
50 reasons to ridicule Trump's inability to be re-elected, the anime "The Simpsons" triggered a response "The Simpsons" 2020 presidential election plot reason list is as follows:

author:Anime things you don't know

#美国2020总统大选 #

50 reasons to ridicule Trump's inability to be re-elected, the anime "The Simpsons" triggered a response "The Simpsons" 2020 presidential election plot reason list is as follows:

In the exclusive clip, the Simpsons will play their most horrific "treehouse of horrors" to date: Donald Trump and the 2020 presidential election.

<h1>The Simpsons 2020 Presidential Election</h1>

The Simpsons are a classic of the short stories, playing classic metaphors in almost all forms of fiction and in all walks of life. This time, "The Simpsons" revealed that this year's Halloween "Horror TreeHouse" is relatively cold, which is the most terrible theme of 2020: the presidential election. The video, originally shared by Variety magazine, shows Homer rushing into the polling station at the last minute and finding himself unaware of who to vote for in the presidential election. Lisa came in wearing a mask and she asked, "How can you forget everything that has happened in the last four years?" When Homer silently thought of President Trump, 50 reasons for not letting him be re-elected appeared on the screen. While no show of who Homer chose to be president, his ballot paper featured several humorous candidates, including Amazon Alexa, who ran for governor.

50 reasons to ridicule Trump's inability to be re-elected, the anime "The Simpsons" triggered a response "The Simpsons" 2020 presidential election plot reason list is as follows:

<h1>The list of reasons is as follows:</h1>

It's time to photograph hibernating bears

Keep the child in a cage

Known as a Mexican rapist

Imitate journalists with disabilities

Wearing a tennis suit looks terrible

You can't let your wife hold hands

Known as the vulnerability of third world countries

Calling Tim Cook "Tim Apple"

Say the Jews who voted democratic were disloyal

Top-secret documents were presented at the Haialago Restaurant

50 reasons to ridicule Trump's inability to be re-elected, the anime "The Simpsons" triggered a response "The Simpsons" 2020 presidential election plot reason list is as follows:

The "nice guy" known as the white supremacist

Disclosure of confidential information to the Russian ambassador

Asked the Ukrainian president to investigate the Biden family

Call on China to investigate the Bidens

Walk into the locker room of the Miss Teen pageant

Urged Australian Prime Minister to help Barr investigate Mueller

Talk about strong *****

He lied about the scale of the inauguration

Refusal to publish tax returns

Disrupted the EPA

After the meeting with Putin, the transcripts of the interpretation were confiscated and destroyed

50 reasons to ridicule Trump's inability to be re-elected, the anime "The Simpsons" triggered a response "The Simpsons" 2020 presidential election plot reason list is as follows:

A confidential photo of an Iranian missile base was released

Called Baltimore a "disgusting mess of rats and rodents."

Describing Meryl Streep as "overrated"

Information on the 2017 Manchester Stadium bombing was leaked to the media

Did not attend the dinner of any White House reporters

Saying Megan Kelly is "covered in blood"

Carly Fiorina is known as the "Horse Face"

Ruined impeachment

She took Ivanka to the G7 summit

Corrupt Congress

Betsy DeVos was appointed but not fired

Put Jared in charge of the Middle East

Send McDonald's to the Clemson soccer team

Democracy has been destroyed

Threatened Mary Jovanovich

50 reasons to ridicule Trump's inability to be re-elected, the anime "The Simpsons" triggered a response "The Simpsons" 2020 presidential election plot reason list is as follows:

Get the U.S. to withdraw from the climate deal

Bonuses are allowed to be paid to soldiers

Invasion of Portland

Quit the World Health Organization

Boast that you know the date

Sentences with reduced sentences

Say to swallow bleach

People, women, men, cameras, television

Destroyed the post office

Paid $750 in taxes

Hope for a third term

Wanted to go to Mount Rushmore

We haven't even said the worst one, which killed thousands of Americans

This isn't the first time The Simpsons have joked about Donald Trump. From the moment Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, the sitcom has been satirizing Trump's campaign strategy, his twitter rants and his actions when he was president. However, when he was just a businessman and TV personality, the Simpsons also made fun of Trump. In 2000's Bart to the Future, the series took a flashback approach, depicting Lisa inheriting the presidency from Trump, whose policies led to the bankruptcy of the U.S. government. About the episode, writer Dan Grini said it was more of a "warning to America" than a prediction.

50 reasons to ridicule Trump's inability to be re-elected, the anime "The Simpsons" triggered a response "The Simpsons" 2020 presidential election plot reason list is as follows:

In addition to the satire of the election, "The Thirty-first Horror Treehouse" features a parody of Spider-Man: Into Parallel Universes and Pixar. In addition, part of the Halloween special will focus on Lisa's ninth birthday, which is a rare situation, as the age of these characters has remained the same since the first season.

50 reasons to ridicule Trump's inability to be re-elected, the anime "The Simpsons" triggered a response "The Simpsons" 2020 presidential election plot reason list is as follows:

Since 2018, we have witnessed the president's funny talent, distorting facts, Twitter celebrity, he does not ask questions, does not investigate facts, does not respect science, casual nonsense, he is simply a presidential marvel, the president of the World Abnormal Human Research Center. I just want to say that "The Simpsons" often predicts the future, so many years he can endure, there must be his doorway, I will remind here Ha.

I am "anime you don't know things", don't forget to pay attention to Oh, welcome to exchange discussions.

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