
How is the digital economy changing our lives? The Mega Engine City Institute brings a set of data

author:Red Star News

"The digital economy is bringing us a better life," said Lin Wenbin, president of the Giant Engine City Research Institute, which is also an important reason for the rapid development of the digital economy and its unlimited development prospects in the future.

In fact, many people mention that the first reaction of the "digital economy" is industry and technology, but unconsciously, the digital economy has penetrated deeply into the lives of ordinary people, making life change dramatically.

Focusing on the digital economy, on October 20, the 2021 Chengdu Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair with the theme of "Linking the Digital Age and Entering a Better Life" was officially launched. During the conference, Lin Wenbin analyzed the most intuitive impact of the digital economy on people's lives based on data research.

How is the digital economy changing our lives? The Mega Engine City Institute brings a set of data

Lin Wenbin

"In fact, the most intuitive change of the digital economy to residents' lives is the rapid development of e-commerce live broadcasting in the past two years." Lin Wenbin showed a set of data, China's online shopping users have grown steadily, by August 2021, has exceeded the 800 million mark. In Lin Wenbin's view, behind the diversified and rich product choices of e-commerce platforms is actually the results of the development of the supply side and the advanced manufacturing industry in recent years.

At the same time, digitalization has also brought a wealth of employment opportunities for Chinese residents. "Together with Chinese University, we have released a report on China's short video and live e-commerce talents." He shared one of the sets of data: in the next two years, the gap between the supply and demand of china's short video and live e-commerce talents will reach 5.7 million, covering 15 sub-categories in seven categories and more than 60 jobs.

According to the data revealed by Lin Wenbin, from January to August this year, the number of sales on the Douyin platform exceeded 1.5 million, of which 4,300 talents have completed the goal of sales exceeding 10 million on the Douyin platform. "Most of them are actually ordinary people around us who are trying to live."

Based on the development of the digital economy, there is still a significant change in the lives of residents. Lin Wenbin said that people's travel choices will change due to the rapid development of digital platforms, more and more creators or ordinary people are willing to leave their footprints on the platform, through various platforms can intuitively see the behavior of punching cards in various places, including hotels, scenic spots, commercial complexes and so on. "Every detail of residents' lives is actually feeling the results of the digitalization of Chinese society." In his view, these achievements include digital consumption, digital travel, but also include social, entertainment, information services, etc., but also include digital government services.

Lin Wenbin believes that the digital economy will continue to shorten the distance between social subjects, and the digitization of government affairs and enterprises will better serve residents. And this is also an important embodiment of the penetration of digital into people's lives.

"For example, on Douyin, the number of government-related accounts in Chengdu exceeds 500, and this year these 500 accounts released nearly 50,000 related short video content, providing residents with very convenient and high-quality services." According to him, the nearly 50,000 related short videos have been played more than 8 billion times, achieving a very good interaction with residents.

In fact, enterprises are also very active subjects of short video platforms. Lin Wenbin believes that while the digital achievements are verified on the consumer side and the market side, they also profoundly affect the changes on the supply side, and the prosperous ecology makes more enterprises begin to think about how to use the power of digitalization to provide increments for the development of the platform. And this makes digital empowerment for a better life.

Red Star News reporter Wang Yao Photojournalist Lu Guoying Tao Ke Wang Huan

Edited by Tan Wangyu

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How is the digital economy changing our lives? The Mega Engine City Institute brings a set of data

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