
Why do I lose weight so quickly after stopping carbs?

author:Song Pharmacist

#为何停吃碳水后, rapid weight loss?##头条创作挑战赛#在当前健康和健身的潮流中, low-carb diets (such as the ketogenic diet) have become one of the popular ways to lose weight and manage weight. Many people report rapid weight loss after starting this diet regimen. This article will delve into the scientific reasons why weight loss occurs so rapidly after stopping carbohydrate intake, and provide relevant research data to support these ideas.

Why do I lose weight so quickly after stopping carbs?

The role of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are one of the main sources of energy for the human body, and it provides energy in the human body mainly through conversion to glucose. When the amount of carbohydrates consumed exceeds the amount immediately needed by the body, the excess glucose is converted into liver sugar and stored in the liver and muscles. Once these reserves are full, the extra glucose is converted into fat.

Why weight loss occurs so quickly

When people stop eating carbohydrates, the body first uses up the liver sugar stored in the liver and muscles. Each gram of liver glucose binds about 3-4 grams of water. Therefore, when these liver sugars are consumed, the water stored in the body is also lost in large quantities. This is the main reason why weight loss can occur rapidly in the early stages of starting a low-carb or carbon-free diet.

Why do I lose weight so quickly after stopping carbs?

Backed by scientific data

According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a low-carb diet can significantly reduce body weight and body water in a short period of time. The study showed that during the first two weeks of the experiment, participants lost an average of about 4.5 kilograms, most of which was due to the loss of body water.

Long-term effects

Although low-carb diets can lead to rapid weight loss, the long-term effects depend on a variety of factors. Once the body adjusts to a low carbohydrate intake, the rate of weight loss usually slows down, and the weight loss thereafter is mainly due to a decrease in fat mass. Additionally, consistent low carb intake may affect the body's metabolic rate and overall health.

Why do I lose weight so quickly after stopping carbs?

Health risks and recommendations

Long-term implementation of a very low-carbohydrate diet may pose several health risks, including malnutrition, abnormally high cholesterol levels, and increased burden on the kidneys. Therefore, it is advisable to follow such a diet under the guidance of a doctor or dietitian and ensure that the diet contains enough fiber, vitamins, and minerals.


Rapid weight loss after stopping carbohydrate intake is mainly due to a large loss of water in the body, rather than rapid fat burning. To stay healthy and achieve long-term weight management goals, it's even more important to adopt a balanced diet and moderate physical activity.