunyi deeply admires Zhong Xinghuo's talent and fully supports him in unswervingly pursuing his dream of being an actor, and Zhong Xinghuo is also deeply attracted by Zhu Yunyi's beautiful qualities, she is as virtuous and capable as the second Chen Qian.

Zhong Xinghuo : Eight years after being kicked out of the house by her daughter and passing away with regret, the widow's words are heartbreaking

So, with full love, he longed to spend the rest of his life with Zhu Yunyi. However, this decision was strongly opposed by Zhong Xinghuo's three daughters.

Zhong Xinghuo's heart trembled, and a hesitant expression appeared on his face. In the past, he worked hard for his career and spent very little time with his family. In the memories of his three daughters, he was the irresponsible father figure who was indifferent to his family and only cared about pursuing profits.

When Chen Qian died of overwork, Zhong Xinghuo was filming outside and couldn't rush home in time to see her for the last time. The daughters' deep affection for their mothers contrasts sharply with their resentment towards their fathers in this moment.

Therefore, when they learned that their father was planning to remarry, the three sisters joined forces to firmly oppose him, and even joined forces to expel him from the house.

Zhong Xinghuo : Eight years after being kicked out of the house by her daughter and passing away with regret, the widow's words are heartbreaking

Driven by deep and fiery love, Zhu Yunyi unswervingly chose to accompany Zhong Xinghuo. In order to escape the complicated entanglement of the three sisters, the elderly couple reluctantly embarked on a journey of exile, experiencing a full octave of relocation, almost depleting their remaining physical reserves.

Unfortunately, fate did not favor this troubled couple. In the end, a small but sheltered place for them was generously allocated by the film studio, and the old couple finally had a place to live.

1959 was undoubtedly an epoch-making year for Zhong Xinghuo. In the film "Today I Rest", he played the leading role for the first time with his excellent acting skills, and successfully created the image of Ma Tianmin, an excellent policeman who is deeply loved by the public.

Ma Tianmin is humorous, honest and kind, and always puts the interests of the people first. His every move is full of affinity and has won the enthusiastic pursuit of a wide audience. Whenever Zhong Xinghuo strolls through the streets and alleys, there are always people who greet him affectionately: "Hey, old horse, are you resting today?" "People seem to have blended the characters on screen with real life perfectly.

Zhong Xinghuo : Eight years after being kicked out of the house by her daughter and passing away with regret, the widow's words are heartbreaking

In 1962, Zhong Xinghuo once again showed his perfect acting skills in the film "Li Shuangshuang". He successfully portrayed the lifelike character of Sun Xiwang, and his witty and humorous speech and demeanor won bursts of applause and cheers from the audience.

People even spread such a proverb by word of mouth: "Be a man and learn from Li Shuangshuang, and watch a movie must see Sun Xiwang." ”

With his outstanding performance in this film, Zhong Xinghuo won the Best Supporting Actor Award at the 2nd Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards, which is well deserved. The famous writer Lao She personally wrote an inscription for him: "A hundred flowers are prosperous, and the sparks are burning the plain", giving him a high evaluation and praise for his talent.

Since then, Zhong Xinghuo has presented a series of classic masterpieces to the audience, such as "Bashan Night Rain", "The Legend of Tianyun Mountain", "405 Murder" and so on, all of which are vivid manifestations of his extraordinary acting charm.

Zhong Xinghuo : Eight years after being kicked out of the house by her daughter and passing away with regret, the widow's words are heartbreaking

In particular, "405 Murder" can be called the shining pearl of it. In that era when the ticket price was only 3 cents and 5 cents, the film set an astonishing box office record of over 100 million, and during its release, it triggered a frenzy of thousands of empty alleys.

In his later years, Mr. Zhong Xinghuo still did not reduce his enthusiasm and dedication to film and television performances, and was respected by industry insiders as an outstanding artist of "drama bone". He has participated in many well-known excellent film and television dramas, such as in the film "Fraudster", Zhong Xinghuo successfully interpreted the important role of Gu Songlan with his superb acting skills; In the work "38° Line", he once again showed his classic image of a household name - the elderly policeman Ma Tianmin, his performance can be described as deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, with ease, and breathtaking! .

Mr. Zhong Xinghuo has unreservedly dedicated his entire life to the film industry he loves so much. From an obscure small role to a superstar in the limelight, he has continued to create amazing artistic masterpieces with his firm belief, endless enthusiasm and unremitting efforts, and has made indelible contributions to the prosperity and development of China's film industry.

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