
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?

author:Bean sharks love surfing
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?
Why is it that in recent years, the female protagonist of the regular novel website is not allowed to open a harem, while the male protagonist can?

In recent years, with the rise and development of online literature, there have been more and more discussions about whether the heroine is allowed to open a harem in female frequency novels. At present, the mainstream online literature platforms do have a relatively strict restrictive attitude towards the opening of the harem by the heroine in the female frequency novel, while they are relatively tolerant of the male protagonist opening the harem in the male frequency novel. There are several reasons for this:

1. Market Positioning and Audience Preference:

- The main audience for female fiction is usually female readers, while male readers are the main force of male fiction. Publishers and websites tend to adapt their content strategies to their audience's preferences.

- Some female readers may be more inclined to read stories about the heroine who is emotionally single-minded and focused on one male protagonist, and they may prefer to see the heroine's growth and struggle in love, career, etc.

2. Influence of socio-cultural values:

- In traditional gender role perceptions, women are often expected to remain emotionally loyal and reserved, while men have more emotional freedom and choice. To a certain extent, this concept has affected the creation and reception of online literature.

- Some readers believe that the heroine being too emotionally open or developing an emotional line with multiple male characters may destroy the purity of the characters or the tension of the story, which may be one of the reasons why some readers oppose the heroine opening a harem.

3. Continuation of Literary Norms and Narrative Modes:

- As a form of modern popular literature,the development of online literature is influenced by traditional literary norms and narrative modes. In many traditional literary works, especially Romantic literature, the heroine is often portrayed as pure and loyal, while the male protagonist has more opportunities to engage in emotional entanglements with multiple female characters.

- This narrative model has been continued in online literature, making some authors and readers more inclined to follow this traditional model when writing and reading women's novels.

4. Content Governance and Market Orientation:

- As an emerging cultural industry, the content of online literature has been regulated to a certain extent. Some platforms may take a more cautious approach to plot settings that may cause controversy, such as the heroine opening a harem, out of consideration for the sensitivity of the content.

- Additionally, in order to appeal to a wider readership and adapt to market demand, some platforms may encourage or tend to promote works that are more in line with mainstream values and aesthetic habits.

5. Reader Feedback and Interaction Mechanism:

- Online literary platforms usually have a strong reader feedback mechanism, and readers' comments, likes, favorites and other behaviors directly affect the recommendation algorithm and exposure rate of works.

- If the plot setting of the heroine opening a harem in a work is widely criticized or resisted by readers, the platform may reduce the recommendation and promotion of the work, thus affecting the popularity of such plots in women's frequency novels.

It should be noted that these reasons are not isolated, they interact and influence each other, and together constitute the current situation of reservations about the heroine's harem plot in the current female frequency novels. At the same time, with the continuous progress of social culture and the diversification of readers' aesthetics, this phenomenon is gradually changing, and there may be more female frequency works in the future that try to explore different emotional expressions and character settings.

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