
Zodiac Snake You are in these recent times, and getting away from these 4 circles early is a foresight to keep in mind


As the saying goes: "Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black." For the friends of the zodiac snake, in recent times, you need to stay away from some circles, which is a kind of foresight and a responsibility for yourself.

1. Stay away from the circle of negative energy

Zodiac Snake You are in these recent times, and getting away from these 4 circles early is a foresight to keep in mind

Metaphor: It's like eating a lemon and being sour all day, and if you enter a circle full of complaints and negative emotions, you may become a complaint box and your mood will become gloomy. The text should be concise and use more vivid metaphors. For example, you could write, "If you want to be healthy, don't run with the sick, and if you want to be rich, don't complain with the poor." ”

2. Stay away from circles where there is no room for growth

Zodiac Snake You are in these recent times, and getting away from these 4 circles early is a foresight to keep in mind

Metaphor: A circle with no room to grow is like a still pond in which you can't see your progress. Be concise, use vivid metaphors and appropriate vocabulary and grammar. For example: "If you want to be a big river, don't complain about your insignificance with the stream, and if you want to be a high mountain, don't complain about your ordinariness with the dunes." ”

3. Stay away from the circles that consume your energy

Zodiac Snake You are in these recent times, and getting away from these 4 circles early is a foresight to keep in mind

"There is no such thing as a free lunch" means don't fall into the trap of those who only want to take advantage of you but don't give you anything in return. The text should be lively and interesting, such as: "If you don't want to eat a belly full of fly poop, don't surround yourself with people who will only consume your energy and have no results." ”

Fourth, stay away from the circle of impetuousness and the pursuit of superficial interests

Zodiac Snake You are in these recent times, and getting away from these 4 circles early is a foresight to keep in mind

In this impetuous society, we cannot allow our hearts to become impetuous. As the saying goes: "If you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world?" Focusing on inner growth is the real wealth. For example: "If you want to have real wealth, don't go crazy with money junkies, look up at the stars and you'll find something different." ”

Zodiac Snake You are in these recent times, and getting away from these 4 circles early is a foresight to keep in mind

It is not easy to leave these circles, but for the sake of a better self and a better future, friends of the zodiac snake, you need to be brave enough to make this decision. Remember, people with good luck leave a sentence of "good luck" for themselves and their families, this year's fortune is prosperous, financial luck is prosperous, and the career is thriving! Follow the pace of luck and have a smooth journey!

Zodiac Snake You are in these recent times, and getting away from these 4 circles early is a foresight to keep in mind

The above are some of my suggestions for my zodiac snake friends, I hope to help you better understand and practice. Everyone has their own path to follow, and what matters is how we choose and walk that path. I hope everyone can live their own wonderful life and become the person they want to be.