
How do you make tomato egg soup?

author:I am not familiar with the road of life

Hello everyone! I'm Elegant Brother Awen, tomato and egg soup is the most basic dish on the family table, everyone can make it, and there are not many good ones! Today I'm going to take my family to make this dish! Ingredients: 300 grams of tomatoes, 2 eggs, 5 grams of chopped green onions, 3 grams of minced garlic, 3 grams of minced ginger, 5 grams of dried shrimp, salt, chicken essence, appropriate amount of sesame oil and pepper. Tomato and egg soup method: Step 1: Wash the tomatoes first, then blanch the tomatoes with hot water, remove the skin on the surface, and then cut the tomatoes into small pieces for later use. When we choose tomatoes, we should buy tomatoes that are harder to the touch and brighter in color, and the quality of such tomatoes is the best. Step 2: Put cold oil in a hot pan, the oil temperature is 7 hot, add minced garlic and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, then add tomatoes, fry over medium heat for 20 seconds, then put water, salt and pepper into the pot, boil the water over high heat, and finally change to medium heat to boil the tomatoes for about 2 minutes to make the soup in the tomatoes boil out. When making tomato soup, the tomatoes need to be stir-fried and cooked, because the fried tomato juice will not only be integrated into the water, but also into the oil. Step 3: Put the egg wash into the pot and stir the soup while putting the egg mixture, so that the egg wash can be more tender and beautiful. Put all the egg mixture into the pot, cook for 10 seconds, and finally add chopped green onions and dried shrimp and sprinkle some sesame oil to enhance the fragrance! That's all for today's sharing, thank you for your valuable comments! Thank you

How do you make tomato egg soup?
How do you make tomato egg soup?
How do you make tomato egg soup?