
The 62-year-old uncle fell to the ground and died at night, and the doctor advised: no matter how sleepy you are, you must do 3 things before going to bed

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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Lao Zhao is enjoying the joy of the upcoming May Day holiday, and he participates in the "Welcome to May Day" tea party organized by the community.

The 62-year-old retired postman sat around with his neighbors, and the conversation inevitably turned to health. Lao Zhao said with a smile: "In these days, health is more important than anything else. ”

As soon as the topic changed, everyone shared their own health tips. Lao Zhao is an optimistic storyteller, and he likes to tell some of his interesting stories and life insights in a humorous way on the eve of important holidays.

The 62-year-old uncle fell to the ground and died at night, and the doctor advised: no matter how sleepy you are, you must do 3 things before going to bed

However, in this relaxed atmosphere, there are also some health crises that he never expected.

On a seemingly ordinary night, Lao Zhao experienced a major turning point in his life. He was about to go to bed when he suddenly felt a sharp headache and dizziness, and then he fell to the ground and never got up.

Later, the doctor found that the cause of Zhao's death was related to his long-term high blood pressure and heart disease, which seemed to have never caused him much trouble.

The 62-year-old uncle fell to the ground and died at night, and the doctor advised: no matter how sleepy you are, you must do 3 things before going to bed

In his community health lecture, the doctor made a special mention of Lao Zhao's case, emphasizing that no matter how tired you are, there are three things you must do before going to bed to ensure your health:

Blood pressure and heart disease medication test: Although Lao Zhao has taken drugs for heart disease and high blood pressure, he often forgets to check whether the effect of the drugs and the dosage are appropriate.

Doctors recommend that all patients with similar conditions should check their blood pressure once before bedtime and make sure that the day's medication has been taken on time.

The 62-year-old uncle fell to the ground and died at night, and the doctor advised: no matter how sleepy you are, you must do 3 things before going to bed

Moderate nocturnal activity: Prolonged sedentary periods of time are a great burden on the heart. Doctors recommend that light activities, such as walking or simple household chores, before bed can help improve heart function and circulation, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Relax your mind and reduce stress: Stress is a significant contributor to heart disease and high blood pressure.

Doing some relaxing activities before bed, such as listening to soft music, reading, or meditating, can help reduce stress levels in people with heart disease and high blood pressure.

The 62-year-old uncle fell to the ground and died at night, and the doctor advised: no matter how sleepy you are, you must do 3 things before going to bed

In detailing Zhao's case, the doctor also singled out a study that was done by several international heart research centers.

The study showed that people with high blood pressure and heart disease who did all three of these activities before bed had a lower chance of heart attack, and specific data showed that such a habit could reduce the chance of heart attack by more than 30%.

Zhao's example serves as a wake-up call that no matter how healthy they feel, they should not ignore these basic health management measures.

The 62-year-old uncle fell to the ground and died at night, and the doctor advised: no matter how sleepy you are, you must do 3 things before going to bed

His sudden death was a wake-up call for everyone in the community to start paying attention to healthy habits at night.

At the end of the story, the article does not summarize, but instead asks the question: if a person is in a high-pressure environment for a long time, what mental and physical health management strategies are most effective?

To answer this question, we need to have an in-depth understanding of the specific effects of stress on the body. Long-term psychological stress can lead to a range of physical problems, including but not limited to high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, etc.

The 62-year-old uncle fell to the ground and died at night, and the doctor advised: no matter how sleepy you are, you must do 3 things before going to bed

Effective management strategies include regular counselling, maintaining an appropriate amount of physical activity, ensuring adequate sleep, and establishing a stable social support system.

Not only can these strategies help relieve stress, but they can also significantly improve overall physical well-being.

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