
Is it true that you will be rich without a fight?

author:Popular science of agriculture and agriculture
Introduction: "Ten fingers without fighting, a lifetime of wealth", is it true that you will be rich without fighting?

"One bucket is poor, two buckets are rich, three buckets and four buckets sell tofu, five buckets and six buckets open pawnshops, seven buckets and eight buckets sit and walk, and nine buckets and ten buckets enjoy Qingfu. This sentence has been circulating for a long time, and when I was a child, I often heard people around me say that at that time, I felt that the more fights the better, and I hoped that my "fights" would be more.

We can look at our fingerprints, some are circle-shaped "buckets", some are "bows", and some are "dustpans".

Is it true that you will be rich without a fight?

Fingerprints can be said to be unique, and it is almost impossible to find a fingerprint that is exactly the same as oneself, and it is said that there is only a 1 in 15 billion probability.

That is, fingerprints are a unique property that is used to determine a person's identity. For example, police officers will identify criminals based on fingerprints.

In fact, the use of fingerprints as evidence to solve crimes has existed in ancient times, and it is not a means that is only available now. For example, in "Sealed Diagnosis: Cave Thieves", it is described that the scene of the theft left traces of hands and knees, and the government used these marks for investigation. This shows that in the Qin Dynasty, people have begun to recognize the importance of fingerprints in solving crimes, and use them as one of the important evidences. Therefore, in the Qin Dynasty, our ancestors already had a way to use fingerprints to solve crimes.

Is it true that you will be rich without a fight?

A Chinese writer from the Tang Dynasty called Jia Gongyan emphasized that fingerprints were the first person to identify an individual. Moreover, in the Song Dynasty, it has been developed relatively perfectly, for example, in the Song Dynasty Song Ci wrote a collection of grievances, it is said that the perpetrator can be judged by fingerprints.

In addition, when we watch TV dramas, we will see the clip of "Drawing", at that time, because most people were illiterate, let alone could write, so they used the way of pressing their fingerprints instead of signing, which also shows the uniqueness of fingerprints, "Drawing", that is, they have agreed. In addition, when we sign contracts in the past, we will put their fingerprints on the contract, and the parties will stamp their fingerprints on the contract to confirm their identity and agree to the contents of the transaction.

Is it true that you will be rich without a fight?

So, is it true that one bucket is poor and two buckets are rich?

This is because the ancients believed that the "bucket" was used to hold grain, and the dustpan was used to hold garbage.

In fact, this statement is obviously unfounded, just the people's yearning and prayer for a better life in the future.

Fingerprints are a sign of health!

For example, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has done a large-scale fingerprint study of 20,000 people. Studies have found that if you have a lot of buckets on your hands, your little finger will usually be a little longer, and the rest of your fingers will be slightly shorter. If you have fewer "buckets", the end knuckles of your fingers will be longer.

In other words, fingerprints on the fingers are closely related to the growth and development of our human body, and can help to identify some genetic diseases. For example, people with "severed palms" have a higher probability of having Down's children.

Is it true that you will be rich without a fight?

Some people say that I don't have a single "bucket" of fingerprints, all of them are "dustpans", what do you say?

For all "dustpan" shaped fingerprints, the ancients also left a lot of sayings, such as, the following sentence:

"Ten fingers without fighting, rich in life"

This means that if there are no "bucket" patterns, and all of them are "dustpan patterns", then the person may be considered to be free from too many troubles and obstacles.

According to the previous smooth statement, it should be that the more "buckets", the better, why is it better to have no "buckets"?

This is mainly related to the values of ancient people, who believed that everything is the opposite of the extreme, and once things go to the extreme, they will develop in the opposite direction. In other words, it was originally the more "fights" the better, but when it really came to no, it might be better. Therefore, there is a saying that "without a fight with both hands, you will be rich all your life".

How many "buckets" do you have? Do you think that the more "buckets" the more good luck it will bring? Looking forward to your comment! Thanks for reading.