
Chinese New Year's Eve horror! Outbreak of myocarditis in men Hospital ECMO emergency lifesaver

author:Loudi News Network
Chinese New Year's Eve horror! Outbreak of myocarditis in men Hospital ECMO emergency lifesaver

(Director Yang Jijun and Dr. Wang Yuqin rounded the scene)

"If Director Yang goes to eat the New Year's dinner, my cub will definitely not be saved, and he will not be able to save it for a moment, really thanks to them!" On February 19, in the ward of the 36th Ward (Cardiovascular Intervention) of Loudi Central Hospital, Brother Xiao, who lives in Lianyuan, said with emotion. Chinese New Year's Eve was originally a festive moment for the family reunion, but for Brother Xiao's whole family, it was a thrilling emergency rescue. His 33-year-old son Xiao Xiao was killed by a cold induced explosive myocarditis, fortunately, with the full cooperation of the hospital's expert team, he successfully saved Xiao Xiao from the death line!

On February 11, the lunar Chinese New Year's Eve, in the evening, the lights of Wanjia were boiling, and the family of Yang Jijun, the general head and deputy chief physician of the Department of Acute and Critical Care Medicine of Loudi Central Hospital, was no exception. My father-in-law and mother-in-law prepared a sumptuous Chinese New Year's Eve meal, and as everyone was about to enter, a phone call broke the joyful and peaceful atmosphere. After only a few words, Yang Jijun immediately stood up, "Where to go?" The family asked, "There is a patient with myocarditis in the emergency department, I have to go and see, you should eat it first!" ”

If there is a choice, Xiao Xiao does not want to disturb the reunion moment of other people's homes. After staying up a few nights years ago, he began to have a fever and went to the local hospital for injections and medicines. What was even more frightening was that on the thirtieth day, he began to feel breathless, his blood pressure plummeted, he was extremely unwell, and the whole person was irritable. Seeing that the situation was not good, his parents wanted to send him to Changsha for treatment, and the doctor said, "It's too late, hurry up and send people to the central hospital!" The ambulance whined and opened the road, around six o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Xiao was sent to Loudi Central Hospital, and after assessing his condition, Liu Jianjun, the deputy chief physician on duty, directly requested "off-site support": "Teacher Yang, there is a severely obese patient, it should be explosive myocarditis, the situation is very bad! ”

When Yang Jijun arrived, Xiao Xiao's breathing was only 50 to 60 times per minute, his blood pressure was extremely low, his breathing was difficult, his circulatory function was exhausted, and he had cardiogenic shock, his heart basically stopped beating, and his life was in danger. Yang Jijun and the director of the Department of Critical Care Medicine (ICU), Professor Xie Yu, Liu Jianjun and other experts decided, "Go to ECMO! ”

After repeated successes, ECMO has proven to be the most effective treatment for patients with fulminant myocarditis with extremely high mortality rates. However, Xiao Xiao is about one meter seven tall, weighs 220 pounds, and the excessive fat makes it extremely difficult to find the puncture angle, and a little carelessness will cause vascular damage, making the condition worse. Fortunately, the rescue team was experienced and skilled, withstood heavy pressure, successfully established vascular access, and with the continuous infusion of bright red blood, Xiao Xiao's symptoms gradually eased and he was out of danger to life.

At this time, the ICU medical staff who fought side by side breathed a sigh of relief, Chinese New Year's Eve night, they did not have time to eat, the doctor on duty "drank" a glass of milk, and then put into the busy work.

On February 15, with the cooperation of Xie Fengyong, deputy chief physician of the Department of Anesthesiology, Jiang Juhua, deputy director and deputy chief physician of Ward 31 (Orthopedics and Combined Chinese and Western Ward), led the surgical team to remove ECMO for Xiao Xiao. Although there was no schedule, the experts still sacrificed their rest time and did their best to complete the operation for Xiao Xiao. Due to excessive obesity, Xiao Xiao's vascular exposure is extremely difficult, and it usually takes only one hour of surgery, and experts take nearly twice as long to successfully complete. Two days later, Xiao Xiao, whose condition was relatively stable, was transferred to the thirty-six wards (cardiovascular intervention) and continued treatment. Dr. Wang Yuqin, the director of the department, developed a professional and high-quality treatment plan for him and helped him recover step by step.

In exchange for sincere thanks, Brother Xiao said, "The Spring Festival was different from usual, but the experts of the central hospital did not shirk it at all, saving my son's life!" They are really good doctors, responsible doctors! (Correspondent Liu Zihan)

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