
As soon as I finish eating, I want to pull, is it good digestion or physical problems? Be wary of this disease, which is easy to be missed

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health talk

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Xiao Wang is a young programmer. Recently, he noticed that there was something unusual about his gut condition: every time he finished eating, he always felt the urge to defecate quickly and then rushed to the toilet. At first, Xiao Wang didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that it might just be a sign that the digestive system was working "too well". But gradually, he found that this situation became more and more frequent, and it began to affect his work and life.

Xiao Wang decided to go to the hospital to have a look. At the hospital, he met Dr. Lee. Dr. Lee is a specialist in gastroenterology and has extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of various digestive diseases.

After carefully inquiring about Xiao Wang's symptoms, Dr. Li asked, "Xiao Wang, how long have you been in this situation, and do you have any other discomforts?"

As soon as I finish eating, I want to pull, is it good digestion or physical problems? Be wary of this disease, which is easy to be missed

Xiao Wang replied: "It's been about a few months." In addition to wanting to pull after eating, I often feel abdominal pain and sometimes diarrhea. Is that a sign that I'm digesting too well, doctor?"

Dr. Lee shook his head and said, "I'm afraid not." The symptoms you describe are most likely manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome. "

Xiao Wang was taken aback and asked, "Irritable bowel syndrome? What is it? Is it serious?"

"Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS for short, is a common functional gastrointestinal disease. Its main feature is that the intestines overreact to various stimuli, resulting in a series of digestive symptoms, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, etc. And the 'want to pull as soon as you finish eating' you mentioned is also a typical manifestation of IBS. "

As soon as I finish eating, I want to pull, is it good digestion or physical problems? Be wary of this disease, which is easy to be missed

"Is this disease dangerous?" Xiao Wang asked with some concern.

"IBS is not dangerous on its own," says Dr. Lee, "and it does not cause serious problems such as intestinal inflammation or tumors. But if left untreated, it can seriously affect the patient's quality of life. Moreover, because the symptoms of IBS are similar to those of many other digestive diseases, treatment for other diseases may be delayed if not diagnosed in time. "

After listening to this, Xiao Wang asked, "Then what should I do now, doctor?"

"We need further tests to rule out other possible diseases," Dr Lee said. This may require some colonoscopy, CT scan, etc. Once IBS is diagnosed, we can develop a treatment plan accordingly.

Usually, we start with lifestyle changes such as diet modifications, stress reduction, moderate exercise, etc. When necessary, we also use some medications, such as anticonvulsants, antidepressants, etc., to relieve symptoms. "

As soon as I finish eating, I want to pull, is it good digestion or physical problems? Be wary of this disease, which is easy to be missed

It is estimated that about 10-15% of the global population suffers from IBS. However, because its symptoms are similar to many other digestive disorders, IBS is often missed or misdiagnosed. This is also the reason why doctors are "vigilant".

So, how can we tell if we may have IBS? Experts suggest that you need to be vigilant if you have the following symptoms:

1. Feeling the urge to defecate soon after eating, and even diarrhea;

2. Frequent abdominal pain and discomfort;

3. Abnormal stool quality, such as loose stool, mucus stool, etc.;

4. Changes in bowel habits, such as increased or decreased frequency of bowel movements;

5. There is significant psychological stress, and the symptoms are associated with mood changes.

As soon as I finish eating, I want to pull, is it good digestion or physical problems? Be wary of this disease, which is easy to be missed

Of course, these symptoms are not necessarily IBS. Many other digestive disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, etc., can also cause similar presentations. Therefore, if you have similar symptoms, it is crucial to seek medical attention in time and receive professional diagnosis and treatment.

So, how can we prevent and manage IBS?

First, adjust your diet: avoid irritating foods, such as spicy, greasy foods. If necessary, try a low-FODMAP diet (a diet that restricts certain fermented carbohydrates).

Second, manage stress: learn stress-relieving techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, etc. If necessary, you can seek help from a psychologist.

As soon as I finish eating, I want to pull, is it good digestion or physical problems? Be wary of this disease, which is easy to be missed

Third, regular exercise: moderate exercise, such as walking, jogging, etc., can promote intestinal peristalsis and relieve symptoms.

Fourth, regular medication: If the doctor prescribes the drug, take it on time and in the right amount, and do not stop or adjust the dosage without authorization.

Fifth, regular check-ups: Even if the symptoms are relieved, follow the doctor's advice for regular check-ups so that possible problems can be detected and dealt with in a timely manner.

At the same time, we need to change some of our preconceived notions about disease. Many people may think that only those "serious" diseases, such as tumors, inflammation, etc., deserve attention. However, functional diseases such as IBS, although not "life-threatening", can also seriously affect our quality of life if left undiagnosed.

As soon as I finish eating, I want to pull, is it good digestion or physical problems? Be wary of this disease, which is easy to be missed

The key is that we should establish a correct view of health. Health is not only the absence of disease, but also a complete state of mind and body.