
This nectar source is a boon for men, and a savior for bee colonies in autumn

author:Listen to the bees

There are plants in the south that belong to traditional Chinese medicine, and they have many effects such as reducing fire and relieving cough, moistening the lungs and reducing swelling. In autumn, the tree will bloom one after another, and its flowers are pollen and honey, mainly pollen, and bees can make high-quality "traditional Chinese medicine honey" after collection, and beekeepers can also obtain high-quality "traditional Chinese medicine pollen" through de-pollination. This kind of pollen and honey are especially suitable for groups such as sweating, lung deficiency, and kidney deficiency, and have very good health care effects when taken daily.

This plant is our common gallic tree.

The gallic tree blooms in the form of yellow grains, which can be collected by both Chinese and Italian bees, and is a very good and very important nectar source in the south. Gallic not only produces gallic honey and collects gallic pollen for us to enjoy, but also plays the role of a savior of the bee colony in many cases.

This nectar source is a boon for men, and a savior for bee colonies in autumn

Flowering gallnut

1. Taste and state characteristics of gallic honey:

Gallnut honey has a slightly bitter taste, the color is blue-green, and after crystallization for a long time, it is lard, yellow-green-white, but during the gallnut flowering period, there will be other scattered flowers in the outside world, so the gallic honey we collect is generally not 100% pure gallic honey source.

2. Characteristics of gallic nectar source:

Gallnut is a nectar source plant with more powder and less honey, and generally beekeepers will choose to depowder.

3. Flowering of gallnut:

1. The time of gallic is in autumn, that is, September and October of the current solar calendar; because gallic covers a wide area in the south and spans a large area, from the Yangtze River basin to the south to the Pearl River basin, so the flowering time of each place is still affected by the different climates in various places, and there is a little time difference.

2. There must be a certain amount of rain to moisten the gallnut before flowering, otherwise the flowering situation will be very poor, and it is difficult to collect gallnut pollen and gallnut honey. Therefore, this honey, like the winter wild osmanthus nectar, is also very low, and many times it is difficult to book with beekeepers. At least this is the status quo in Hunan, where the bees are located.

So when you can get gallnut honey, you're really lucky.

This nectar source is a boon for men, and a savior for bee colonies in autumn

Quintuploid flower

So why does the gallic tree play the role of the savior of the colony many times?

1. The flowering period of gallic tree belongs to the period when the nectar source is very scarce.

Gallnut blooms in autumn, and there are basically no other kinds of large nectar sources in the outside world during this time.

Once the bee colony lacks a stable supply of honey, it is easy to withdraw the bees and collapse.

2. Autumn is a period of more torment for bees, and the threat from wasps is great at this time; the outside temperature is still high, which does not belong to the comfortable environment of bees; the bees are also prone to nesting insects during this time period; and so on, under the influence of these external unfavorable factors, if there is no stable nectar source to "stabilize the military heart", it is easy to cause various disease symptoms in the bee colony. After all, we have a technical principle in beekeeping, that is, "honey presses the spleen", that is, more honey can suppress the spleen and reduce the probability of disease in the bee colony.

3. Autumn is a key time point for bees, and "autumn multiplication" has always been regarded as very important by beekeepers, whether it is to breed overwintering bees for winter, or in the south to collect the nectar source at the end of the year, at this time need a good nutrient supply to breed bee colonies.

What bees need most to reproduce: pollen. Gallic happens to be a plant with a lot of powder, so it can play a very good role in promoting bees.

This nectar source is a boon for men, and a savior for bee colonies in autumn

Quintuploid flower

Some people will say, "If I don't have gallnut, I can buy pollen to feed the bees." This is indeed the truth, but the bee feed you buy is risky, and it costs a lot of money. Wouldn't it be smoother to have the help of gallnut, a natural nectar source, so that the bees can develop on their own?

From the above description, it is not difficult to find out why gallic is so popular with beekeepers;

1. The nectar source belongs to Chinese medicinal materials, and the collected pollen and brewed honey have very high edible value.

2. The timing of flowering is very powerful, which avoids the window period during the flowering period, which is the savior of food for the bee colony in autumn, and effectively helps beekeepers increase income and reduce pressure.

So, do you like gallic honey?