
God-given treasure – think about it

author:Lindy missed

#育儿薪计划 #

There is a saying that a child's birthday is a mother's day of suffering. This is not false at all, the arrival of the child is sometimes the mother's life to fight. That's what I've experienced myself.

The surprise of the arrival of the twins

Think & Miss is my twin daughter, super cute and smart, and they are a surprise given to me by God.

God-given treasure – think about it

There have never been twins in my husband's family, and their arrival was like an angel coming to my house, and I was so lucky that when I learned that I had twins, my husband was as happy as if he had won the jackpot.

In the winter of 2019, we have just bought a house and are looking forward to a new life in a new house. One day, I suddenly wanted to eat a dish that I had never eaten before, and my mother went to the vegetable market to buy it for me to eat, and I ate it with relish, but in the evening, when the dish appeared on the table again, I was sick to my stomach. Hey? What's going on? I was suspicious. Because I've always been a picky eater. Suddenly remembered that the big aunt who came on time every month did not visit last month, should it be there? Soon, two bars on the early pregnancy test strip confirmed my doubts.

Go to the hospital for examination, the blood test is indeed a symptom of pregnancy, but for the sake of insurance, the doctor recommends that after a week to do B ultrasound diagnosis. A week later, because my husband was too busy at work to take a leave of absence, I went alone, a very kind doctor, chatting with me while checking, asking me if I was a second child, asking me if I liked boys or girls? I said it didn't matter, boys and girls were just as good. Almost well, she said well, the child is developing very well, and the heartbeat and pulse are normal. I was about to get up, "Oh, wait a minute. The doctor's words surprised me, "There seems to be another one." As soon as she said this, I felt as if my head was blank, like a dream.

God-given treasure – think about it

Twins, I never thought about it, before walking on the street, seeing cute and cute twin dolls, really only envy, He ever thought that God would take care of me so much and give me a pair of children. I feel super lucky.

When I walked out of the hospital door, I called my husband and said, "Husband, you won the lottery." The husband laughed heartily: "Good! "The kids are fine, two." "Two? It's true? No way? That's great. ”

In the evening, my husband came back from work, took my checklist and looked at it again, looked at the two small dots in the picture on the list, and the joy was overflowing. In this way, my double treasure quietly chose me to be their mother.

Tough pregnancy

Although I had given birth before, the arrival of The Double Treasure still made me react violently. Appetite has obviously changed, the meals that I used to love to eat have no appetite, I am nauseous and sick to eat while eating, I can't spit it out, I gush a burst of acid in my stomach, but I want to eat something that I didn't like to eat before.

God-given treasure – think about it

I remember going to the supermarket one day, I saw that kind of green plum, and it was extremely sour at first glance. I had never liked to eat it before, but when I saw the plum that day, I felt that the saliva was about to flow down. There is also a very much want to eat instant noodles, in the past I did not like to eat instant noodles, did not expect to have them, whenever I think of the taste of that old altar sauerkraut noodles, I feel hungry.

Sleeping is even more unstable, or it is still unable to sleep in the middle of the night, and people have no spirit at all during the day. Or it is half-staying and half-staying dreaming, dreaming of all kinds of strange things, sometimes big fish in deep pools, sometimes eagles soaring in the blue sky, sometimes fruitful fruits in trees, sometimes calm mountains, rough seas, and many, many things appear in dreams. Say it to others, they say it's a fetal dream, hehe, it's so.

The most important and worrying thing about pregnancy is the obstetric examination. Every time there are a lot of projects to do, if you make everything is good and more at ease, if you make the indicators are not good, it is to worry about being afraid for many days.

I remember going to the maternity check-up once and saying that one baby had normal amniotic fluid and the other was too little, and that if I felt abdominal pain or something, I must go to the hospital immediately. I was frightened and asked the doctor if there was anything I could do to get more amniotic fluid. The doctor said that there was no good way for the time being, and only asked me to review it in a week. When I got home, I immediately checked on my phone if there was any way to increase the amniotic fluid, and my husband also looked around for someone to inquire. Some say drink more water, some say to move around more, and I do it one by one. That week was a worrying week. Fortunately, the amniotic fluid indicator returned to normal a week later.

God-given treasure – think about it

By the time I was seven or eight months old, my stomach was already very big, and when I went out for a walk, people would ask if it was twins. At that time, my weight had soared to more than 170 pounds, I felt like a bulky penguin, standing even my feet could not see, every day dragging a heavy belly, the feet were swollen very large, shoes could not be worn, the uterus oppressed the stomach, the food could not eat much, but after a while I was hungry, at that time to go to the obstetric examination, the blood sugar was too high, the doctor told me to control the diet, some things and fruits can not eat, it is not a taste, every day the mouth is light, and worry about the child has no nutrition, and afraid of blood sugar rises again.

Lying in bed at night, the waist and back are very sore and sore, I feel that it is not my own, it is even more difficult to turn over, and every time I have to help my husband to help me turn over. Just like that, it was good that in the later stage, everything was normal for the obstetric examination.

At the last obstetric examination, the baby was just 37 weeks old, I went alone that day, I just finished the examination, showed the list to the attending doctor, she looked at it, and said: "You don't leave, immediately hospitalize for delivery." I said, "Huh? Doctor, I'm not due yet, I'm two weeks away. Besides, I had to go home and pack my things. The doctor said solemnly: "What is there to pack, you may be born at any time now, do you know?" Listen to me, hurry up and get hospitalized. ”

Listening to the doctor, I was right to live in it that morning, and I went to various examinations in the afternoon. That night, I unexpectedly slept very early and dreamed that I was attending a big party in a garden. All kinds of flowers in the garden are competing for beauty, and the bloom is particularly splendid. That dream made me feel very relaxed.

God-given treasure – think about it

After all the hardships, the baby is safe

The next morning my stomach began to hurt faintly, and by noon it was very painful, and my stomach was hard, like there were thousands of lines tearing me from all directions, and then I was pushed into the delivery room, and the hospital did not allow family members to accompany me, and I felt that those hours were as long as a century.

The pain is getting worse and worse, I dare not shout out, I know that giving birth to a child is a long process, I heard that deep breathing can reduce pain and save physical strength. So I could only desperately take a deep breath, but it really hurt. When the pain was unbearable, I had to grit my teeth and grasp the iron railing next to the bed. I was about to give birth, there was only one doctor in the delivery room, she was in front of the computer, and she asked me if I had a baby? I said I was born, and I gave birth. She said to me, "When you feel the most pain, you work hard." "I had to do the same.

After a bout of heart-rending pain, the first baby came out, and all I could see was her side, and she was placed in a glass box with milky white fetal fat all over her body. Then, the doctor helped me break the amniotic fluid of the second baby, but for the next twenty minutes, I felt like I was fighting life and death. The amniotic fluid flowed out little by little, but in the time that followed, the pain was gone, and I was in a hurry, and the doctor asked me over and over again, "Do you feel pain?" "No pain, doctor, what should I do?" No pain means no contractions, so how can the child be born? Time passes by minutes, and the child can't wait. "Then you can only work hard yourself, if you really can't do it, you can only cut it." The doctor said. I couldn't put words into words, one was already born, one was in danger, and the child was in danger at any time if I went to the section temporarily.

At that moment, I could only gamble desperately, my heart was crossed, I used all my strength, once, twice, three times, four times, "uproar", the child came out. My hanging heart finally let go, and I felt so tired that I had no strength at all.

God-given treasure – think about it

In this way, my baby came into this world safely, and all the hardships I endured were worth it. Grateful for life, let me have such a lovely them, bring me a lot of joy and happiness!

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