
On the mobile phone, you can actually watch the big screen of the station

author:Prairie Railway
{"info":{"title":{"content":"手机上竟然能看车站大屏","en":"On the mobile phone, you can actually watch the big screen of the station"},"description":{"content":"乘火车忘带身份证怎么办?背包落在车上能找回来吗?老人如何预约进站服务?在家能看到车站大屏吗?……别急!打开铁路12306...","en":"What should I do if I forget to bring my ID card when I take the train? Can I get my backpack back if I leave it in the car? How can the elderly make an appointment for the pit stop service? Can I see the station screen at home? …… Hold your horses! Open Railroad 12306..."}},"items":[]}

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