
"May Day" Yellow Persimmon Tourist Route! Going so far during the holiday, the locals will praise you for playing~

author:Palm Bayannur
{"info":{"title":{"content":"“五一”黄柿子旅游线路!假期这么走,本地人都要夸你会玩~","en":"\"May Day\" Yellow Persimmon Tourist Route! Going so far during the holiday, the locals will praise you for playing~"},"description":{"content":"天水喊我去吃麻辣烫,版纳邀我去过泼水节,潍坊喊我去放风筝,洛阳催我去看牡丹花,景德镇喊我玩泥巴!我都不去!这个五一,我要...","en":"Tianshui called me to eat Malatang, Banna invited me to the Songkran Festival, Weifang called me to fly kites, Luoyang urged me to see peony flowers, Jingdezhen called me to play with mud! I won't go! This May Day, I want to..."}},"items":[]}