
God's Voice 5 Issue 2: What do music critics do? Each song is ranked individually and intuitively

author:Worry-free larks

"The Voice of God 5" No. 2: The splendor of music and the collision of perspectives

Zhejiang Satellite TV's "The Voice of God 5" Phase 2 set off another music boom, this episode of the program not only showed the outstanding talents of the singers, but also triggered in-depth discussions and reflections in the comments of music critics.

God's Voice 5 Issue 2: What do music critics do? Each song is ranked individually and intuitively

1. Zhang Xinzhe and Huang Xiaoyun's "Painting Heart"

The cooperation between Zhang Xinzhe and Huang Xiaoyun can be called the bright star of this program. Their joint interpretation of "Painting the Heart" not only shows the charm of their respective voices, but also conveys deep emotions in the blending of music. The tacit cooperation between the two singers seems to bring the audience into a poetic world of music.

God's Voice 5 Issue 2: What do music critics do? Each song is ranked individually and intuitively

2. The cross-border cooperation between Yang Zongwei and Yao Xiaotang

In this episode, the cross-border cooperation between Yang Zongwei and Yao Xiaotang has become a highlight. The two singers have very different musical styles, but they find a perfect fit in this song. Their chorus not only showed the charm of their unique voices, but also generated new sparks in the collision of music.

God's Voice 5 Issue 2: What do music critics do? Each song is ranked individually and intuitively

3. A new interpretation of Zhang Bichen and Wang Sulong's "Destiny".

The cooperation between Zhang Bichen and Wang Sulong brings us a new interpretation of "Destiny". Zhang Bichen's voice is clear and powerful, and Wang Sulong has injected new life into the song with his unique arrangement and singing. Their collaboration has given this classic a new glow and made us feel the infinite possibilities of music.

God's Voice 5 Issue 2: What do music critics do? Each song is ranked individually and intuitively

4. The summer style of Ji Ke Junyi and Zhou Baihao

The collaboration between Ji Ke Junyi and Zhou Baihao brings us the summer style of "Summer". Ji Ke Junyi adds a strong exotic touch to the song with his unique voice and unrestrained interpretation, while Zhou Baihao adds a romantic touch to the song with his gentle voice and delicate singing. The collaboration between the two of them seems to transport us into a summer world full of sunshine and enthusiasm.

God's Voice 5 Issue 2: What do music critics do? Each song is ranked individually and intuitively

5. Chen Chusheng and Xu Jiaying's affectionate chorus

Chen Chusheng and Xu Jiaying's chorus "Riding a White Horse" is full of affection and emotion. Chen Chusheng's voice is deep and magnetic, while Xu Jiaying adds a new color to the song with her fresh voice and stable singing skills. Their chorus not only showed their singing skills, but also conveyed deep emotions in the blending of music.

God's Voice 5 Issue 2: What do music critics do? Each song is ranked individually and intuitively

A music critic's unique perspective

In addition to the wonderful performances of the singers, the music critics in this episode also brought us unique perspectives and in-depth thinking. Their unique insights and wonderful comments on music not only gave us a deeper understanding of music, but also allowed us to see the diversity and inclusiveness of music criticism. In the confrontation of music critics, we felt the diversity and richness of music, and also gave us a deeper thinking and understanding of music.

God's Voice 5 Issue 2: What do music critics do? Each song is ranked individually and intuitively

Overall, the second issue of "The Voice of God 5" brought us a feast of music and a collision of views. Let's look forward to the next episode of the show to continue to bring us more wonderful music and unique insights!

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