
Spoilers for the new season of The Simpsons: Bob eventually kills Bart
Spoilers for the new season of The Simpsons: Bob eventually kills Bart

The Simpsons are enduring

According to reports on June 9, in the new season of the American animated sitcom "The Simpsons", The Insane Dragon Jacket Bob (Sideshow Bob), who has lost his mind, will finally realize his 25-year-old dream after encountering many bad luck: killing his nemesis Bart Simpson.

Of course, these are temporary. The Simpsons will feature a special during Halloween, "Treehouse of Horrors." In The Treehouse of Horrors, Bart Simpson will be killed. According to A.V. Club, an American entertainment and entertainment site, it will be a thought experiment to see how the show's plot will develop when the psychopathic clown finally achieves his life goals.

According to The Telegraph, The Simpsons executive producer Al Lopez was the first to do so. Al Jean revealed that he particularly hated the frustrating comedies, such as the family movie Fast and Furry-ous, where the cunning Coyote always failed to catch the witty Roadrunner. In Tom and Jerry, Tom cat constantly chases Jerry mouse. However, whenever it is almost successful, Jerry Mouse can always escape at the last minute. So, Al. Gene is likely to give the audience a hard time in "The Simpsons".

The Simpsons is a 1989 animated work by Fox. Bob is one of the main characters in the film. In the film, he has been committed to killing Bart Simpson because he feels that 11-year-old Bart Simpson is the culprit for all his problems. Many times, he was on the verge of killing Bart Simpson, but in the end it was in vain. Since 1990, bob the clown character has been voiced by renowned American actor Kelsey Grammer.

Some of the sudden events that occur in the Halloween special are not at all unusual for this long-popular anime movie. According to the Washington Post, Homer had alluded to Jack Nicholson's role in the classic American film The Shining. In the film, President Clinton was also parodied.

However, it is worth noting that the filming process of the new season of "The Simpsons" has not been smooth. Not long ago, Harry Shearer, who has voiced several classic characters in The Simpsons, suddenly announced on Twitter that he would leave the Simpsons team, which made many fans feel very frustrated. Harry Scheer has given letters to neighbors including the Simpsons, Ned Flanders and the rich Man Mr. Burns. Burns) and multiple characters are voiced. According to reports, at that time, the staff of the "Simpsons" crew tried to keep Harry Shere, but the world was unpredictable, and Harry Schell finally chose to leave.

Season 27 of The Simpsons will return this fall. Although critics say the show should be completely finished, over the years, the show has endured and ranked high in ratings. While much of the bland plot of The Simpsons is enough to drive the producers crazy and make them want to kill 11-year-old Bart Simpson, the show is suitable for all ages and still brings a lot of fun to the audience.

(Compiler: Wang Xiaojing)

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