
Lack of people! The application of AIGC has exploded, and the recruitment market is hot! The demand for related jobs increased by more than 300%

author:CCTV Finance
{"info":{"title":{"content":"缺人!AIGC应用爆发,招聘市场火热!相关岗位需求增超300%","en":"Lack of people! The application of AIGC has exploded, and the recruitment market is hot! The demand for related jobs increased by more than 300%"},"description":{"content":"视频加载中...(央视财经《正点财经》)目前,春季招聘高峰已告一段落,记者走访发现,随着人工智能应用的爆发,生成式人工智...","en":"Loading... At present, the spring recruitment peak has come to an end, and the reporter visited and found that with the outbreak of artificial intelligence applications, generative artificial intelligence..."}},"items":[]}