
And the price is going to go up again? Android phones are panicking! Huawei can only apologize: the return of the Kirin will not give face!

author:Star Lemon M

First, the background of the sharp rise in chip prices

At present, there are some noteworthy developments in the mobile phone chip market. According to industry news, the price of the Snapdragon 8Gen4 chip is expected to rise by about 500 yuan, which means that the price of this flagship chip will be close to 2,000 yuan. At the same time, the recently released MediaTek K12x chip all-in-one machine is only priced at 1299 yuan, which also means that the price of a chip has far exceeded that of a thousand-yuan mobile phone.

This price increase is undoubtedly a huge challenge for manufacturers of Android flagship phones. After all, the rise in mobile phone prices can easily cause consumer dissatisfaction, and with the development of Huawei's Hongmeng system and the continued strength of mobile phone manufacturers such as Apple, the competition in the mobile phone market is becoming increasingly fierce. In this context, the sharp rise in chip prices is bound to squeeze the profit margins of Android phone manufacturers.

And the price is going to go up again? Android phones are panicking! Huawei can only apologize: the return of the Kirin will not give face!

What is worrying is that not only the price of Snapdragon 8 series chips has risen, but also the price of Huawei's self-developed Kirin chips has also risen sharply under the influence of domestic technology. This means that mobile phone manufacturers, whether they use Qualcomm or self-developed chips, will face pressure from rising costs.

And the price is going to go up again? Android phones are panicking! Huawei can only apologize: the return of the Kirin will not give face!

2. Analysis of the reasons for the rise in chip prices

The main reasons for this problem are as follows:

Chip manufacturing process upgrades have led to rising costs. At present, the Snapdragon 8 series chips have been manufactured using the 3nm process, while the Kirin chips have used the 7nm process, which has led to an increase in manufacturing costs. Compared with the previous process, the yield rate of these advanced processes is lower, which makes the manufacturing cost rise significantly.

The imbalance between supply and demand has exacerbated price increases. Affected by the epidemic, geopolitics and other factors, the global chip supply has encountered a continuous shortage. At the same time, with the popularization of 5G and the development of the Internet of Things, the demand for chips has also increased significantly. This imbalance between supply and demand has exacerbated the rise in chip prices.

And the price is going to go up again? Android phones are panicking! Huawei can only apologize: the return of the Kirin will not give face!

Corporate Profit Maximization Strategies. In the context of supply-demand imbalance and rising costs, chip manufacturers are also taking advantage of market advantages to appropriately push up prices to maximize profits. This reflects the market power of chip companies from the side.

The impact of geopolitical factors. The United States and other Western countries continue to suppress Chinese chip companies, which also puts cost pressure on domestic chipmakers, who have to raise prices to maintain profits.

In general, the rise in chip prices is not only due to objective technical and supply and demand factors, but also to the subjective factors of enterprises' pursuit of profit maximization, and even affected by geopolitical factors. The superposition of such multiple factors has led to the current situation of sharp rise in chip prices.

And the price is going to go up again? Android phones are panicking! Huawei can only apologize: the return of the Kirin will not give face!

3. The impact of rising chip prices on mobile phone manufacturers

The sharp rise in the price of such chips has undoubtedly put tremendous pressure on mobile phone manufacturers.

First of all, the rise in chip costs will inevitably compress the profit margins of mobile phone manufacturers. In the context of fierce competition in the current mobile phone market, it is difficult for mobile phone manufacturers to pass on all the costs to consumers. This means that they will have to absorb some of the rising costs from their own profits, which will greatly squeeze their operating space.

Secondly, the rise in chip prices will also limit the product pricing space of mobile phone manufacturers. If mobile phone manufacturers pass on all the costs to consumers, it will inevitably lead to a sharp increase in mobile phone prices. But this can easily lead to consumer dissatisfaction and weaken their price competitiveness.

And the price is going to go up again? Android phones are panicking! Huawei can only apologize: the return of the Kirin will not give face!

Third, the rise in chip prices may also accelerate the transfer of mobile phone manufacturers to alternatives. For example, some mobile phone manufacturers may further increase procurement efforts from other chip suppliers such as MediaTek to ease cost pressures. Huawei, on the other hand, may further promote its self-developed Kirin chips and HarmonyOS operating system.

In general, the sharp rise in chip prices has undoubtedly brought huge operating pressure to mobile phone manufacturers. They must address this challenge in a variety of ways, including in-house development, switching to other suppliers, and sharing costs with consumers. This will also accelerate the reshuffle and reorganization of the mobile phone industry chain.

Fourth, the problems faced by the development of domestic chips

It is worth noting that this price increase is not limited to Qualcomm's Snapdragon chips, and there has also been a sharp price increase trend along with the self-developed Kirin chips. This reflects some problems faced by the development of domestic chips in the mainland.

