
Those who like to pluck their ears will have to suffer three consequences sooner or later!

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

In the dead of night, Mr. Zhang habitually takes out his small toolbox, which contains various ear picks and cotton swabs, which has become his "relaxation" ritual every night.

At first, he thought it would keep his ears clean and comfortable, but over time, the behavior evolved into a habit that he couldn't help himself.

Mr. Zhang began to notice that his ears were getting more and more itchy, and it seemed that he could not sleep without digging. But what he didn't know was that this seemingly harmless habit was actually quietly eating away at his health.

Those who like to pluck their ears will have to suffer three consequences sooner or later!

1. The natural role and importance of earwax

Earwax, medically known as cerumen, is an often overlooked wax that is actually a faithful protector of the ear canal. It is secreted by the sebaceous and cerumen glands in the external auditory canal, and its main components are keratin and fatty acids, mixed with some dust and skin debris.

This unique blend not only lubricates the ear canal and prevents dryness and cracks, but also effectively prevents the intrusion of bacteria and tiny foreign bodies. In fact, some components in earwax also have antimicrobial effects, inhibiting the growth of some common pathogens.

More importantly, earwax has the ability to renew itself. Whenever we chew or open our mouths, these movements help the earwax to slowly move outward, naturally carrying accumulated dust and tiny foreign bodies out of the body in the process.

Therefore, earwax is not only a protective substance, it is also a highly efficient self-cleaning system. Although its appearance may not be pleasant, these functions of earwax are an integral part of our daily health.

Those who like to pluck their ears will have to suffer three consequences sooner or later!

2. The dangers of ear plucking: the risk of a common habit

Although plucking your ears may seem like an intuitive way to clean your ears, in reality, this practice is often counterproductive. Tools commonly used when picking ears, such as cotton swabs and ear pickers, can easily damage the fragile skin of the external auditory canal.

Once the skin is damaged, it provides an opportunity for bacteria, which can cause inflammation of the external ear canal or can lead to more serious infections.

In addition, excessive force or improper use of the ear may also push the earwax deeper, resulting in earwax embolism, which in turn can block the ear canal and affect hearing.

Long-term ear plucking will stimulate the skin of the ear canal and accelerate its metabolism, resulting in excessive secretion of cerumen glands, which in turn causes excessive accumulation of earwax.

More seriously, frequent mechanical stimulation may lead to abnormal proliferation of cells in the external auditory canal, which may develop into skin lesions of the ear canal and even cancer of the external auditory canal over time.

Those who like to pluck their ears will have to suffer three consequences sooner or later!

3. Serious consequences: from hearing loss to squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal

Among the many health problems caused by ear plucking, the most worrying are hearing loss and squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal. Long-term ear picking can not only lead to physical damage to the external ear canal, but it can also cause chronic inflammation.

In some cases, inflammation can progress, if not properly treated, to develop into squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal.

Studies have shown that squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal, although rare, can have serious consequences that may require removal of the ear or even more extensive surgery to control the disease.

The initial symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal can be subtle, such as persistent ear pain or increased ear discharge, which are often overlooked or mistaken for an ordinary external ear canal infection.

As the condition progresses, patients may experience a process from mild hearing loss to complete deafness. In addition, the aggressive growth of cancer can affect nearby tissues and structures, such as the parotid gland and cervical lymph nodes, creating greater treatment challenges and complexity.

In the battle to prevent this series of serious consequences, public education and health awareness are particularly important. The public needs to be aware that the seemingly simple act of picking out ears actually carries significant health risks.

Doctors and health professionals should be more active in educating people about this and avoid making small mistakes.

Those who like to pluck their ears will have to suffer three consequences sooner or later!

4. Alternative ear picking methods and proper ear care

Before we look at alternative ear picking methods, it's important to first make it clear that in most cases, ears can be cleaned on their own. The ear canal has a self-cleaning function, and the natural drain process of earwax is sufficient to keep the ear canal clean.

Therefore, human intervention is usually not necessary except in exceptional circumstances, such as hearing loss due to excessive earwax accumulation.

For cases where you do need to clean your ears, a safer method, such as medical ear drops, is recommended. These droplets soften the earwax and allow it to fall off naturally, reducing physical damage to the ear canal.

In addition, certain mild saline irrigation may also be an option. When using these methods, the key is to be gentle and avoid using sharp or hard objects that touch the ear canal directly.

Further ear care also includes regular professional check-ups. Especially for people who use headphones regularly or work in noisy environments, regular ear health check-ups can detect potential problems early and allow for early intervention.

At the same time, for people who often experience itchy ears or ear discomfort, it is a more rational and safe choice to seek the help of a professional doctor instead of picking their ears themselves.

Those who like to pluck their ears will have to suffer three consequences sooner or later!

5. Expert opinions and suggestions

When faced with the problem of ear health, many medical experts emphasize that the best strategy is to adopt the principle of prevention first and cautious intervention.

When it comes to the act of picking ears, experts generally do not recommend using hard objects such as cotton swabs and ear spoons to dig out ears directly, because this method can easily damage the ear canal or eardrum, which can cause a series of complex ear problems. Instead, they recommend seeking the help of a professional ENT doctor if necessary.

The otolaryngologists of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine also mentioned that ear props have a certain self-cleaning ability and do not require too much intervention under normal circumstances. They recommend that if you feel discomfort in your ears or have hearing loss, you should go to the hospital for professional examination and treatment.

In addition, for people who often need to deal with ear problems, such as those who use headphones frequently, doctors recommend regular ear check-ups to monitor the health of their ears.

In addition, experts also point out that it is important to avoid picking your ears in wet or unclean environments, as this may introduce pathogens and exacerbate ear problems. Proper ear care is not just about cleaning your ears, it's about maintaining the overall health of your ear canal and protecting your ears.

In daily life, keeping your ears dry and clean and avoiding picking your ears with sharp or unhygienic tools are the basic principles that everyone should follow.

Those who like to pluck their ears will have to suffer three consequences sooner or later!


As an important channel for us to communicate with the world, the health of the ear directly affects our quality of life. However, seemingly innocuous habits in everyday life, such as plucking your ears, can pose potentially significant risks to your ear health.

From simple stimulation of the external ear canal to hearing damage to serious medical conditions such as squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal, every consequence reminds us of the importance of protecting our ears. Let's treat our ears with a more scientific attitude and make sure that this window to the outside world is always clear and healthy.