
A few Chinese and Western dishes are worth collecting

author:Chinese kitchen
{"info":{"title":{"content":"几道中西结合菜,值得收藏","en":"A few Chinese and Western dishes are worth collecting"},"description":{"content":"蟹黄鸡肉石榴球原料:鸡腿肉、百叶、鱼子酱、迷你胡萝卜、蟹味菇、酸梅酱、腐乳、藤椒汁制作:1.鸡腿肉去骨腌制入味,卷核桃后...","en":"Crab roe chicken pomegranate ball Ingredients: chicken thigh, shutter, caviar, mini carrot, crab mushroom, sour plum sauce, fermented bean curd, rattan pepper sauce Production: 1. Chicken thigh meat is deboned and marinated, and after rolling walnuts..."}},"items":[]}

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