
Try this simple spleen nourishment method to easily have a healthy spleen and stomach

author:Li Xu Yao, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

"Did you know that a healthy spleen and stomach is the source of your vitality!" It's not just a sentence, it's a fact. Among our middle-aged and elderly friends, many people suffer from spleen and stomach discomfort every day. Post-meal gas, indigestion, and even loss of appetite can all be caused by a weak spleen. However, many people don't know that in fact, through some simple and effective methods, these symptoms can be completely improved, and it is easy to have a healthy spleen and stomach. Today, let's explore the simple ways to nourish your spleen and stomach so you can enjoy your health every day again.

Try this simple spleen nourishment method to easily have a healthy spleen and stomach

Spleen and stomach – your health "energy station"

Physiological functions of the spleen

The spleen plays an important role in our body. Not only is it a filtering station for the blood, but it is also part of the immune system, which is responsible for monitoring foreign substances in the blood and producing antibodies against these outsiders. In TCM theory, the spleen has a broader role to transform and transport nutrients, support blood production and ensure the health of muscles and limbs.

Consequences of splenic dysfunction

Poor spleen function not only affects digestion but can also lead to poor nutrient absorption and decreased physical fitness. In the long run, spleen dysfunction may lead to problems such as weak constitution, susceptibility to colds, and anemia. And in our lives, poor eating habits, excessive mental stress and insufficient physical activity can all become factors that affect spleen function.

Real-life impact

Many middle-aged and elderly people may experience decreased spleen and stomach function, manifested by symptoms such as indigestion and loss of appetite. Not only does this affect vitality and well-being in daily life, but it can also lead to poor nutritional status, further impacting health and quality of life. Therefore, it is of great significance to understand how to maintain and improve the function of the spleen and stomach to improve the quality of life.

Demystifying: The limitations of the traditional tummy rubbing method

In traditional health regimens, tummy kneading is considered to be a simple self-treatment designed to stimulate the abdomen by manual stimulation to improve digestion and spleen and stomach function. However, the practical benefits and applicability of this approach, especially among middle-aged and older people, have some limitations that have not been widely discussed.

First of all, the effect of belly rubbing largely depends on the correctness of the technique and the frequency of operation. Incorrect manoeuvres can lead to abdominal discomfort and even injury, especially in people with a history of specific health problems such as hernias, inflammatory bowel disease, or abdominal surgery. In addition, there is not sufficient scientific evidence to support the direct effect of tummy rubbing on spleen and stomach function, and its long-term health benefits remain to be seen.

Try this simple spleen nourishment method to easily have a healthy spleen and stomach

Secondly, for most middle-aged and elderly people, tummy rubbing may be difficult to perform consistently due to physical strength or flexibility limitations. This not only affects the feasibility of the method, but also reduces its popularity and practicability. Therefore, although tummy rubbing is a traditional and widely spread health regimen, its effectiveness and safety in practical application require more attention and careful consideration.

Recommended alternatives: simple and effective ways to nourish the spleen

In view of the limitations of the traditional method of kneading the belly, here is a simpler and more effective way to nourish the spleen - spleen and stomach exercises. This method combines easy positioning and breathing techniques to promote overall health by enhancing spleen and stomach function, especially for middle-aged and elderly people.

Step 1: Adjust your position

Lie flat on a comfortable mat with your knees slightly bent and your feet flat.

Take a few deep breaths and relax your entire abdomen.

Step 2: Gently press on your abdomen

Gently place your hands on your abdomen with your palms down.

While taking a deep breath, gently press on your abdomen and do not use too much force to avoid causing discomfort.

Step 3: Breathing synchronously

While compressing, take deep breaths, expanding your abdomen as much as you can as you inhale and contracting as you exhale.

This combination of breathing and compression helps to promote blood circulation in the abdomen and enhance the function of the spleen and stomach.

Try this simple spleen nourishment method to easily have a healthy spleen and stomach

Step 4: Relax and reflect

After completing the above movements, lie still for a few minutes and feel the movement of your abdomen.

This relaxation phase helps to consolidate the effects of the practice and promotes inner self-awareness.

The advantage of this spleen nourishment method lies in its simplicity and gentle requirements on the body, making it an easy and healthy practice for middle-aged and elderly people to adhere to in their daily life. In addition, compared with tummy rubbing, spleen and stomach exercises pay more attention to the coordination of internal muscle groups and respiratory system, which can effectively activate the function of the spleen and stomach and improve digestion and absorption.

By implementing this method of nourishing the spleen, middle-aged and elderly people can promote the health of the spleen and stomach without overexerting muscles or causing discomfort. Regular practice of this simple spleen and stomach exercise, combined with a healthy diet and moderate exercise, can help boost the overall body's immunity and metabolism, improve digestion and absorption, and thus promote overall health. When choosing a regimen that is right for you, it's important to make sound decisions based on your individual's health and physical condition, and consult with a medical professional if necessary.