And the price is going to go up again? Android phones are panicking! Huawei can only apologize: the return of the Kirin will not give face!

First of all, although domestic chips continue to make progress in process manufacturing, there is still a certain gap compared with the advanced level of foreign countries. This has led to a low yield rate of domestic chips, which has pushed up manufacturing costs. This highlights the need for further improvement in the chip manufacturing process of Continental.

Secondly, the mainland's domestic chip supply chain system is not perfect enough. Affected by geopolitical factors, there are shortcomings in some links of the mainland chip industry chain, which also limits the large-scale production capacity of domestic chips, thereby affecting cost control. Therefore, it is very important to further improve the domestic chip industry chain.

Thirdly, domestic chip manufacturers may have problems in market pricing strategies. Faced with supply-demand imbalances and rising cost pressures, they may overly pursue profit maximization and ignore the market's affordability. This may hinder the promotion and application of domestic chips.

And the price is going to go up again? Android phones are panicking! Huawei can only apologize: the return of the Kirin will not give face!

In general, the development of domestic chips has made some progress, but there are still deficiencies in technology, industrial chain, pricing strategy, etc. Only by further improving the capabilities in these aspects can domestic chips truly become a reliable choice for mobile phone manufacturers.

5. Prospects for future development

In the face of the challenges brought about by the current chip price increase, how should mobile phone manufacturers and domestic chip companies respond?

First of all, mobile phone manufacturers need to increase the development and use of alternative chips. For example, to further promote the chip application of MediaTek and other manufacturers, or increase investment in self-developed chips. At the same time, they should also strengthen collaboration with upstream chip companies to jointly cope with rising cost pressures.

And the price is going to go up again? Android phones are panicking! Huawei can only apologize: the return of the Kirin will not give face!

Secondly, domestic chip companies should make greater efforts in technological innovation and industrial chain integration.

In terms of technological innovation, it is necessary to further narrow the gap with the international advanced level, continuously improve the chip manufacturing process, and improve the yield rate, so as to reduce costs. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen R&D investment in cutting-edge processes such as 3nm and 2nm to accumulate strength for future development.

In terms of industrial chain integration, it is necessary to further improve the domestic chip industry chain, eliminate shortcomings, and ensure the stable supply of all links. This requires not only government policy support, but also synergy between enterprises. Only when the industrial chain is more complete, can domestic chips truly exert scale effects and reduce costs.

And the price is going to go up again? Android phones are panicking! Huawei can only apologize: the return of the Kirin will not give face!

In addition, domestic chip companies also need to pay more attention to market factors in their pricing strategies. Excessive pursuit of profit maximization may be counterproductive, but it will affect the market competitiveness of products. As a result, they need to balance technological advancement, cost control, and market acceptance to provide consumers with more competitively priced products.

At the same time, the government should also further introduce relevant policies to support the development of domestic chip companies. For example, increase support for the research and development of cutting-edge technology, improve the subsidy policy of the industrial chain, and create a more favorable development environment for enterprises.

In general, in the face of the current trend of rising chip prices, mobile phone manufacturers and domestic chip companies need to take a variety of measures to deal with it. Mobile phone manufacturers should increase the development of alternative chips, while domestic chip companies should work technology, industrial chain and pricing strategies, and the government should also give effective support. Only through the joint efforts of all parties can domestic chips truly become a reliable choice for Android mobile phone manufacturers, thereby alleviating the current cost pressure.

And the price is going to go up again? Android phones are panicking! Huawei can only apologize: the return of the Kirin will not give face!

VI. Conclusion

At present, the sharp rise in chip prices has undoubtedly brought great pressure to the mobile phone manufacturing industry. This not only reflects the imbalance between supply and demand in the industry, rising costs and other objective factors, but also highlights the shortcomings of domestic chips in the mainland in terms of technology and industrial chain.

In the face of this grim situation, mobile phone manufacturers and domestic chip companies must take active countermeasures. Mobile phone manufacturers should increase the development and utilization of alternative chips and strengthen cooperation with upstream enterprises; Domestic chip companies should work technological innovation and industrial chain integration, and at the same time, they should pay more attention to market factors in their pricing strategies. At the same time, the government should also introduce targeted support policies to create favorable conditions for the development of domestic chips.

And the price is going to go up again? Android phones are panicking! Huawei can only apologize: the return of the Kirin will not give face!

Only the joint efforts of upstream and downstream enterprises and government departments can truly alleviate the cost pressure faced by the current mobile phone industry and promote the domestic chip industry to a new level. This is not only related to the future trend of the mobile phone industry, but also to the improvement of the mainland's independent innovation ability of science and technology. Let us work together to give wings to China's manufacturing.

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